Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/16

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editions are always intended where no others are indicated: Plato, ed. H. Stephanus, 1578; Athenaeus, ed. Casaubon, Paris, 1597; the Moralia of Plutarch, ed. Francof. 1620; Strabo, ed. Casaubon, Paris, 1620; Demosthenes, ed. Reiske, Lips. 1770; the other Attic Orators, ed. H. Stephanus, Paris, 1575; the Latin Grammarians, ed. H. Putschius, Hanov. 1605; Hippocrates, ed. Kiihn, Lips. 1825-7; Erotianus, ed. Franz, Lips. 1780; Dioscorides, ed. Sprengel, Lips. 1829-30; Aretaeus, ed. Kiihn, Lips. 1828; Rufus Ephesius, ed. Clinch, Lond. 1726; Soranus, ed. Dietz, Regim. Pruss. 1838; Galen, ed. Kiihn, Lips. 1821-33; Oribasius, Aëtius, Alexander Trallianus, Paulus Aegineta, Celsus, ed. H. Stephanus, among the Medicae Artis Principes, Paris, 1567; Caelius Aurelianus, ed. Amman, Amstel. 4to. 1709.

Names of Places and Nations are not included in the Work, as they will form the subject of the forthcoming " Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography."

London, October, 1844.