Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/193

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ANDRONICUS. same woman without knowing that they were rivals, arid by an unhappy mistake Manuel was fc'uiin by the hand of his brotlier. Their father, Michael, died of griff, and the emperor, exasperat- ed against his grr.ndson, showed sonic intention to exclude him from the throne. Thus a dreadful civil war, or rather three wars, arose between the I'lnperor and his grandson, which lasted from 1321 till lo"2f5, wlien at last the emperor was obliged to abdicate iu favour of the latter. Andronicus the elder retired to a convent at Drama in Thessaly, where he lived as monk under the name of Anto- iiius. He died in 1332, and his body was buried in Constantinople. ( Pachyraeres, Andronicus Pa- la&Aoqus; Nicephorus Gregoras, — x.; Canta- cuzenus, i. 1, &c.) [W. P.] ANDItONl'CUS III. PALAEO'LOGUS, the Yonmjer {^KvZpoviKo^ UoKaioKo'yos), emperor of CoNSTANTixoi'LE, was bom in 1296, and suc- ceeded his grandfather in 1328, as has been re- lated in the preceding article. lie was unsuc- cessful in his wars with the Turks ; he lost the battle of Philocrene against sultan Urklian and his brother Ala-ed-din, who had just organized the body of the Jannisaries, hy whom Thrace was ravaged as far as the Maeraus. Equally unsuccess- ful against the Catalans in Greece, he was more fortunate against the Bulgarians, the Tartars of Kiptschak, and the Servians. He was twice married, first to Agnes or Irene, the daughter of Henry, duke of Brunswick, and after her death to Anna, countess of Savoy, by whom he had two sons, John and Emanuel. At his death, in 1341, he left them under the guardianship of John Cantacuzenus, who soon be- gan to reign in his own name. (Nicephorus Gregoras, lib. ix. — xi, ; Cantacuzenus, i. c. 58, &.C., ii. c. 1 — 40 ; Phranzes, i. c. 10 — 13 ; comp. Pachvmeres, Androtiicus Pakieologns.) [W. P.] AXDRONl'CUS CYRRHESTES (so called from his nitive jilace, Cyrrha), was the builder of the octagoniU tower at Athens, vulgarly called '• the tower of the winds." Vitruvius (i. 6. § 4), after stating, that some make the number of the winds to be four, but that those who have examined the subject more carefullj' distinguished eight, adds, '* Especially Andronicus Cyrrhestes, who also set up at Athens, as a representation thereof {(wieiupluin an octagonal tower of marble, and on the several sides of the octagon he made scul])tured images of the several winds, each image looking towards the wind it represented," (that is, the figure of the north wind v/as sculptured on the north side of the building, and so with the rest), "and above this tower he set up a marble pillar {mctam). and on the top he placed a Triton in bronze, holding out a wand in liis right hand : and this figure was so contrived as to be driven round by the wind, and always to stand oppo- sit»! the blowing wind, and to hold the wand as an index above the imiige of that wind." varro aills the building " horologium." {Ii. R. iii. 5. § 17, Schn.) It formed a measure of time in two ways. On the outer walls were lines which with gnomons above them, formed a series of sun-dials, and in the building was a clepsydra, supplied from the spring called Clcpsydi-a, on the north-west of the Acropolis. The building, which still stands, has been described by Stuart and others. The plain walls are surmounted by an enuiblature, on the frieze of which are the ANDRONICUS. 175 figures of the winds in bas-relief. The cntninccH, of which there are two, on the north-east and tho north-west, have distyle porticoes of the Corinthian order. Within, the remains of the clepsydra are still visible, as are the dial lines on the outer walls. The date of the building is uncertain, but the style of the sculpture and architecture is thought to belong to the period after Alexander the Great. The clepsydra also was probably of that improved kind which was invented by Ctesibius, about 135 B. c. {Did. of Ant. s. v. Iloroloyium.) Mil Her places Andronicus at 100 B. c. (AUikay in Ersch and Gruber^'s Encydop. vi. p. 233.) From the words of Vitruvius it seems probable that Andronicus was an astronomer. The mecha- nical arrangements of his "horologium" were of course his work, but whether he was properly the architect of the building we have nothing to deter- mine, except the absence of any statement to the contrarv. [P. S.] ANDRONI'CUS, Ll'VIUS, the earliest Roman poet, as far as poetical literature is concerned ; for whatever popular poetry there may have existed at Rome, its poetical literature begins with this writer. (Quintil. x. 2. § 7.) He was a Greek and probably a native of Tarentum, and was made prisoner by the Romans during their wars in southern Italy. He then became the slave of M, Livius Salinator, perhaps the same who was consul in B. c. 219, and again in B. c. 207. Andronicus instructed the children of his master, but was after- wards restored to freedom, and received from his patron the Roman name Livius. {Yi&von. in Euseb. Cliron. ad 01. 148.) During his stay at Rome, Andronicus made liimself a perfect master of the Latin language, and appears to have exerted him- self chiefly in creating a taste for regular dramatic representations. His first drama was acted in b.c. 240, in the consulship of C. Claudius and M. Tudi- tanus {Q'xc.Brut.. 18, comp. Tusc. Quaest. i. 1, da Sened. 14 ; Li v. vii. 2; Gellius, xvii. 21) ; but Avhether it was a tragedy or a comedy is uncertain. That he wrote comedies as well as tragedies, is attested beyond all doubt. (Diomedes, iii. p. 486 ; Flavins Vopisc. Numerian^ 1 3 ; the author of the work de Couioed. d Trag.) The number of his dramas was considerable, and we still possess tho titles and fragments of at least fourteen. The sub- jects of them were all Greek, and they were little more than translations or imitations of Greek dni- mas. (Suet, de lUustr. Grammat. I ; Diomed. I. c.) Andronicus is said to have died in B c. 221, and cannot have lived beyond B.C. 214. (Osann, Jku/. Crit. p. 28.) As to the poetical merit of these compositions we are unable to form an accurate idea, since the extant fragments are few and short. The language in them appears yet in a rude and undeveloped form, but it has nevertheless a solid basis for further development. Cicero {Brut. 18) says, that in his time they were no longer worth reading, and that the 600 mules in the Clytem- nestra and the 3000 craters in the Equus Trcjanug could not afford .iny pleasure upon the stage, {ad Famil. vii. 1.) In the time of Horace, the poems of Andronicus were read and explained in schools ; and Horace, although not an admirer of early Roman poetry, says, that he should not like to see the works of Andronicus destroyed. (Horat. Epist. ii. 1. G^J.) Besides his dramas, Livius Andronicus wrote :