Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/198

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180 ANNIA GEKS. were in want of food, there came from the neigh- bouring Bovillae an aged woman of the name of Anna, who distribnted cakes among the hungry multitude, and after their return to the city the grateful people built a temple to her. A third story, likewise related by Ond, tells us that, when Mars was in love with Minerva, he applied to the aged Anna to lend him her assistance. She ap- peared before him herself in the disguise of Minerva, and when the god took hold of her veil and wanted to kiss her, she laughed him to scorn. Ovid{Fast. iii 6.}7, &c.) remarks that Anna Perenna was con- sidered by some as Luna, by others as Themis, and by others again as lo, the daeghter of Inachus, or as one of the nymphs who brought up the infant Jove. Now as Macrobius {Sat. i. '2) states, that at her festiral, which fell on the 15th of March, and wns celebrated by the Romans with great joy and merriment, the people prayed ui ammre peren- nareqiw. commode liccat^ it seems clear that Anna Perenna was originally an Italian divinity, who was regarded as the giver of life, health, and plenty, as the goddess whose powers were most manifest at the return of spring when her festival was celebrated. The identification of this goddess with Anna, the sister of Dido, is undoubtedly of late origin. (Hartung, Die Relig. d. Rum, ii. p. 229, &c.) [L. S.] ANNAEUS CORNU'TUS. [Cornutls.J ANNAEUS FLORUS. [Florus.] ANNAEUS LUCA'NUS. [Lucanus.] ANNAEUS MELLA. [Mella.] ANNAEUS SE'NECA. [Seneca.] ANNAEUS STA'TIUS. [Statius.] ANNA'LIS, a cognomen of the Villia Gens, which was first acquired by L. Villius, tnbune of the plebs, in B. c. 179, because he introduced a law fixing the year (anmis) at which it was allowable for a person to be a candidate for the public offices. (Liv. xl. 44.) The other persons of this name are : 1. Sex. ViLLirs (Annalis), a friend of Milo's (Cic. ad Fam. ii. 6), probably the same as the Sex. Annalis, of whom Quintilian speaks, (vi. 3. § 86.) 2. L. Villius Annalis, praetor in b. c. 43, was proscribed by the triumvirs, and betraj-ed to death by his son. He is probably the same as the Ji. Villius L. F. Annalis mentioned in a letter of Caelius to Cicero, a c. 51. (ad Fam. viii. 8.) His eon was killed shortly afterwards in a drunken brawl by the same soldiers who had killed his father. (Appian, B. C. iv. 17; Val. Max. ix. 11. § 6.) M. ANNEIUS, legate of M. Cicero during his government in Cihcia, B. c. 51. Anneius appears to have had some pecuniary dealings with the in- habitants of Sardis, and Cicero gave him a letter of introduction to the praetor Thermus, that the latter might assist him in the matter. In Cicero's cam- paign against the Parthians in B. c. 50, Anneius commanded part of the Roman troops. (Cic. ad Fam. xiii. 55, 57, xv. 4.) A'NNIA. 1. The wife of L. Cinna, who died B. c. 84, in his fourth consulship. She afterwards married M. Piso Calpurnianus, whom Sulla com- pelled to divorce her, on account of her previous connexion with his enemy Cinna. (Veil. Paterc. ii. 41.) 2. The wife of C. Papius Celsus, and the mo- i ther of Milo, the contemporary of Cicero. [MiLO.J j ANNIA GENS, plebeian, was of considerable j antiquity. The first person of this name whom Livy mentions, is the Latin praetor L. Annius of J ANNICERIS. Setia, a Roman colony, (b. c. 340.) [Annius No. 1.] The cognomens of this gens under the republic are : Asellus, Bellienus, Cimber, Luscus, jNIilo. Those who have no cognomen are given under Annius. According to Eckhel (v. p. 134), the genuine coins of the Annii have no cognomen upon them. The one figured below, which represents the head of a woman, and on the reverse Victory drawn by a quadrijra, with the inscriptions C. Anni. T. F. T. N. Procos. Ex. S. C. and L. Fabi. L. F. Hi(sp). is supposed to refer to C. Annius, who fouglit against Sertorius in Spain. [Annius, No, 7.] It is imagined that L. Fabius may have been tho quaestor of Annius, but nothing is known for cer- tain. T. ANMA'NUS, a Roman poet, lived in the time of Trajan and Hadrian, and was a friend of A. Gellius, who cays that he was acquainted with ancient litemture. Among other things, he ap- pears to have written Fcsccnnine verses, (Gell. vii. 7, ix, 10, XX, 8.) A'NNIBAL. [Hannibal.] ANNl'CERIS {'Auv'iKepis), a Cyrcnaic philoso- pher [Aristii'PUs], of whom the ancients have left us very vague and contradictory accounts. He is said to have ransomed Plato for 20 minae from Dionysius of Syracuse (Diog. Laert, ii. 8G) ; but we read, on the other hand, that he was a disciple of Paraebates, whose succession from Aristippus in the order of discipleship was as follows : — Aristip- pus, Arete, Aristippus the younger, Antipater, Epitiraedes, Paraebates. Plato, however, was con- temporary with the first Aristippus, and therefore one of the above accounts of Anniccris must bo false. Hence Menage on Laertius (/. c.) and Kuster on Suidas (s. v.) have supposed that there were two philosophers of the name of Anniceris, the one contemporary with Plato, the other with Alexander the Great. If so, the latter is the one of whose system some notices have reached us, and who forms a link between the Cyrenaic and Epicurean schools. He was opposed to Epicurus in two points: (1) he denied that pleasure Avas merely the absence of pain, for if so death would be a pleasure ; and (2) he attributed to every separate act a distinct object, maintaining that there was no geneml end of human life. In both these statements he reasserted the principle of Aristippus. But he diifered from Aristippus, inas- much as he allowed that friendship, patriotism, and similar virtues, were good in themselves ; say- ing that the wise man will derive pleasure from such qualities, even though they cause him occa- sional trouble, and that a friend should be chosen not only for our own need, but for kindness and natural affection. Again he denied that reason (o yos) alone can secure us from error, main- taining that haUt (dvKOi^ecrdai) was also necessary. (Suidas and Diog, Laerf, /, c; Clem. Alex. Strom. ii, p, 41 7 ; Bnicker, Hist. Grit. Phil, ii, 3 ; Ritter, Geschidite der Phd. vii, 3.) Aelian ( V. H. ii, 27)