Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/1086

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10(?8 DOROTHEUS. 37; XX. 1 ; Fragni. Hist. 68; Liv. xxvi. 24; Brand- stater, Gesch. des Aetol. Landes, p. 342, &c.) [E. E.] DO'RION {Aupiwv). 1. A critic and gramma- rian in the time of Hadrian. He lived at Sardis, and was a friend of Dionysius of Miletus, the rhe- torician. (Philostr. Vit. Si>ph. i. 22. § 4.) 2. A rhetorician refeired to by the elder Seneca. (Suas. 2, Qmtrov. i. 8, iv. 24.) 3. A native probably of Egypt, is recorded by Athenaeus, from whom alone our knowledge of him is derived, as a musician, a wit, a bon vivant, and the author of a treatise on his favourite deli- cacy — fish. His profession and his propensity are together marked by the name oiraSo<pv(rr]Ti^s, ap- plied to him by the comic poet Mnesimachus, in his play of ** Philip." (Jp. Af/wn. viii. p. 338, b. ; Meineke, Fragm. Com. vol. iii. p. 578.) He is mentioned too in a fragment of Machon, also pre- served by Athenaeus (viii. p. 337, c. ; Casaub. ad loc.) ; and there is an anecdote of him at the court of Nicocreon of Salamis (Athen. viii. p. 337, f.), which shews that he did not lose anything for want of asking. He was in favour also with Phi- lip of Macedon, who had him in his retinue at Chaeroneia, in b. c. 338. (Athen. iii. p. 118, b., Tii. pp. 282, d., 287, c, 297, c, 300, f., 304, f., 306, f, 309, f., 312, d., 315, b., 319, d., 320, d., 322, f., 327, f, X. p. 435, c.) There was a Dorion too, probably a different person, from whose work, called r6«p7iK(Ji', a mythological account of the origin of the word uvicfi is quoted by Athenaeus (iii. p. 78, a.). [E. E.] DORIS (Act'pfy), a daughter of Oceanus and Thetis, and the wife of her brother Nereus, by whom she became the mother of the Nereides. (Apollod. i. 2. § 2 ; Hesiod. Theog. 240, &c. ; Ov. Met. ii. 269.) The Latin poets sometimes use the name of this marine divinity for the sea itself. (Virg. Eclog. x. 5.) One of Doris's daugh- ters, or the Nereides, likewise bore the name of Doris. (Hom. //. xviii. 45.) [L. S.] DORIS (Aw^is), a Locrian, daughter of Xene- tus, wife of the elder, and mother of the younger Dionysius. (Diod. xiv. 44; Plut. lHon., 3.) She died before her husband, who seems to have lamented her loss in one of his tragedies. (Lucian. adv. Ivdoct. ^ 15.) [E.II.B.] DORO'THEUS (Aa>po0€os). A considerable number of works are mentioned by ancient writers as the productions of Dorotheus, without our being able to determine whether they belong to one or to different persons. The following, however, must be distinguished : — 1. The author of a work on the history of Alex- ander the Great, of which Athenaeus (vii. p. 276) quotes the sixth book. As Athenaeus mentions no characteristic to distinguish him from other persons of the same name, we cannot say who he was, or whether he is the author of any of the other works which are known only as the produc- tions of Dorotheus : viz. a Sicilian history (Sj/cc- AiKci), from the first book of which a fragment is preserved in Stobaeus {Flor. xlix. 49) and Apos- tolius {Proverb, xx. 13); a history of Italy ('Ira- A«Ka), from the fourth book of which a statement is quoted by Plutarch (Pandl. Min. 20 ; comp. Clem. Alex. Proirqnt. p. 12); UavdeKTi}^, of which Clemens of Alexandria {Strom, i. p. 144) quotes the first book ; and lastly, M6To/.iop(f coo-eij, which is referred to by Plutarch. {Parall. Min. 25.) 2. Of AscALON, a Greek grantmarian frequoutly DOROTHEUS. referred to by Athenaeus, who quotes the 108th book of a work of his, entitled Aelewj/ avvaywy-/). (Athen. vii. p. 329, ix. p. 410, xi. p. 481, xiv. p. 658 ; comp. Schol. ail Hom. II. ix. 90, x. 252 ; Eustath. ad Hom. II. xxiii. 230, p. 1297.) This work may be the same as the one Trepi ruv ^ivtas elprjfXfvuv Xif^wv /card (TTOixf^ov (Phot. BiN. Cod. 156), which seems to have been only a chapter or section of the great work. Another work of his bore the title •jrepl 'Ai't«^oj'oiis koI irepl rifs irapa vearepois kuixiko7s narrvns. (Athen. xiv. p. 662.) 3. Of Athens, is mentioned among the authors consulted by Pliny. {H.N. Elench. lib. xii. and xiii.) 4. A Chaldaean, is mentioned as the author of a work irepX Kidtov by Plutarch {de F'um. 23), who quotes the second book of it. Ht may be the same as the Dorotheus referred to by Pliny {H. N. xxii. 22), though the latter may also be identical with the Athenian, No. 3. 5. Bishop of Martianople, lived about A. D. 431, and was a most obstinate follower of the party and heresies of Nestorius. He was so vio- lent in his opinions, thsvt shortly before the synod of Ephesus, he declared that any man who believed, that the Virgin Mary was the mother of God was deserving of eternal damnation. He took part in the synod of Ephesus. which deposed him on account of his insisting upon the correctness of the Nestorian views; and a synod which was held soon after at Constantinople expelled him from his see. When Saturninus was appointed his succes- sor, a popular tumult broke out at Martianople, in consequence of which Dorotheus was exiled by an imperial edict to Caesareia in Cappadocia. There are extant by him four Epistles printed in a Latin translation in Lupus. {Epistol. Ephesinae, No. 46, 78, 115, 137; comp. Cave, Hvit. Lit. i. p. 328.) 6. Archimandrita of Palestine, lived about A. D. 600, and is said to have been a disciple of Joannes Monachus, on whom he waited during an illness, which lasted for several ye.'irs. He is be- lieved to have afterwards been made bishop of Brixia on account of his great learning. He wrote a work, in three books, on obscure passages in the Old and New Testament, which however is a mere compilation made from the works of Gregory the Great, for which reason it is printed among the works of the latter, in the Roman edition of 1591, and the subsequent ones. (Cave, Hist. Lit. i. p. 444; Fabr. Bibl. Or. xi. p. 103.) 7. Of SiDON, was the author of astrological poems (dTTOTcAecryuaTa), of which a few fragments are still extant. They are collected in Iriarte's Catalog. Cod. MSS. DMioth. Mai. i. p. 224, and in Cramer's Anccdota, iii. pp. 167, 185. Manilius, among the Romans, and several Arab writers, on astrologj', have made considerable use of these Apotelesmata. Some critics are inclined to consider Dorotheus of Sidon as identical with the Chaldaean. 8. Of Tyre, has been frequently confounded with Dorotheus, a presbyter of Antioch in the reign of Diocletian, who is spoken of by Eusebius. {H. E. vii. 32.) He must further be distinguished from another Dorotheus, who was likewise a con- temporar}" of Diocletian. (Euseb. //. E. viii. 1, 6.) Our Dorotheus is said to have flourished about A. D. 303, to have suffered much from the persecu- tions of Diocletian, and to have been sent into exile. Wlien this persecution ceased, he returned to his see, in which he seeins to have remained till the time of the emperor Julian, by whose emissa-