Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/13

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LIST OF COINS ENGRAVED IN THE SECOND VOLUME. In the following list AV indicates that the coin is of gold, M of silver, M of copper, 1^ first bronze Roman, 2i5E second bronze Roman, 3iE third bronze Roman. The weight of all gold and silver coins is given, with the exception of the aurei and denarii, which are for the most part of nearly the same weight respectively. When a coin has been reduced or enlarged in the drawing, the diameter of the original coin is given in the last column, the numbers in which refer to the subjoined scale : those which have no numbers affixed to them are of the same size in the drawing as the originals. o — to" *.o.ia<i 03 <a o 1 e "3 o 5 2 42 1 55 2 75 2 96 2 124 2 130 1 LSI 2 136 1 140 1 «  2 141 1 >» »> 5» » 157 1 159 2 5» »> 161 2 169 1 176 2 178 1 tt n it «  179 2 j» »» 188 2 189 1 206 2 207 2 219 221 226 235 238 262 2 266 1 267| 1 1 280 2 Egnatuleius Eppius Evagrius Eucratides Eupator Euthydemus Fabatus, Roscius . . . Fabius ii »> Fannius Fausta Fausta, Flavia Maxi miana Faustina Senior . . . Faustina Junior . . Faustina, wife of Ela gabalus ....... Flaccus, Rutilius . . . Flaccus, Valerius . . Flacilla .... Flavia Gens . . Florianus .... Florus, Aquillius Fonteius . . . . Fulvia Gens . . Fundania Gens . n i Galba Galba (emperor) Galla Placidia . Gallienus . . . . Gallus, Caninius Gellius Gelon Germanicus . . . Gessius Caracalla .... Geta Gordianus I. . . ^ e 2 "3 S ?n a g ^ 'Jn (2


M 281 2 M 282 1 M 104 298 2 M 258 94 299 2 JE 119 303 1 M 184 323 2 M 342 1 M 371 1 M M M 407 1 AV 408 428 1 1 ^M 450 2 M 457 1 JR 459 ']' M 498 1 M 516 2 M 530 1 M ,, M 563 2 3iE 614 2 M 635 2 'dm 637 2 M 638 1 M 642 1 M M 642 2 M 643 2 M 650 1 M 675 1 M 698 2 M 704 1 M ! 705 1 M 731 2 M 763 1 AV 764 2 AV 766 1 M 768 2 M M 769 1 1M JE 779 1 M 780 1 AV 780 2 m. 784 1 Gordianus II Gordianus III Gracchus Granius Gratianus Hadrianus Hannibalianus Helena Helena Herennia Gens . . , , , Herennius Etruscns . „ Herod the Greek . . . . Hicetas Hieron Hieronymus Hirtius Honorius Hosidius Geta Hostilianus Idrieus lotape Juba I Juba II. ". Judex, Vettius Julia, daughter of Au- gustus Julia, daughter of Titus Julianus, Didius .... Julianas (emperor) . . . Justinianus Labienus Porcius Laeca Laelianus Lentulus Lepidus, M. Aemilius . „ Q. Aemilius . . PauUus, M. Aemilius . Lepidus, M., the trium- vir PauUus Aemilius Le- pidus . . '. Libo, Marcius Libo, Scribonius . . . . Libo, Statilius Licinius Senior 1 i 1 M M M M M AV 3iE 3iE dM M M M AV AV 65i 65 M 10 ^ M 9 . AV AV M M M 232 M 2* M M M M m. AV M M M M IR M M m. M M M M AV