Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/468

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450 BACCHIADAE. 2. The father of Pherec5'des. (Strab. x. p. 487 ; Diog. Laeit. i. 116. [Phekecydks.] 3. A flute player, who gave occasion to the pro- verb against bad flute-plaj-ers, " He plays worse than Babys." (Athen. xiv. p. 624, b.; comp.Zenob. iv. 81.) BACCHEIDAS (BaKx^lBas), of Sicyon, a dancer and teacher of music, in honour of whom there is an ancient epigram of four lines preserved by Athenaeus. (xiv. p. 629, a.) BACCHEIUS or BACCHl'US, of Miletus, the author of a work on agriculture (Var. li. R. i. 1), who is referred to by Pliny as one of the sources of his Natural History. (Elenchus, lib. viii. x. xiv. XV. xvii. xviii.) BACCHEIUS (Bo/cx€it>s), surnamed Senior (o yepw), the author of a short treatise in the form of a catechism, called flaayooyrj T^xyvs ixova-iKrjs. We know nothing of his his- tory. Fabricius {DiU. Graec. ii. p. 260, &c.) gives a list of persons of the same name, and conjectures that he may have been the Baccheius mentioned by M. Aurelius Antoninus {de Rebus suis, i. 6) as his first instiuctor. The treatise consists of brief and clear explanations of the principal subjects belong- ing to Hannonics and Rhythm. Baccheius reckons seven modes (pp. 12, 18), corresponding to the seven species of octave anciently called by the same names. Hence Meibomius {pruef. in Arist. Quint.) supposes that he lived after Ptolemy, who adopts the same system, and before Manuel Bryonnius, in whose time an eighth (the Hyper- mixolydian) had been added. But the former supposition does not seem to rest on satisfactory grounds. 'i'he Greek text of Baccheius was first edited by Marinus Mersennus, in his Commentary on the first six chapters of Genesis. (Paris, 1623, foL, p. 1887.) It was also printed in a separate form, with a Latin version, by Fnnleric Morelli, Paris, 1623, 8vo., and liistly by Meibomius, in the Anti- quae Musicae Auctores Septem, Amst. 1652. An anonymous Greek epigram, in which Baccheius is mentioned, is printed by Meibomius in his preface, from the same manuscript which contained the text ; also bv Fabricius. (/. e.) [V. F. D.] BACCHEIUS (Ba/cxeros), one of the earliest commentators on the writings of Hippocrates, was a native of Tanagra in Boeotia. (Erot. G'loss. Hip- pocr. p. 8.) He was a follower of Herophilus (Gal. Cowmetit, in Hippocr. ^'Aphor."" vii. 70. vol. xviii. pt. i. p. 187), and a contemporary of Philinus, and must therefore have lived in the third century B. c. Of his writings (which were both valuable and interesting) nothing remains but a few frag- ments preserved by Erotianus and Galen, by whom he is frequently mentioned. (Erot. Gloss. Hippocr. pp. 8, 32, 38, &c. ; Gal. Comment, in Hippocr. '"Ejid. VI." i. prooem. vol. xvii. pt. i. p. 794; Comment, in Hiprpocr^ "c/e Med. Offic.' i, prooem. vol. xviii. p. ii. p. 631 .) [ W. A. G.] BACCHI'ADAE (BaK:x*a5ai), a Heracleid clan, derived their name from Bacchis, who was king of Corinth from 926 to 891 B.C., and retained the supreme rule in that state, first under a monarchical form of government, and next as a close oligarchy, till their deposition by Cypselus, about B. c. 657. Diodorus {Fragm. 6), in his list of the Heracleid kings, seems to imply that Bacchis was a lineal descendent from Aletes, who in B. c. 1074 deposed the Sisyphidae and made himself master of Corinth BACCHYLIDES. {Wei%.adDiod. I. c; Pind. Olymp. xiii. 17; Schol. ad Pind. Nem. vii. 155 ; Pans. ii. 4 ; Miill. Dor. i. 5. § 9) ; while from Pausanias (/. e.) it would rather appear, that Bacchis was the founder of a new, though still a Heracleid, dynasty. In his line the throne continued till, in b. c. 748, Telestes was murdered by Arieus and Perantas, who were them- selves Bacchiads, and were perhaps merely the in- struments of a general conspiracy of the clan to gjiin for their body a larger share of power than they enjoyed under the regal constitution. (Dioci. and Pans. //. cc.) From Diodorus, it would seem that a year, daring which Automenes was king, elapsed before the actual establishment of oligarchy. According to the same author, this form of govern- ment, with annual prytanes elected from and ])y the Bacchiadae, lasted for ninety years (747-657); nor does it .appear on what grounds a period of 200 years is assigned to it by Str.abo. (Strab. viii. p. 378 ; Mull. Dor. Append, ix. Jiote x.) It was in- deed of too n.arrow and exclusive a kind to be of any very long duration ; the members of the ruling clan intermarried only with one another (Herod, v. 92); and their downfall was moreover hastened by their excessive luxury (Ael. V. H. i. 19), as well as by their insolence and oppression, of which the atrocious outrage that drove Archias from Corinth, and led to the founding of Syracuse and Corcyra, is prob.ably no very unfair specimen. (Diod. Ere, de Virt. et. Vit. 228; Pint. A mat p. 772, e.; Schol. ad Apollon. Rliod. iv. 1212.) On their deposition by Cypselus, with the help of the lower orders (Herod, v. 92 ; Aristot. Folit. v. 10, 12, ed. I3ekk.), they were for the most part driven into b.anishnient, and are said to have taken refuge in different parts of Greece, and even Italy. (Plut. Lysimd, c. 1 ; Liv. i. 34 ; comp. Niebuhr, Hist, of Rome, vol. i. p. 366, &c.) Some of them, how- ever, appear to have still reniained at Corinth, if we may consider as a B<acchiad the Heracleid Phalius, who led the colony to Epidamnus in B. c. 627. (Thuc. i. 24.) As men of the greatest distinction among the Bacchi.adae, may be men- tioned Philol.aus, the legislator of Thebes, about B. c. 728 (Aristot. Polit. ii. 12, ed. Bekk.), ajid Eumelus, the cyclic poet (Pans. ii. 1, 3, iv. 33; Athen. i. p. 22, c; Schol. ad Pind. Olymp. xiii. 30; Miill. Hvft. of Greek Lit. c. x. § 2.) Stmbo tells us also (vii. p. 326), thfit the kings claimed descent from the [E. E.J BA'CCHIDES (Ba/cx'Sr/s), an eunuch of Mi- thridates. After the defeat of the latter by Lucullus, Mithridates in despair sent Bacchides to put his wives .and sisters to death, b. c. 71. (Plut. Lucull. 18, &c) {Mith. 82) calls the eunuch Bacchus. The Bacchides, who was the governor of Sinope, at the time when this town was besieged by Lucullus, is probably the same as the above. (Strab. xii. p. 546.) BACCHUS. [Dionysus.] BACCHY'LIDES (Ba/cxi^At'STjs). 1, One of the great lyric poets of Greece, was a native of lulis in the ishnd of Ceos, and the nephew as well as fellow-townsman of Simonides. (Strab. x. p. 426 ; Steph. Byz. s. v. 'lovK'is.) His father is va- riously called ^ledon (Suidas, s. v. BaKx^^i^r]^), Meilon (Epigr. in novem Lyr. ap. B'uc/c/i., Sckul. Pind. p. 8), or Meidylus (Etym. M. p. 582. 20) : his patermal grandfather was the athlete Bac- chylides. We know nothing of his life, except he lived at the court of Hiero in Syracuse,