Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/1221

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NOMIA. Celtiberians, in B. c. 179, by Gracchus, the father of the celebrated tribunes, this warlike nation had given the Romans no trouble, which, however, was more owing to the wise regulations of Gracchus, after his victories, than to the victories themselves. But in consequence of the Romans suspecting the Celtiberian town of Segida or Segeda, they em- barked in a war against the whole nation, which was not brought to a conclusion till B. c. 134, by the capture of Numantia by Scipio. Fulvius was sent into Spain in his consulship with an army of nearly 30,000 men, but was very unsuccessful. He was first defeated by the enemy under the command of a native of Segida, called Carus, with a loss of 6000 men. on the day of the Vulcanalia, or the 23d of August; and the misfortune was looked upon as so severe, that no Roman general would afterwards fight on that day unless com- pelled. Fulvius retrieved, however, to some extent, the disaster, by an attack of the Roman cavalry, who checked the conquerors in their pursuit, and slew Carus and a considerable number of his troops. Shortly afterwards the consul received from Masi- nissa a reinforcement of Numidian cavalry and some elephants; and the latter caused such terror in the enemy, that they fled before the Romans, and shut themselves up in the town of Numantia. But under the walls of this place Fulvius expe- rienced a new disaster : a restive elephant, whose example was imitated by his companions, threw the Roman army into confusion; and the Celtibe- rians, availing themselves of this circumstance, sallied from the town, slew 4000 Romans, and captured their elephants. After meeting with one or two other repulses, Fulvius closed his inglorious campaign, and retired to winter-quarters, where many of the troops perished of hunger and cold. He was succeeded in the command by Claudius Marcellus, the consul of the next year. (Appian, Hisp. 45 — 47; Polyb. xxxv. 4.) Fulvius was censor in B. c. 136. (Fasti Capit.) Cicero tells us that he inherited his father's love for literature, and that he presented the poet En- nius with the Roman franchise when he was a triumvir for founding a colony (Cic. Brut. 20). 5. M. Fulvius Nobii.ior, tribune of the sol- diers, B.C. 180, and described as a brother of Q. Fulvius, was probably brother of the Quintus who was triumvir coloniae deducendae in B.C. 184. See the beginning of No. 4. (Liv. xl. 41.) 6. M. FuLViUvS NoBiLioR is mentioned by Sal- lust {Cat. 17) as one of Catiline's conspirators. He is perhaps the same as the M. Fulvius Nobilior who was condemned in b. c. 54, but for what crime we do not know. (Cic, ad Alt. iv. 16. § 12.) NOCTUA, Q. CAEDI'CIUS, consul, b. c. 289, and censor 283, is only known from the Fasti. NODOTUS or NODUTUS, is said to have been a divinity presiding over the knots in the stem of plants producing grain; but it seems more probable that originally it was only a surname of Satunms. (Aug. De Civ. Dei, iv. 8; Arnob. adv. Gent. iv. 7.) [L. S.J NOMENTA'NUS is mentioned several times by Horace as proverbially noted for extravagance and a riotous mode of living. He was one of the guests at the celebrated dinner of Naaidienus. The Scholiasts tell us that his full name was L. Cassius Nomentanus. (Hor. Sat. i. 1. 102, i. 8. 11, ii. 1. 22, ii. 3. 175, 224, ii. 8. 23, 25, 60.) NO'MIA (Noju^, an Arcadian nymph, from NONIANUS. 1207 whom mount Nomia, near Lycosura in Arcadia, was believed to have derived its n;ime. (Paus. viii. 38. § 8, x. 31. § 2.) [L. S.] NO'MIUS (Njjutos), a surname of divinities protecting the pastures and shepherds, such as Apollo, Pan. Hermes, and Aristaeus. (Aristoph. Tkesmoph. 983; Anthol. Palat. ix. 217; Callim. H7/,>m. in Apoll. 47.) [L. S.] NOMOS (No;ttos), a personification of law, de- scribed as the ruler of gods and men. (Pind. Fragm. 151, p. 640, ed. Bockh; Plat. Gorg. p. 484, b.; Orph. Hymn. 63.) [L. S.] NONACRIS (Nojj/aKpjs), the wife of Lycaon, from whom the town of Nonacris in Arcadia was believed to have derived its name. (Paus. viii. 17. § 5.) From this town Hermes and Evander are called Nonacriates and Nonacrius, in the general sense of Arcadian. (Steph. Byz. s. v. tidvaKpis; Ov.i^as^. V. 97.) [L. S.] NO'NIA GENS, plebeian. Persons of this name are not mentioned till the very end of the republic, but occur frequently under the early emperors. The principal cognomens of the Nonii are Asprenas,Balbus,Gallus, Qujnctilianu.s, and SuFENAS, or Suffenas; but as one or twc persons of the name of Asprenas are omitted unde/ that head, they are given below under Nonius. The only cognomens which occur on coins are Quindilianus and Sufenas. NONIA'NUS, CONSI'DIUS. There were two persons of this name who espoused Pompey's party in the civil war, and who are spoken of under Considius, Nos. 8 and 9. The annexed coin, however, seems to refer to neither of them. It bears on the obverse the head of Venus, with c. CONSIDI NONIANI; and, on the reverse, a temple on the top of a mountain, on which is written, ERVC, the mountain itself being surrounded with fortifications. The coins seem to refer to the temple of Venus at Eryx, in Sicily, which was probably repaired by this C. Considius Nonianus, at the command of the senate. COIN OF C. CONSIDIUS NONIANUS. NONIA'NUS, M. SERVI'LIUS, was consul A. D. 35, with C. Sestius Gallus. (Dion Cass. Iviii. 25; Tac. Ann. vi. 31; Plin. H. N. x. 43. s, 60.) In the passages just referred to he is called simply M. Servilius; but the Fasti give him the surname of Nonianus, and Pliny, in another pas- sage (H. N. xxxvii. 6. s. 21), speaks of the consul, Servilius Nonianus, who was, lie tells us, the grandson of the Nonius, proscribed byM. Antonius. [Nonius, No. 4.] His name shows that he was adopted by one of the Servilii. The consul of a. d. 35 was, therefore, the same as the M. Servilius Nonianus, who was one of the most celebrated orators and historians of his time. The emperor Claudius listened to the recitation of his works; and Quinctilian also heard him, and speaks with commendation of his works, although he says he was "minus pressus, quam historiae auctoritas postulat." Pliny calls him " princeps civitatis;" 4 u 4