Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 1.djvu/826

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808 CLYTUS. mother of Iphiclus and Alcimede. (Paus. x. 29. § 2 ; Horn. Od. xi. 325 : Schol. ad ApoUod. Mod. i. 45, 230.) According to Hesiod ( Horn. p. 1689 ; comp. Ov. Met. i. 756, iv. 204), she was the mother of Phaeton by Helios, and ac- cording to Apollodorus (iii. 9. § 2), also of Atalante by Jasus. 3. A relative of Menelaus and a companion of Helena, together with whom slie was carried off by Paris. (Hom. //. iii. 1 44 ; Dictys Cret i. 3, v. 13.) After the taking of Troy, when the booty was dis- tributed, Clymene was given to Acamas. She was jepresented as a captive by Polygnotiis in the Lesche of Delphi. (Paus. x. 26. § 1 ; comp. Ov. Her. xvii, 267.) There are several other mythical personages of this name. (Horn. Jl. xviii. 47 ; Hvgin. Fab. 71; Apollod. iii. 2. § 1, &c. ; Paus. x.'24. § 3.) [L. S.] CLY'MENUS (KAu/ici/or). 1. A son of Cardis in Crete, who is said to have come to Elis in the fiftieth year after the flood of Deucalion, to have restored the Olympic games, and to have erected altars to Heracles, from whom he was descended. (Paus. V. 8. § ], 14. § 6, vi. 21. § 5.) 2. A son of Caeneus or Schoenus, king of Ar- cadia or of Argos, was married to Epicaste, by v/hom he had among other children a daughter Harpalyce. He entertained an unnatural love for his daughter, and after having committed incest with her, he gave her in marriage to Alastor, but afterwards took her away from him, and again lived with her. Harpalyce, in order to avenge her father's crime, slew her younger brother, or, ac- cording to others, her own son, and placed his flesh prepared in rx dish before her father. She herself was thereupon changed into a bird, and Clymenus hung himself. (Hygin. Fab. 242, 246, 255; Parthcn. Erot. 13.) 3. A son of Presbon and king of Orchomenos, who was married to Minva. (Paus. ix. 37. ^ 1, &c. ; Apollod. ii. 4. (5 1 1 ; Hygin. Fab. 14.) There are several other mythical personages of this name. (Hygin. Fab. 154 ;' Paus. ii. 35. $ 3 ; Ov. Met. v. 98; comp. Althaka.) [L. S.] CLYTAEMNESTRA ( KuTo.M»^(rTpo ), a daughter of Tyndareus and Leda, and sister of Castor, Timandra, and Philonoe, and half-sister of Polydeuces and Helena. She was married to Agamemnon. (Apollod. iii. 10. § 6, &c.) For the particulars of the stories about her see Agamem- non. .^EGiSTHi's, Orestes. [L. S.] CLY'TIE (KAuTJTj), the name of three mythical personages. (Hes. I'/ieog. 352; Ov. Met. iv. 305; Paus. X. 30. ^ 1 ; Tzetz. ad Lrjcoph. 421.) [L. S.] CLY'TIUS (KAuTJos). 1. A son of Laomedon and father of Caletor and Procleia, was one of the Trojan elders. (Hom. //. iii. 147, xv. 419 ; Paus. X. 14. § 2.) 2. A son of the Oechalian king Eurytus, was one of the Argonauts, and was killed during the expedition by Heracles, or according to others by Aeetes. (Apollon. Rhod. i. 86 ; Schol. ad Soph. 1'rach. 355 ; Hygin. Fab. 14.) There are several other mythical personages of this name. (Paus. vi. 17. § 4'; Ov. Met. v. 140; Apollod. i. 6. § 2 ; Virg. Aen. ix. 774, x. 129, 325, xi. 666.) [L.S.] CLYTUS (KAuTo's), the name of three mythical personages. (Hvgin. Fab. 124, 170; Ov. Met. V. 87.) ' [L. S.] CLYTUS (KAtVos), a Milesian and a disciple of Aristotle, was the author of a work on the his- CNEPH. tory of his native city. The two passages cf Athenaeus (xii. p. 540, d., xiv. p. 655, b.), in which this work is quoted, must be assimilated to one another either by reading KAutos in the first or KAetTos in the second, for it is clear that reference is made in both to the same author and the same treatise. In the passage of Diogenes Laertius (i. 25), — koX euros Se ^t](tiu, us 'HpaK- Ac/Stjs IcTTope?, K. T. A., — Menagius proposes, with much show of probability, the substitution of KAutos for aiJT<is, as a notice of Thales would naturally find a place in an account of Miletus. It does not appear what ground there is for the assertion of Vossius {de Hist. Graec. p. 91, ed. Westermann), that Clytus accompanied Alexander on his expedition. The passage in Valerius Maxi- mus to which he refers (ix. 3, extern. § 1 ), speaks only of the Cleitus who was murdered by the king. [E. E.] CNA'GIA {Kvayia), a surname of Artemis, derived firom Cnageus, a Laconian, who accompa- nied the Dioscuri in their war against Aphidna, and was made prisoner. He was sold as a slave, and carried to Crete, where he served in the tem- ple of Artemis ; but he escaped from thence with a priestess of the goddess, who carried her statue to Sparta. (Paus. iii. 18. § 3.) [L.S.] CNEMUS (KK^fios), the Spartan high admiral {vavapxos) in the second year of the Peloponnesian war, B. c. 430, made a descent upon Zacynthus with 1000 Lacedaemonian hoplites ; but, after ravaging the island, was obliged to retire without reducing it to submission. Cnemus was continued in his office ef admiral next year, though the regu- lar term, at least a few j-ears subsequently, was only one year. In the second year of his command (b. c. 429), he was sent with 1000 hoplites again to co-operate with the Ambracians, who wished to subdue Acamania and to revolt from Athens. He put himself at the head of the Ambracians and their barbarian allies, invaded Acamania, and pe- netrated to Stratus, the chief town of the country. But here his barbarian allies were defeated hy the Ambracians, and he was obliged to abandon the expedition altogether. Meantime the Peloponne- sian fleet, which was intended to co-operate with the land forces, had been defeated by Phormio with a far smaller number of ships. Enraged at this disaster, and suspecting the incompetency of the commanders, the Lacedaemonians sent out Timocrates, Brasidas, and Lycophron to assist Cnemus as a council, and with instructions to pre- pare for fighting a second battle. After refitting their disabled vessels and obtaining reinforcements from their allies, by which their number was in- creased to seventy-live, while Phormio had only twenty, the Lacedaemonian commanders attacked the Athenians off Naupactus, and though the lat- ter at first lost several ships, and were nearly defeated, they eventually gained the day, and recovered, with one exception, all the ships which had been previously captured by the enemy. After this, Cnemus, Brasidas, and the other Peloponne- s'an commanders formed the design of surprising Peiraeeus, and would probably have succeeded in their attempt, only their courage failed them at the time of execution, and they sailed to Salamis instead, thereby giving the Athenians notice of their intention. (Thuc. ii. 66, 80—93 ; Diod. xii. 47, &c.) CNEPH. [Cnuphis.]