Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/164

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H6 AMMOXIUS. Antw. 1630. He is quoted in the Catenae on the History of Susaniiah and on Daniel. {Nova Col- lect. Script. Vet. ab Angelo Maio, p. lGt>, iVc.vol. i. A. D. 18-25.) [A. J. C] AMMONIUS {'Afifjitivios) GRA:IMATICUS, professor of grammar at Alexandria, with Helladius, at the close of the 4th century. lie was also priest of the Egyptian Ape. On the vigorous overthrow of idolatry in Egypt by the bishop Theophilus a. d. 389-3&1, Ammonius and Helladius lied to Con- stantinople and there resumed their profession. (Socr. Hist. Eccl. v. 16.) Ammonius wrote, in Greek, On tJie Differences if Words of like Sitjnifica- iiov {ir^pl ofioiwu kol Siacpopwu h^^cuv), which is appended to many lexicons, e.g. to that of Scapula. It was edited by Valckneaer, 4to., Lugd. Bat. 1739, and with further notes by Chr. Frid. Ammon, 8vo., Erlang. 1787. There is another work by this Ammonius, irfpl d.Kvpooyias, which has not yet been printed. (Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. v. p. 715.) The historian Socrates was a pupil of Ammonius. {Hist. Eccl. v. 16.) [A. J. C] AMMONIUS {'Afifxcivios), son of Hermeas, Btudiel with his brother Heliodorus at Athens under Proclus (who died A. n. 484), and was the master of Siniplicius, Asclepius Trallianus, John Philoponus, and Damascius. His Comrneritaries (in Greek) on Plato and Ptolemy are lost, as well as many on Aristotle. His extant works are Coin- mejitaries on the Isapoqe of PorpJii/ry^ or the Fire Predicables., first published at Venice in 1500, and On the Categories of Aristotle^ and De Interpre- iatione, first published at Venice in 1503. See too ap. Alexand. Aphrodis. De /tito, p. 180, 8vo. Lond. 1658. The above-named Commentaries on Aristotle are also published in the Scholia in Ar<$tot. ed. Brandis. In MS. are his Commentaries on Aristotle's Topics and Metaphysics, and his JMcthodus construendi Astrolabium. (Fal)ric. Bibl. Graec. vol. v. p. 707.) [A. J. C] AMMONIUS, of Lamprae, a village of Attica, a Perijmtetic philosopher, who lived in the first century of the Christian aera. He was the instructor of Plutarch, who praises his great learning {Symp. iiu 1), and introduces him dis- coursing on religion and sacred rites, (ix. 15.) Corsini endeavours to shew {in vita Plutarchi^ p. 6), that Ammonius of Lamprae is really the same per- son with Ammonius the Egyptian mentioned h Eunapius, and concludes that it was from this source Plutarch obtained the minute knowledge of Egyptian worship which he has shewn in his trea- tise on I sis and Osiris. Ammonius of Lamprae is mentioned by Ammo- nius, the author of the work De Differentiis Ver- bonim, under the word )Seij,uos, as having written a treatise Ilepi Bwixoiv^ or as the fuller title is given by Athenaeus, Ufpl Ewjucov Koi Qvctikv. (xi. p. 476, f ) Whether the same Ammonius was the author of another work, Uepl rau 'A6r)vrjfriv 'EraipiSav, mentioned by Athenaes (xiii. p. 567, a), is uncertain. [B. J.] AMMO'NIUS C^fifidvios) LITHO'TOMUS, an eminent surgeon of Alexandria, mentioned by Celsus {/Je Afed. vii. Praef. p. 137), whose exact date is not known, but who probably lived in the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus, b. c. 283—247, as his name occurs in Celsus together with those of several other surgeons who lived at that time. He is chiefly celebrated for having been the first person who thought of breaking a stone within the AMMONIUS. bladder when too large for extraction entire ; on which account he received the cognomen of KiGoTOfios. An account of his mode of operation, as described by Celsus {De Med. vii, 26, p. 161), is given in ih.e Diet, of Ani. p. 220. Some medical preparations used by a physician of the same name occur also in Aetius and Paulus Aegineta, but whether they all belong to the same person is un- certain. [W. A. G.] AMMO'NIUS, the Moxk, flourished a.d. 372. He was one of the Four Great Brot/wrs (so called from their height), disciples of Pambo, the monk of Mt. Nitria"( Vitae Patnan, ii. 23 ; Pallad. Hi^t. Laus. c 12, ed. Rosweyd. p. 543.) He knew the Bible by heart, and carefully studied Didymus, Ori- gcn, and the other ecclesiastical authors. In a. d. 339-341 he accompanied St. Athanasius to Rome. In A. D. 371-3, Peter II. succeeded the latter, and when he fled to Rome from his Arian persecutors, Ammonius retired from Canopus into Palestine. He witnessed the cruelties of the Saracens against the monks of !Mount Sinai A. D. 377, and received intelligence of the sufferings of others near the Red Sea- On his return to Egypt, he took up his abode at ]Memphis, and described these distresses in a book which he wrote in Egyptian. This being found at Nancratis by a priest, named John, was by him translated into Greek, and in tlint form is extant, in Christi Alartyrum Electi tri- umphi (p. 88, ed. Combefis, 8vo., Par. 1660). Ammonius is said to have cut off an ear to avoid promotion to the episcopate. (Socr. iv. 23 ; Pallad. Hist. Imus. c. 12.) [A. J. C] AMMO'NIUS {'A/jL/xwuios) the Peripatetic, who wrote only a few poems and declamations. He was a different person from Ammonius, the teacher of Plotinus. (Longin. ap. Porphyr. in Plotin. fit. c. 20 ; Philostr. ii. 27 ; Ruhnken, Diss. dc Lonqino.) AMMO'NIUS CAfx/jLcivios), a Greek Pokt, who lived in the reign of the emperor Theodosius II. He wrote an epic poem on the insurrection of the Goths under Gainas (a. d. 400), which he called raiWa, and is said to have read in a. d. 438 to the emperor, who received it with great approbation. ( Hist. Eccles. vi. 6; Nicephor. xii. 6.) Who this Ammonius was, and whether the lines quoted in the Etymologicum Magnum {s.v.Mivavros) from one Ammonius, and the two epigrams in the Anthologia Graeca (iii. 3, p. 841, ed. Jacobs), which bear the same name, belong to him, is un- certain. [L. S.] AMMO'NIUS or H AMMONIUS, an am- bassador of Ptolemaeus Auletes, who was sent to Rome B. c. 56 to seek assistance against the Alexandrians, who had opposed the king. (Cic. ad Fam.. i. 1.) He is perhaps the same person as the Ammonius who is spoken of as one of the agents of Cleopatra in n. c. 44. {Ad Att. xv. 15.) AMMO'NIUS, called SACCAS {'A/xfidyios 2aK/cas, i.e. '2,aKKO(p6po^), or sack-carrier, beciiuse his official employment was carrying the corn, landed at Alexandria, as a public porter {saccarius., see Gothofred ad Cod. Theodos. 14, tit. 22), was bom of Christian parents. Porphyry asserts (lib. 3, adv. Christian, ap. Euseb. //. E. vi. 19), Eusebius (/. c.) and St. Jerome ( Vir. III. ^ 55) deny, that he apostatized from the faith. At any rate he combined the study of philosophy with Christianity, and is regarded by those who maintain his apostasy as the founder of the later Platonic SchooL