Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/575

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CAESIA GENS. Cacsarius is the author of two treatises, one en- titled Regula ad MnnacJins, and another licgula ad Virgines^ which, together with three Ealiorta- tiones and some opuscuhi, will be found in the 8th volume of the Bibliotheca Patrum, Leyden, 1677; and were printed in a separate volume, with the notes of Meynardus, at Poitiers (Petavium), 1621, 8vo. His chief works, however, consist of ser- mons or homilies. Forty of these were published by Cognatus, at Basle, 1 5o8, 4to,, and 1 569, fol., and are included in the Monumenta SS. Patrum Orthodoxographa of Grynaeus, Cologne, 1618, fol. p. 1861 ; a collection of forty-six, together with some smaller tracts, are in the 8th volume of the liibliotheca Patrum referred to above ; and the 1 1 th volume of the Bibliotheca Patrum of Galland (Venice, 1776) contains fourteen more, first brought to light by Baluze (Paris, 1699, Bvo.); but, be- sides these, upwards of a hundred out of the 317 discourses falsely attributed to Augustin are com- monly assigned to Caesarius. (Vita S. Caesarii, Episc. Arelatensis, a Cypria?io, ejus Discipulo^ et Messiano Presb. et Stephano Diac. conscripta duo- bus libris, in the Vi/ae SS. of Surius, 27 August, p. 284. See also Dtssertatio de Vita et Scriptis S. Caesarii^ Arelatensis Jrchiep., by Oudin in his Comment, de Scripit. Eccles. vol. i. p. 1339 ; in ad- dition to which, Funccius, De Inerti et Deerepita Seiiectute Linguae Latimie, cap. vi. § viii. ; and Baehr, Geschichte der Romischen Literatur^ Suppl. vol. ii. p. 425.) [W. R.] CAESE'NNIUS, the name of a noble Etruscan family at Tarquinii, two members of which are men- tioned by Cicero, namely, P. Caesennius and Cae- sennia, first the wife of M. Fulcinius, and after- wards of A. Caecina, (Cic. pro Caecin. 4, 6, 10.) The name is found in sepulchral inscriptions. (Miiller, Etrusker, i. p. 433.) CAESE'NNIUS LENTO. [Lknto.] CAESE'NNIUS PAETUS. [Paetus.] C. CAE'SETIUS, a Roman knight, who en- treated Caesar to pardon Q. Ligarius. (Cic. pro Li<f. 11.) P. CAESE'TIUS, the quaestor of C. Verres. (Cic. Verr. iv. 65, v. 25.) CAESE'TIUS FLAVUS. [Flavus.] CAESE'TIUS RUFUS. [Rufus.] CAE'SIA, a surname of Minerva, a translation of the Greek yXavKuiris. (Terent. Heaid. v. 5, 18 ; Cic. de Nat. Dear. i. 30.) [L. S.] CAE'SIA GENS, plebeian, does not occur till towards the end of the republic. [Caesius.] • On the following coin of this gens, the obverse represents the head of a youthful god brandish- ing an arrow or spear ^vith three points, who is usually supposed from the following passage of A. Gellius (v. 12) to be Apollo Veiovis : " Simu- lacrum dei Veiovis sagittas tenet, quae sunt videlicet paratae ad nocendura. Quapropter eum deum plerique Apollinem esse dixerunt." The two men on the reverse are Lares : between them stands a dog, and above them the head of Vulcan with a forceps. (Eckhel, v. p. 156, &c.) CAESIUS. 557 [Aproniu.s CAESIA'NUS, APRO'NIUS. No. 3.] CAE'SIUS. 1. M. Caksius, was praetor with C. Licinius Sacerdos in B. c. 75. (Cic. Verr. i. 50.) 2. M. Caesius, a rapacious farmer of the tithes in Sicily during the administration of Verres, B. c. 73, &c. (Cic. Verr. iii. 39, 43.) 3. L. Caesius, was one of Cicero's friends, and accompanied him during his proconsular adminis- tration of Cilicia, in B. c. 50. (Ad Quint. Frat. L 1. § 4, 2. § 2.) lie seems to be the same person as the Caesius who superintended the building of Q. Cicero's villa of the Manilianum. {Ad Quint. Frat. iii. 1. §§ 1,2.) There is a Roman denarius bear- ing the name L. Caesius (see above), but whether it belongs to our L. Caesius or not cannot be ascer- tained. 4. M. Caesius, of Arpinum, an intimate friend of Cicero, who held the office of aedile at Arpinum, the only municipium which had such a magistracy, in B. c. 47. (Cic. ad Fam. xiii. 11, 12.) 5. P. Caesius, a Roman eques of Ravenna, re- ceived the Roman franchise from Cn. Pompeius, the father of Pompey the Great. (Cic. pro Balb. 22.) There is a letter of Cicero [ad Fam. xiii. 51 ) addressed to P. Caesius (b. c. 47), in which Cicero recommends to him his friend P. Messienus. From the manner in which Cicero there speaks (pro nostra et pro paterna amicitia)., it would almost seem as if there was some mistake in the praeno- men, and as if the letter was addressed to M. Caesius of Arpinum. But it may be, that there had existed a friendship between Cicero and the father of Caesius, of which beyond this allusion nothing is known. 6. Sex. Caesius, a Roman eques, who is men- tioned by Cicero {pro Flucc. 28) as a man of great honesty and integrity. [L. S.] T. CAE'SIUS, a jurist, one of the disciples of Servius Sulpicius, the eminent friend of Cicero. Pomponius (Dig. I. tit. 2. s. un. § 44) enumerates ten disciples of Servius, among whom T. Caesius is mentioned, in a passage not free from the inac- curacy of expression which pervades the whole title De Origine Juris. His words are these : " Ab hoc (Servio) plurirai profecerunt : fere tamen hi libros conscripserunt : Alfenus Varus, A. Ofilius,T. Caesius, AufidiusTucca, Aufidius Namusa, Flavius Priscus, Ateius Pacuvius, Labeo Antistius, Labeonis Antistii pater, Cinna,«  PuBLicius Gellius. Ex his decem libros octo conscripsei-unt, quorum omnes qui fuerunt libri digesti sunt ab Aufidio Namusa in centum quadra- ginta libros." It is not clear from this account whether (according to the usual interpretation of the passage) only eight of the ten were authors, or whether (as appears to be the more correct inter- pretation) all the ten wrote books, but not more than eight wrote books which were digested by Aufidius Namusa. In the computation of the eight, it is probable that the compiler himself was not included. T. Caesius is nowhere else expressly- mentioned in the Digest, but " Ofilius, Cascellius, et Scrvii auditorcs, are cited Dig. 33. tit. 4. s. 6. § 1, and the phrase Servii auditores occurs also Dig. 33. tit. 7. s. 12, pr., and Dig. 33. tit. 7. s. 12, § 6. In Dig. 39. tit. 3. s. 1. 96, where Servii auctores is the reading of the Florentine manu- script of the Digest, Servii attditores has been pro- posed as a conjectural emendation. Under these names it has been supposed that the eight disciples