Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/614

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590 CANULEIUS. CANUSIUS. I I . I I I.I. I.Joannes, 2. Demetrius 3. George Such e- 4. Theodora, 5. Helena, married 6. Irene, married despot. Sebasto- tai, a great a nun. David Coninenus, George Bnin- crator. general and last emperor of kowicz, prince admiraL Trebizond. of Servia. Manuel, prince of Messene, submitted to Sultan Mohammed II. about 1460. He fled to Hungary, where he died. He married Maria, surnamed Cluchia, but no issue is known. There are several other Cantacuzeni conspicuous in Byzantine history, whose parentage cannot be correctlv established. (Du Cange, Familiae Dijzan- /m«?, p'2n8, &c.) [VV. P.] CA*NTH.RUS {KavQapos), a comic poet of Athens. (Suid. s. r.; Eudoc. p. 269.) The only thing we have to guide us in determining his age is, that the coraedy entitled Symniachia, which com- monly went by the name of Plato, was ascribed b}' some to Cantharus, whence we may infer, that he was a contemporary of Plato, the comic poet. Besides some fragments of the Symmachia, we possess a few of two other comedies, viz, tlie Medeia (Suid. find Midi. Apostol. s. v. 'Apd§ios avKrfr-qs- Pollux, iv. 61), and Tereus. (Athen. iii. p. 81 ; Mich. Apostol. s. V. 'A0r)vaia.) Of two other comedies mentioned by Suidas, the MvpfMtjKfs and the 'ATjJJi'fs, no fragments are extant. (Meineke, i/iV/. CiiL Com. Grace, p. 251.) [L. S.] CA'NTHARUS (KdvOapos), a statuary and embosser of Sicyon, the son of Alexis and pupil of Eutyciiides. (Pans. vi. 3. § 3.) According to Pliny {H.N. xxxiv. 8. s. 19), there flourished an artist Eutychides about B.c. 300. If this was the teacher of Cantharus, as is probable, his father Alexis can- not have been the artist of that name who is reck- oned by Pliny (/. c.) amongst the pupils of the older Polycletus, for this Polycletus was already an old man at B. c. 420. Cantharus, therefore, flou- rished about B. c. 268. He seems to have excelled in athletes. (Paua. vi. 3. § 3, vi. 17. § 5.) [W. I.] CANTHUS (Koj/^or), an Argonaut, is called a son of Canethus and grandson of Abas, or a son of Abas of Euboea. (Apollon. Rhod. i. 78; Orph. Argtm. 139; Val. Place, i. 453.) He is said to have been killed in Libya by Cephalion or Caphau- riis. (Hvgin. Fub. 14; Apollon. Rhod. iv. 1495; Val. Flacc. vi. 317, vii. 422.) [L. S.] L. CANTl'LIUS, a scribe or secretary of one Df the pontiffs, committed incest with a Vestal virgin in the second Punic war, B. c. 216, and was flogged to death in the comitium by the pontifex maxiiiius. (Liv. xxii. 57.) M. CA'NTIUS, tribune of the plebs, B. c. 293, accused L. Postuniius Megellus, who aToided a trial by becoming the legiitus of Sp. Carvilius Max- im us, the conqueror of the Samnites in this year. (Liv. X. 46.) CANULEIA GENS, plebeian. Persons of this name occur occasionally in the early as well as the latter times of the republic ; but none of them ever obtained the consulship. The only surname in the Gens is Dives : all the other Canuleii are mentioned without any cognomen. [Canuleius.] CANULEIUS. 1. C. Canuleius, tribune of the plebs, b. c. 445, was the proposer of the law, establishing connubium between the patricians and plebs, which had been taken away by the laws of the twelve tables. He also proposed a law giving the people the option ot choosing the con- suls from either the patricians or the plebs ; but to preserve the consulship in their order, and at the same time make some concessions to the plebs, the patricians resolved, that three military tribunes, with consular power, should be elected indifferently from either order in place of the consuls. (Liv. iv. 1—6 ; Cic. de Rep. ii. 37 ; Florus, i. 25 ; Dionys. xi. 57, 58.) 2. M, Canuleius, tribune of the plebs, b. c. 420, accused C. Sempronius Atratinus, who had been consul in b. c. 423, on account of his misconduct in the Volscian war. [Athati.nus, No. 5.] Canuleius and his colleagues introduced in the senate this year the subject of an assignmeiit of the public land. (Liv. iv. 44.) 3. L. Canuleius, one of the five Roman le- gates sent by the senate to the Aetolians, B. c. 174. (Liv. xli. 25.) 4. Canuleius, a Roman senator, who had been one of the ambassadors sent into Egpyt pre- viously to B. c. 160. (Polyb. xxxi. 18.) 5. C. Canuleius, tribune of the plebs, b. c. 100, accused P. Furius, who was so much detested by the people, that they tore him to pieces before he commenced his defence. (Appian, B. C. i. 33 ; comp. Cic. pro Jiafnr. 9 ; Dion Cass. Frag. 105, p. 43, ed. Reimar.) 6. L. Canuleius, one of the publicani, engaged in farming the duties paid on imported and exported goods at the harbour of Syracuse, when Verres was governor of Sicily, B. c 73 — 71. (Cic. Verr. ii. 70, 74.) 7. M. Canuleius, defended by Hortensius and Cotta, but on what occasion is unknown. (Cic. Brut. 92.) 8. Canuleius, mentioned in one of Cicero's letters in b. c. 49 (ad Ait. x. 5), is otherwise un- known. 9. L. Canuleius, one of Caesar's legates in the war with Pompey, b. c. 48, was sent by Caesar into Epeirus in order to collect com. (Caes. Z^.C. iii. 4 _'.) CAN US, Q. GELLIUS, a friend of T. Poni- ponius Atticus, was struck out of the proscription in B. c. 43 by Antony on account of the friendsiiip of the latter with Atticus. (Nepos, Alt. 10; couip. Cic. ad Ait. xiii. 31, xv. 21.) The Cana to whom there was some talk of marrying young Q. Cicero, was probably the daughter of this Gellius Canus. {Ad Att. xiii. 41, 42.) CANUS, JU'LIUS, a Stoic philosopher, who promised his friends, when he was condemned to death by Caliyula, to appear to them aftei his death, and inform them of the stiite of the soul after quitting the body. He is said to have fulhlled this promise by appearing in a vision to one of his friends named Antioclius. (Seiiec. de Anind Tramju. 14 ; Plut. ap. Si/ncell. p. 330, d.) CANU'SIUS or GANU'SIUS (Fai/owo-m), ap-