Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/1042

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1024 DIOGNETUS. DIO'GENES, artists. 1. A painter of some note, who lived in the time of Demetrius Polior- cetes. (Plin. xxxv. 11, s. 40. § 42.) 2. Of Athens, a sculptor, who decorated the Pantheon of Agrippa with some Caryatids, which were greatly admired, and with statues in the pe- diment, which were no less admirable, but which were not so well seen, on account of their position. It is very difficult to determine in what position the Car)-atids stood. Pliny says, " in columiiis.' (Plin. xxxvi. 5, s. 4. Ul.) ^ [P. S.] DIOGENIA'NUS {£^ioyiVfiav6s a gramma- rian of Cyzicus, who is also called Diogenes (Suid. s. V. Ato7eKjjy), whence some have ventured upon the conjecture, that he is the same person as Diogenes Laertiiis, which seems to be supported by the fact, that Tzetzes {Chil. iii. 61) calls the latter Diogenianus ; but all is uncertain and mere conjecture. Diogenianus of Cyzicus is called by Suidas the author of works on the seven islands of his native country, on the alphabet, on poetry, and other subjects. It cannot be determined whether the Diogenianus mentioned by Plutarch {St/mpos. viii. 1 ), or the one from whom Eusebius {Praep. Evang. iv. 3; comp. Theodoret. Thcrap. x. p. 138) quotes a fragment on the futility of oracles, is the same as the grammarian of Cyzicus or not. (Bern- hardy, ad Suui. i. p. 1378.) [L. S.] DIOGEN I A'N US ( A<07€V€ia»'(Is or AJ076i'(a>/rfs) of Heracleia on the Pontus, a distinguished gram- marian, who flourished in the reign of Hadrian. Suidas enumerates the following works of his : 1. Ae^ets iravToSairdi Kard. aroixf^ov, in five books, being an abridgement of the Lexicon of Pamphilus. [Pamphilus.] 2. An Anthology of epigrams, Tav ZuTTvpluvoi iwiypafifjMTuv dvd6oyiov ; and several geographical works. Suidas is not certiiin whether he was a native of the Pontic Ileraclcia, or whether he was not the same person as the physician Diogenianus of Heracleia Albace in Caria. Nothing is known of the contents or arrangement of his Anthology. His Lexicon seems to have been much used by Suidas and Hesychius : and indeed some suppose the Lexicon of Hesychius to have been almost entirely taken from that of Dio- genianus. A portion of it is still extant, containing a collection of proverbs, under the title Uapoifilai Si}fxeo^€is ix TTJs Aioyfviavov avvayojyTJs. Tlie work is in alphabetical order, and contains 775 proverbs. It was first printed by Schottus, with the proverbs of Zenobius and Suidas, in his irapoi- fiial 'EAA.7jvi/ca/, Antv. 1(512, 4to. Better editions have been published by Gaisford, in his Paroemio- praphi Graeci, Oxon. 1836, and by Leutsch and Schneidewinn in their Corpus Paroemiogr. Gi-aec. There are passages in this work, which, unless they are interpolations, would point to a later date than that assigned by Suidas. {¥ahnc. Bill. Grace. ▼. p. 109 ; Jacobs, Anth. Graec vi. Proleg. p. xlvi.; Leutsch and Schneid. Praef. p. xxvii.) [P. S.] DIOGENIA'NUS, FU'LVIUS, a consular under Macrinus remarkable for his imprudent free- dom of speech. The passage in Dion Cassius which contained some particulars with regard to this personage is extremely defective. He may be the same with the Fulvius who was praefect of the city when Elagabalus was slain, and who pe- rished in the massacre which followed that event. (Dion Cass. Ixxviii. 36, Ixxix. 21.) [W. R.] DIOGNE'TUS {AL6yvnTos). 1. Admiral of An- tiochus the Great, was commissioned, in B. c. 222, DIOMEDES. to convey to Seleuceia, on the Tigris, Laodice. the intended wife of Antiochus and daughter of Mithri- dates IV., king of Pontus. (Polyb. v. 43 ; comp. Clinton, F. H. iii. pp. 315, 424.) He commanded the fleet of Antiochus in his war with Ptolemy IV. (Philopator) for the possession of Coele-Syria, and did him good and efi'ectual sen'ice. (Polyb. v. 59 60, 62, 68—70.) 2. A general of the Erythrean forces which aided Miletus in a war with the Naxians. Being entnisted with the command of a fort for the anno3-ance of Naxos, he fell in love with Polycrita, a Naxian pn- soner, and married her. Through her means tlie Naxians became masters of the fort in question. At the capture of it she saved her husband's life, but died herselfof joyat the honours heaped on her by her countrjTnen. There are other editions of the stor', varying slightly in the details. (Plut. de. Mill. Virt. s. V. UoKuKpirr] ; Polyaen. viii. 36 ; Parthen. Erot. 9.) 3. A man who measured distances in his marches for Alexander the Great, and wrote a work on the subject. He is mentioned by Pliny in conjunction withBAKTON. (Plin. //. N.vl 17.) [E. E.] DIOGNE'TUS, artists. 1. An engineer, who aided the Rhodians in their resistance to Demetrius Poliorcetes. (Vitruv. x. 21, or 16. § 3, Schneider.) 2. A painter, who instructed the emperor M. Antoninus in his art. (Capitolin. Anton. 4, and Salmasius's note.) [P. S.] DIOME'DE (Aio^rfSTj), a daughter of Phorbas of Lemnos, was beloved by Achilles. (Hom. II. ix. 665 ; Eusbith. ad Hom. p. 596, and Diet. Cret. ii. 19, where her name appears in the poetical form of A(o/ii7Seta.) There are three other mythical beings of this name. (ApoUod. iii. 10. § 3 ; Hy- gin. Fah. 97 ; comp. Deion.) [L. S.] DIOME'DES (A.omtjStjs). 1. A son of Tydeus and Deipyle, the husband of Aegialeia, and the successor of Adrastus in the kingdom of Argos, though he was descended from an Aetolian family. (ApoUod. i. 8. § 5, &c.) The Homeric tradition about him is as follows : — His father Tydeus fell in the expedition against Thebes, while Diomedes was yet a boy (//. vi. 222) ; but he himself after- wards was one of the Epigoni who took Thebes. {II. iv. 405; comp. Pans. ii. 20. § 4.) Diomedes went to Troy with Sthenelus and Euryalus, carrying with him in eighty ships warriors from Argos, Tiryns, Hermione, Asine, Troezene, Eionae, Epi- daurus, Aegina, and Mases. (ii. 559, &c.) In the army of the Greeks before Troy, Diomedes was, next to Achilles, the bravest among the heroes ; and, like Achilles and Odysseus, he enjoyed the special protection of Athena, who assisted him in all dangerous moments, (v. 826, vi. 98, x. 240, xi. 312; comp. Virg. Aen. i. 96.) He fought with the most distinguished among the Trojans, such as Hector and Aeneias (viii. 110, &c., v. 310, &c.), and even with the gods who espoused the cause of the Trojans. He thus wounded Aphrodite, and drove her from the field of battle (v. 335, 440), and Ares himself was likewise wounded by him. (v. 837.) Diomedes was wounded by Pandareus, whom, however, he afterwards slew with many other Trojans, (v. 97, &c.) In the attack of the Trojans on the Greek camp, he and Odysseus oflfered a brave resistance, but Diomedes was wounded and returned to the ships, (xi. 320, &c.) He wore a cuirass made by Hephaestus, but sometuues also a lion's skin. (viii. 195, x. 177.)