Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/146

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132 FABRICIUS. with Vincius Rufinus, Antonius Primus, and t)thers, to impose on his aged and wealthy relative, Domitius Balbus, a forged will. Fabianus was degraded from the senatorian order by the Lex Cornelia Testamentaria or De Falsis. (Tac. Ann. xiv. 40 ; comp. Instit. iv. 18. § 7 ; Paulus, Recept. Sententiamm, v. tit. 25.) [W. B. D.] FABI'LIUS, or FABILLUS, a professor of literature in the third century a. d., who instructed the younger Maxirainus in the Greek language, and was the author of several Greek epigrams, which were mostly inscriptive lines for the statues and portraits of his youthful pupil. (Capitolin. Maocimin. Jun. 1.) [W. B. D.] FA'BIUS DOSSENNUS. [Dossennus.] FA'BIUS FABULLUS. [Fabullus.] FA'BIUS HADRIA'NUS. [Hadrianus.] FA'BIUS LABEO. [Labeo.] FA'BIUS MELA. [Mela.] FA'BIUS PLANCI'ADES FULGE'NTIUS. [FULGENTIIJS.] FA'BIUS PRISCUS. [Priscus.] FA'BIUS RU'STICUS. [Rusticus.] FA'BIUS SABI'NUS. [Sabinus.] FA'BIUS SANGA. [Sanga.] FA'BIUS, VERGILIA'NUS. [Vergi- LIANUS.] FABRI'CIA GENS, seems to have belonged originally to the Hernican town of Aletrium, where Fabricii occur as late as the time of Cicero (pro Cluent. 16, &c.) The first Fabricius who occurs in history is the celebrated C. Fabricius Luscinus, who distinguished himself in the war against Pyrrhus, and who was probably the first of the Fabricii who quitted his native place and settled at Rome. We know that in B. c. 306, shortly be- fore the war with Pyrrhus, most of the Hernican towns revolted against Rome, but were subdued and compelled to accept the Roman franchise with- out the suffrage : three towns, Aletrium, Feren- tinum, and Verulae, which had remained faithful to Rome, were allowed to retain their former con- stitution ; that is, they remained to Rome in the relation of isopolity. (Li v. ix. 42, &c.) Now it is very probable that C. Fabricius Luscinus either at that time or soon after left Aletrium and settled at Rome, where, like other settlers from isopolite towns, he soon rose to high honours. Besides this Fabricius, no members of his family appear to have risen to any eminence at Rome ; and we must conclude that they were either men of inferior talent, or, what is more probable, that being strangers, they laboured under great disadvantages, and that the jealousy of the illustrious Roman families, plebeian as well as patrician, kept them down, and prevented their maintaining the posi- tion which their sire had gained. Luscinus is the only cognomen of the Fabricii that we meet with under the republic : in the time of the em- pire we find a Fabricius with the cognomen Vei- KNTO. There are a few without a cognomen. [L. S.] FABRI'CIUS. 1. C. and L. Fabricius belonged to the municipium of Aletrium, and were twins. According to Cicero {pro Cluent. 16, &c.), they were both men of bad character ; and C. Fa- bricius, in particular, was charged with having allowed himself to be made use of as a tool of Op- pianicus, about b. c. 67, to destroy A. Cluentius. [A. Cluentius, No. 2.] 2. L. Fabricicis, C. p., perhaps a son of No. 1, was curator viai-ura in a c. 62, and built a new FACUNDUS. bridge of stone, which connected the city with the island in the Tiber, and which was called, after him, pons Fahridus. The time at which the bridge was built is expressly mentioned by Dion Cassius (xxxvii. 45), and the name of its author is still seen on the remnants of the bridge, which now bears the name of ponte quattro capi. On one of the arches we read the inscription: " L. Fabricius, C. F. Cur. ViAR. faciundum coeravit idemque PROBAViT ;" and on another arch there is the follow- ing addition: " Q. Lepidus, M. F., M.Lolliu, M. F., EX S. C. PROBAVERUNT,'* which probably refers to a restoration of the bridge by Q. Lepidus and M. Lollius. The scholiast on Horace {Sat. ii. 3, 36) calls the Fabricius who built that bridge a consul, but this is obviously a mistake. (Becker, Handbuch d. Rom. Alterthilmer^ vol. i. p. GQ9.) There is also a coin bearing the name of L. Fabri- cius. (Eckhel, Dodr. Num. vol. v. p. 210.) 3. Q. Fabricius was tribune of the people in B. c. 57, and well disposed towards Cicero, who was then living in exile. He brought before the people a motion that Cicero should be recalled, as early as the month of January of that year. But the attempt was frustrated by P. Clodius by armed force. (Cic. ad Qu. Frat. i. 4, post Red. in Sen. 8, pro Sext. 35, &c., pro Milan. 14.) In the Monumentum Ancyranum and in Dion Cassius (xlviii. 35), he is mentioned as consul suffectus of the year B. c. 36. [L. S.] FABULLUS, painter. [Amulius.] FABULLUS, FA'BIUS, one of the several persons to whom the murder of Galba, in a. d. 69, was attributed. He carried the bleeding head of the emperor, which, from its extreme baldness, was difficult to hold, in the lappet of his sagum, until, compelled by his comrades to expose it to public view, he fixe^ it on a spear and brandished it, says Plutarch, as a bacchanal her thyrsus, in his progress from the forum to the praetorian camp (Plut. Galb. 27 ; comp. Sueton. Galb. 20). But for the joint statement of Plutarch (I.e.) and Tacitus (Hist. i. 44), that Vitellius put to death all the murderers of Galba, this Fabullus might be sup- posed the same with Fabius Fabullus, legatus of the fifth legion, whom the soldiers of Vitellius, A. D. 69, chose as one of their leaders in the mutiny against Alienus Caecina [Caecina, No. 9 J, when he prematurely declared for Vespasian. (Tacit. Hist. iilM.) [W. B. D.] FACUNDUS, styled « Episcopus Hermia- nensis," from the see which he held in the pro- vince of Byzacium, in Africa Propria, lived about the middle of the sixth century. When Justinian (a. d. 544) published an edict condemning, let, the Epistle of Ibas, bishop of Edessa ; 2d, the doctrine of Theodore, bishop of Mopsuestia ; and 3d, cer- tain writings of Theodoret, bishop of Cyrus or Cyrrus ; and anathematising all who approved of them, his edict was resisted by many, as impugning the judgment of the general council of Chalcedon (held A. D. 451 ), at which the prelates whose sen- timents or writings were obnoxious were not only not condemned, but two of them, Ibas and Theo- dore, restored to their sees, from which they had been expelled. Facundus was one of those who rejected the Emperor's edict ; and was requested by his brethren (apparently the other bishops of Africa) to prepare a defence of the Council on the three points (currently tenned by ecclesiastical writers the " tria capitula ") on which its judgment