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Horace, Lucretius, Plato, and Socrates, selected from King’s Antique Gems and Rings (1872) and Westropp’s Handbook of Archæology (ed. 1878); to Messrs. Macmillan & Co. for Dr. Dörpfeld’s Plan of Olympia and of the Propylœa, and for the engraving of a vase by Hieron (Vases, fig. 12). The two latter are from Miss Harrison’s Mythology and Monuments of Ancient Athens. The Plan of the Acropolis is copied from the Journal of Hellenic Studies with the kind permission of the Council of the Hellenic Society. That of the Roman Fora is reproduced from Droysen’s Historischer Handatlas, 1886. In the article on the Olympian Games, the metope on page 430 is a reduced copy from Overbeck’s Geschichte der Griechischen Plastik. In that on Vases, figs. 3 and 5 are borrowed from the Catalogue of Pottery in the Jermyn Street Museum. The engraving of the Mænads (Vases, fig. 13) is reproduced by permission from Dr. Sandys’ edition of the Bacchœ of Euripides published by the University Press, Cambridge. All these additional illustrations (which are distinguished by an asterisk) have been selected by Dr. Sandys, who has indicated, so far as practicable, the original authority on which they rest, and, in the case of works of art, the collections in which they are to be found.

In stating the English equivalents for Greek money, the editors have adopted the estimate of Professor W. W. Goodwin, in his article On the Value of the Attic Talent in Modern Money published in the Transactions of the American Philological Association, 1885, xvi, pp. 117–119, according to which the intrinsic value of a drachma is approximately 8d., and that of a talent £200. In the case of Roman money, they have followed Marquardt’s Handbuch der römischen Alterthümer in reckoning 1,000 sesterces as equivalent to £10.[1]

For the convenience of students, as well as of general readers, the quantities of Greek and Latin words have been marked once, but once only, in every article in which they occur. The Latin spelling of Greek words has been generally adopted, but the Greek form has, in all cases where it appeared advisable, been added in brackets.


March, 1891.

  1. See Preface to Third Edition of this Dictionary.