Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/269

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APRONIUS. i/c Afedicamtnifjus Ilirlx/rum ; it consists of one liimdrcd and twenty-eight chapters, and is mostly taken from Dioscorides and Pliny. It was first published at Rome by Jo. Phil, de Lignamine, 4to., without date, but before 1484. It was re- printed three times in the sixteenth century, be- sides being included in two collections of medical writers, and in several editions of the works of Appuleius of Madaura. The last and best edition is that by Ackennann in his Pamhiliurn Medica- mentonnn Scripiores AtUiqui, Norimb. 1788, 8vo. A short work, " De Ponderibus et Mensuris," bearing the name of Appuleius, is to be found at the end of several editions of Mesue's works. ( Mailer, Biblioth. Botan. ; Choulant, Handbuch der Bucherkunde fur die Allere Medicin.) [W.A.G.] APPULEIUS, L. CAECI'LICUS MINU- TIA'NUS, the author of a work de Orthographia, of which considerable fragments were first published by A. Mai in "Juris Civilis Ante-Justinianei Reli- <iuiae, &c.," Rome, 18'23. They were republished by Osann, Darmstixdt, 1826, with two other gram- matical works, de Nota J spiraiiotiis and de Diph- tltomfis, Avhich also bear the name of Appuleius. Madvig has shewn {de Apuleii Fraijm. de Orthogr.^ Jlafniae, 1829), that the treatise de Orthographia is the work of a literax)' impostor of the fifteenth century. The two other grammatical treatises above mentioned were probably written in the tenth century of our aera. A'PRIES ('ATrpiTjs, 'ATTpfas), a king of Egypt, the 8th of the 26th (Saite) dynasty, the Pharaoh- llophra of Scripture (Ixx. Oua^pi?), the Vaphres (»f Manetho, succeeded his father Psammuthis, B. c. 596. The commencement of his reign was distin- guished by great success in war. He conquered Palestine and Phoenicia, and for a short time re- established the EgT)tian influence in Syria, which had been overthrown by Nebuchadnezzar. He failed, however, to protect his ally Zedekiah, king of Jerusalem, from the renewed attack of Nebu- chadnezzar, who took and destroyed Jerusalem, (a c. 586.) About the same time, in consequence of the failure of an expedition which Apries had sent against Cyrene, his army rebelled and elected as king Amasis, whom Apries had sent to reconcile them. The cruelty of Apries to Patarbemis, whom he had sent to bring back Amasis, and who had failed in the attempt, exasperated the principal Egyptians to such a degree, that they deserted him, leaving hira only to the protection of an auxiliary force of 30,000 Greeks. With these and the few Egyptians who remained faithful to him, Apries encountered Amasis at Momem- phis, but his army was overpowered by numbers, and he himself was taken alive. Amasis treated him for some time with kindness, but at length, in consequence of the continued miu> murs of the Egyptians, he suffered him to be put to death. (Herod. 161, &c., 169, iv. 159; I)iod. i. 68; Athen. xiii. p. 560; Jerem. xxxviL 5,7, xliv. 30, xlvi. 26 ; Ezek. xxix. 3 ; Joseph. Ant. x. 9. § 7 ; Amasis.) [P. S.] APRO'NIUS. 1. C. Apronius, elected one of the tribunes of the plebs on the abolition of the decemvirate, B. c. 449. (Liv. iii. 54.) 2. Q. Apronius, the chief of the decum.ini in Sicily during the government of Verres (b. c. 73 — 71), was one of the most distinguished for rapacity and wickedness of every kind. (Cic. Ven: ii. 44, iii. 9, 12, 21, 23.) APSINES. 2S 3. L. AnioNius, consul suffectus in a. n. 8 {Fast. Cupil,)^ belonged to the military slafF of Drusus {coliors Drusi)., when the latter was sent to quell the revolt of the army in Germany, a, r>. 14. Apronius tvas sent to Rome with two others to carry the demands of the mutineers ; and on bis return to Germany he served under Germanicus, and is mentioned as one of the Roman generals in the campaign of a. d. 15. On account of his ser- vices in this war he obtained the honour of the triumphal omrunents. (Tac. Ann. L 29, 56, 72.) He was in Rome in the following year, a. d. 16 (ii. 32) ; and four years afterwards (a. d. 20), he succeeded Camillus, as proconsul, in the government of Africa. He carried on the war against Tadari- nas, and enforced military discipline with great severity, (iii. 21.) He was subsequently the pro- praetor of lower Germany, when the Frisii re- volted, and seems to have lost his life in the war against them. (iv. 73, compared with xi. 19.) Apronius had two daughters : one of whom was married to Plautius Silvanus, and was murdered by her husband (iv. 22) ; the other was married to Lentulus Gaetulicus, consul in a. d. 26. (vi. 30.) He had a son, L. Apronius Caesianus, who accompanied his father to Africa in a. d. 20 (iii. 21), and who was consul for six months with Cali- gula in A. D. 39. (Dion Cass. lix. 13.) APRONIA'NUS. 1. C. Vipstanus Apro- NiANUS, was proconsul of Africa at the accession of Vespasian, A. D. 70. (Tac. Hist. i. 76.) He is probably the same Apronianus as the consul of that name in a. d. 59. 2. Cassius Apronianus, the father of Dion Cassius, the historian, was governor of Dalmatia and Cilicia at different periods. Dion Cassius wjis with his father in Cilicia. (Dion Cass. xlix. 36, Ixix. 1, Ixxii. 7.) Reimar {de Vita Cassii Dionis § 6. p. 1535) supposes, that Apronianus was ad- mitted into the senate about a. d. 1 80. 3. Apronianus, governor of the province of Asia, was unjustly condemned to death in his absence, A. d. 203. (Dion Cass. Ixxvi 8.) 4. Apronianus Astkrus. [Asterius.] A'PSINES {'^Mv^)s). 1. An Athenian so- phist, called by Suidas (s. v.; comp. Eudoc. p. 67) a man worthy of note, and father of Onasimus, but otherwise unknown. 2. A son of Onasimus, and grandson of Apsines No. 1, is likewise called an Athenian sophist. It is not impossible that he may be the Apsines whose commentary on Demosthenes is mentioned by Ulpian {ad Demosth. Leptin. p. 1 1 ; comp. Schol. ad Hermog. p. 402), and who taught rhetoric at Athens at the time of Aedesius, in the fourth cen- tury of our era, though this Apsines is called a Lacedaemonian. (Eunap. VU. Soph. p. 113, ed. Antwerp. 1568.) This Apsines and his disciples were hostile to Julianus, a contemporary rhetori- cian at Athens, and to his school. This enmity grew so much that Athens in the end found itself in a state of civil warfare, which required the presence of a Roman proconsul to suppress. (Eunap. p. 115, &c.) 3. Of Gadara in Phoenicia, a Greek sophist and rhetorician, who flourished in the reign of Maxi- minus, about A. n. 235. He studied at Smyrna under Heracleides, the Lycian, and jifterwards at Nicoraedia under ftvsilicus. He subsequently taught rhetoric at Athens, and distinguished him- self so much that he was honoured with the con-