Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/1128

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1114 MOSCHION. the deepest dye in Hades any one who ever copied out a speech of Morsimus. Besides his profession as a poet, he seems to have practised as a pliysician and oculist, in which departments, according to all accounts (Schol. ad Ariat. Equit. 401 ; Hesy chins, s. V. KAy^tevos), he was not much more successful. {Ran. 151 ; comp. Eqiiit. 401, Pax. 11^^, with the scholia on those passages.) Frigidity seems to have been the predominant characteristic of his poetry. (Suidas, s. ?;.; Y'Ahnc. Bihl. Graec. vol. ii. p. 311 ; Meineke, Fragmenta Com. Graec. vol. ii. part ii. p. 659.) [C. P. M.] MO'RYCHUS (Mopuxos), a tragic poet, a con- temporary of Aristophanes, noted especiallj"- for his gluttony and efFeminacv. (Aristoph. Acharn. 887, Vesp. 504, 1 137, Paxl 1008, with the note of the scholiast.) There was a proverb: Mopuxow ewrj- feffre/jos. More foolish titan Moryclius ; but whe- ther it had reference to the tragic poet of that name, or not, we do not know. (Fabric. BiU. Graec. vol. ii. p. 311 ; Bode, G'esch. der Flelien. Dichtkunst, vol. iii. part i. p. 548.) [C. P. M.] MORZES, or, according to Polybius, MO'R- ZIAS (MopC^as), a king of Paphlagonia, who fought against the Romans in the Gallo-Graecian war, B.C. 189. Morzes had been conquered by Pharnaces, king of Pontus, and was indemnified in the treaty of peace imposed on the latter prince bv Eumenes II. king of Pergamus, in B.C. 189 — 188. (Polvb. xxvi. 6. § 9 ; Liv. xxxviii, 26 ; Strab. xii. p. 562.) [W. B. D.] MOSCHAMPAR, GEO'RGIUS {Tio^pyios 6 Moaxdfxrrap)^ chartophylax magnae ecclesiae at Constantinople, was a friend and contemporary of George of Cyprus, patriarch of Constantinople A. D. 1283 — 1289 [Georgius, literary. No. 20]. He took a leading part in opposition to the doctrine of the Latin church on the procession of the Holy Spirit, and to the distinguished advocate of that church, Joannes Beccus or Veccus. He seems, however, to have had little weight even with his own party. He published several treatises in op- position to Veccus, to which the latter ably replied ; lout neither the attacks of the one nor the answers of the other seem to be preserved. There is a letter of Moschampar to his friend George of Cyprus, printed in the life of the latter, which was published by J. F. Bernard de Rubeis, Venice, 1753. (Pachymer. Hist. i. 8 ; AUatius, Graec. Ortliodox. vol. ii. pp. 3, 9, 10 ; Fabric. Bill. Graec. vol. xii. pp. 46, 47, comp. vol. viii. pp. 53, 54.) MOSCHION (Moo-xtW). 1. A tragic and comic poet, mentioned more than once by Stobaeus, who has preserved the names of three of his plays. 1. QefjLKrroKKrjs. 2. TrJAecpos. 3. ^epaioi. (Sto- baeus, Eel. Phys. i. 38 ; Clem. Alex. Strom, vi, p. 623 ; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. ii. p. 311.) 2. A Greek writer, who drew up an account of the construction of the enormous ship which was built by command of Hieron, under the direction of the celebrated Archimedes. [Hieron ; Archi- medes.] Moschion's account is quoted at length by Athenaeus (v. p. 206, d, 209, e). 3. A celebrated cook, who was purchased by Demetrius Phalereus, and speedily realised a large fortune from the perquisites allowed him by his extravagant master. (Athen. xii. p. 542.) A para- site of the same name seems to have enjoyed suffi- cient notoriety to be mentioned in more than one passage quoted by Athenaeus (vi. p. 246, b, c, ix. p. 382, d). [C. P. M.] MOSCHOPULUS. MOSCHION (Moa-xiwi/), the author of a short Greek treatise, Ilepi ruv FwaiKeiuv IlaOaiu, De Mulierum Passionibus, who is supposed to have lived in the beginning of the second century after Christ, as he mentions Soranus (c. 151). No- thing is known of the writer's personal history, nor can it be determined with certainty whether he is the same person as either of the physicians men- tioned below. The work is composed in the form of question and answer, and is an interesting little book, containing much useful and valuable matter. It is supposed to have been written originally in Latin, and to have been translated into Greek by some late author : this Greek text is all that now remains. It was first published in Casp. Wolf'g Collection of Writers on Female Diseases, Basil. 1566, 4to., and in the two subsequent editions of that work. These editions contain eleven chapters at the end which are supposed to be spurious, and omit the author's preface. Probably the latest and best edition is that by F. 0. Dewez, 8vo. Vienn. 1793, Greek and Latin. (See Fabric. Bibl. Gr. vol. xii. p. 702, ed. vet. ; Choulant, Handb. der Bucherkunde fur die Aeltere Medicin.) 2. A physician quoted by Soranus (ap. Gal. De Compos. Medicam. sec. Loc. i. 2, vol, xii. p. 416), Andromachus (ibid. vu. 2, vol. xiii. p. 30), and Asclepiades Pharmacion (ap. Gal. De Compos. Medicam. sec. Gen. iii. 9, vol. xiii. p. 646), and who lived, therefore, in or before the first cen- tury after Christ. He may perhaps be the same person who was called Atop^coTTjs, Corrector., be- cause, though he was one of the followers of Asclepiades of Bithynia, he ventured to controvert his opinions on some points. (Galen, De Differ. Puis. iv. 16, vol. viii. p. 758). A physician of the same name is mentioned also by Soranus {De Arte Obstetr. p. 184), Plu- tarch {Sympos. iii. 10. § 2), Alexander Trallianus (i. 15, p. 156), Aetius (iv. 3, § 13, p. 755), Pliny {H. N. xix. 26, § 4), and TertuUian {De Anima, c. 15). [W. A. G.] MOSCHION (Moo-xtW), the son of Adamas, an Athenian sculptor, made, in conjunction with his brothers Dionysodorus and Ladamas, a statue of Isis in the island of Delos. The names of the artists are preserved by an inscription on the statue, which is now at Venice. (Winckelmann, Gesclu d. Kunst, bk. ix. c. 2. § 10.) [P. S.] MOSCHOPU'LUS, MA'NUEL or EMA'N- UEL (Maj/ou7)/. s. 'E^a»'ov7)A. Mo(rxo7rouA.os), a Greek grammarian of the later period of the Byzantine empire. There are few writers whose works have had so extensive a circulation whose time and history are so uncertain. Ac- cording to the account generally current among the historians of literature, there were two Mos- chopuli, both bearmg the name of Manuel, uncle and nephew ; the uncle, a native of Crete, who lived in the time of the emperor Andronicus Palaeologus the Elder, about A. D. 1 392 ; the nephew, a native of Constantinople, who, on the capture of that city by the Turks, A. D. 1453, fled into Italy. Of his fortunes, connections, or place of residence in that country, nothing appears to have been known, nor do we find any record or notice of his death. (Comp. Walder. Praef. ad Moschopuli Grammat. Artis Method.^ A.D. 1540 ; Burton, Ling. Graec. Historian p. 57, 12mo. Lond. 1 657 ; Scherpezeelius, Praef. od Moschoptdi SchoHa ad Iliad, llardwick, A. d. 1702; Fabric. BibU