Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/771

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CINEAS. 4. Q. QuiNCTius L. F. L. n. Cincinnatus, consular tribune in b. c. 415, and again in 405. (Liv. iv. 49, 61 ; Diod. xiii. 34, xiv. 17.) 5. T. QUINCTIUS CiNCINNATUS CaPITOMNUS, consular tribune in b. c. 388, and again in 384. In 380, in the war with the Praenestines, he was appointed dictator, gained a decisive victory over them on the banks of the Alia, and in nine days captured nine towns. (Liv. vi. 4, 18, 28, 29; Diod. XV. 23, 3b'; Eutrop, ii. 2; Festus, s. v. Triens.) 6. L. QuiNCTius CiNCINNATUS, consular tri- bune in B. c. 386, again in 385, and a third time in 377, when, with his colleague Ser. Sulpicius, he i-aised the siege of Tusculum, of which the Latins had nearly made themselves masters. (Liv. vi. 6, 32, 33 ; Diod. xv. 25, 28, 61.) 7. C. QuiNCTius CiNCINNATUS, consular tribune in B. c, 377. (Liv. vi. 32.) 8. Q. QuiNCTius CiNCINNATUS, consular tribune in B. c. 369. (Liv. vi. 36.) 9. T. QuiNCTius CiNCINNATUS CaPITOLINUS, consular tribune in B. c. 368, and in the following year master of the horse to the dictator M. Furius Camillus, when the Licinian laws were carried. Livy calls him T. Quinctius Pennus, and as we have the surnames Cincinnatus Capitolinus in the Capitoline Fasti, his full name may have been T. Quinctius Pennus Cincinnatus Capitolinus. (Liv. vi. 38, 42 ; Diod. xv. 78.) [C. P. M.] CI'NCIUS. 1. M. CiNcius, praefect of Pisae in B. c. 194, wrote to the senate to inform them of an insurrection of the Ligures. (Liv. xxxiv. 56.) He is probably the same as the M. Cincius Ali- mentus, tribune'of the plebs in 204 [p. 132, aj. 2. L. CiNCius, the procurator or bailiff of Atti- cus, is frequently mentioned in Cicero's letters. {Ad Ait. i. 1,7, 8, 16, 20, iv. 4, a., vi. 2, ad Q. Fr. ii. 2, iii. 1. § 2.) 3. Cincius, who was entrusted with the govern- ment of Syria in a. d. 63, during the expedition of Corbulo. (Tac. Ann. xv. 25.) CI'NEAS (Ktyeas), a Thessalian, is mentioned by Demosthenes, in a well-known passage {de Cor. p. 324), as one of those who, for the sake of pri- vate gain, became the instruments of Philip of Macedon in sapping the independence of their country. Polybius (xvii. 14) censures Demosthenes for bringing so sweeping a charge against a number of distinguished men ; but he does not enter spe- cially into the question with respect to Cineas and the Thessalians. (Comp. Dem. de Cor. p. 245, de C/iers. p. 105 ; Diod. xvi. 38, 69.) [E. E.] CI'NEAS (Kii/e'as), a Thessalian, the friend and minister of Pyrrhus, king of Epeirus. He was the most eloquent man of his day, and re- minded his hearers (in some degree) of Demos- thenes, whom he heard speak in his youth. Pyr- rhus prized his persuasive powers so highly, that " the words of Cineas (he was wont to say) had won him more cities than his own arms." He was also famous for his conversational powers, and some instances of his repartees are still preserved. (Plin. H. N. xiv, 12.) That he was versed in the philosophy of Epicurus is plain from the anecdote related by Cicero {Cat. Maj. 13) and Plutarch. {Pyrrh. 20.) But this is no ground for assuming that he professed this philosophy. At all events he did not practise it ; for, instead of whiling away life in useless ease, he served Pynhus long and actively : and he took so much CINESIAS. 758 interest in the art of war, as to epitomise the Tactica of Aeneas (Aelian, Tact. 1); and this, no doubt, is the work to which Cicero refers when he speaks of Cineas' books de re militari {ad Fain. ix. 25). Dr. Arnold says Plutarch mentions his CommentJiries, but it does not appear to what he refers. The historical writer referred to by Stmbo (vii. fin. p. 329) may be the same person. The most famous passage in his life is his embassy to Rome, with proposals for peace from Pyrrhus, after the battle of Heraclea (b. c. 280). Cineas spared no arts to gain favour. Thanks to his wonderful memory, on the day after his arrival he was able (we are told) to address all the senators and knights by name (Plin. H. N. vii. 24) ; and in after times stories were current that he sought to gain them over by offering presents to them and their wives, which, however, were disdainfully re- jected. (Plut. P^rr/i. 18 ; Diod. £drf. Vatic. xxi. Liv. xxxiv. 4.) The terms he had to offer were hard, viz. that all the Greeks in Italy should be left free, and that the Italian nations from Samnium downwards should receive back aU. they had for- feited to Rome. (Appian, Sainn. Fragm. x.) Yet such was the need, and such the persuasiveness of Cineas, that the senate would probably have yielded, if the scale had not been turned by the dying eloquence of old Appius Caecus. [Clau- dius, No. 10.] The ambassador returned and told the king (say the Romans), that there was no people like that people, — their city was a temple, their senate an assembly of kings. Two years after (b. c. 278), when Pj-rrhus was about to cross over into Sicily, Cineas was again sent to nego- tiate peace, but on easier terms ; and though the senate refused to conclude a treaty while the king was in Italy, his minister's negotiations were in effect successful. (Appian, Samn. Fragm. xi.) Ci- neas was then sent over to Sicily, according to his master's usual policy, to win all he could by per- suasion, before he tried the sword. (Plut. Pyrrh. 22.) And this is the last we hear of him. He probably died before Pyrrhus returned to Italy in B. c. 276, and with him the star of his master's fortune set. He was (as Niebuhr says) the king's good genius, and his place was filled by unworthy favourites. [H. G. L.] CINE'SIAS (Kti/Tjo-Zias), a dithyrambic poet of Athens. The Scholiast on Aristophanes {Ran. 153) calls him a Theban, but this account seems to be virtually contradicted by Plutarch {de Glor. Ath. 5), and may perhaps have arisen, as Fabricius suggests {Bibl. Graec. ii. p. 117), from confound- ing him with another person of the same name. (Comp. Aristot. ap. Schol. ad Aristoph. Av. 1379.) Fabricius himself mentions Evagoras as his father, on the authority apparently of a corrupt fragment of Plato, the comic poet, which is quoted by Ga- len. (See Dalechamp, ad Aiken, xii. p. 551.) In the " Gorgias" of Plato (p. 501, e.) he is expressly called the son of Meles. His talents are said to have been of a very inferior order. Plutarch (/.c.) calls him a poet of no high repute or creative genius. The comic wrivdr, Pherecrates {ap. Plut. de Miis. 30), accuses him of having introduced sad corn^ptions into music and to this Aristophanes perhaps alludes in the word a(r/j.aTOKdiJ.inas. {Nuh. 332.)' In the Birds (1372—1409), he is intro- duced as wishing to fly up to Olympus to bring down from the clouds, their proper region, a fiesh supply of ** rambling odes, aii'-tost and snow<- 30