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ELEUTIIER. Those who implored the assistance of the Athe- nians, such as Adrastus and the Heracleidae, ap- proached as suppliants the altar of Eleos. (Apollod. ii. 8. § 1, iii. 7. § 1 ; Schol. ad Soph. Oed. Col. 258 ) [L. S.] ELEPHANTIS, the writer of certain amatory works (molles Elephantidos libelli), the character of which is sufficiently evident from the notices con- tained in Martial and Suetonius, We know not with certainty the sex of the author, nor in what language the pieces were composed, nor whether they were expressed in prose or verse ; but the grammatical form of the name seems to indicate that the person in question was a female, and that she was either a Greek by birth or of Greek ex- traction. By the historians of literature she is generally ranked among the poetesses, (Martial, Ep. xii. 43. 5 ; Suet, Tib. 43; Priapei. in. ; Sui- das, s. V. 'AcTTvoiuatTaa.) Galen quotes a treatise ir^f) Koo-jUL-nTiKctiU by this or some other Elephantis, (Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol, viii. p. 158 ; comp, Span- heim, de Fraestantia et Usu Numism. Diss, ix, p. 771.) [W. R.] ELEPHE'NOR ('EA60r}i/«p), a son of Chaloo- don, and prince of the Abantes in Euboea, whom he led against Troj' in thirty or forty ships. He there fell by the hand of Agenor. (Hom. II. ii. 540, iv. 463; Hygin. Fab. 97 ; Diet. Cret. i. 17.) Hyginus calls his mother Imenarete, and Tzetzes {ad Lycoph. 1029) Melanippe. He is also men- tioned among the suitors of Helen (Apollod. iii. ] 0. § 8), and was said to have taken with him to Troy the sons of Theseus, who had been entrusted to his care. (Plut. Thes. 35; Paus, i, 17. § 6.) According to Tzetzes, Elephenor, without being aware of it, killed his grandfather, Abas, in con- sequence of which he was obliged to quit Euboea. When therefore the expedition against Troy was undertaken, Elephenor did not return to Euboea, but assembled the Abantes on a rock on the Euri- pus, opposite the island. After the fall of Troy, which, according to some accounts, he survived, he went to the island of Othronos near Sicily, and, driven away thence by a dragon, he went to Amantia in Illyria. (Lycophr. 1029, &c.) [L. S.] ELEUSl'NA or ELEUSI'NIA ('EAeuo-Ji/t'a), a surname of Demeter and Persephone, derived from Eleusis in Attica, the principal seat of their worship. (Virg. Georg. i. 163 ; Phornut. Ni D. 27 ; Steph. Byz. s. v. 'EAevals.) [L. S.] ELEUSIS ('EA.6wo-($), a son of Hermes and Daeira, the daughter of Oceanus. The town of Eleusis in Attica was believed to have derived its name from him. (Paus. i. 38. § 7 ; Apollod. i. 5. § 2; Hygin. Fab. 147.) He was manied to Cothonea or Cyntinia. (Hygin. I. c. ; Serv. ad Virp. Georg. L 19.) [L. S.] ELEUSIS ('EAevo-fs), is quoted by Diogenes Laertius (129) as the author of a work on Achilles (irepl 'Ax»A.Aews). [L. S.] ELEUTHER ('Eeu07fp), a son of Apollo and Aethusa, the daughter of Poseidon, was regarded as the founder of Eleutherae in Boeotia. (Steph. Byz. s. V. 'Eev9epaL) He was the grandfather of Jasius and Poemander, the founder of Tanagia. (Paus. ix. 20, § 2.) He is said to have been the first that erected a statue of Dionysus, and spread the worship of the god. (Hygin. Fab. 225.) There are two other mythical personages of the same name. (Plut. Quaesl. Gr. 39; Steph. Byz. s. v. "EAevdepai.) [L. S.J ELIAS. 9 ELEUTHEREUS {'EXevOepeus), a surname of Dionysus, which he derived either from Eleuther, or the Boeotian town of Eleutherae ; but it may also be regarded as equivalent to the Latin Liber. and thus describes Dionysus as the deliverer of man from care and sorrow. (Paus. i, 20. § 2, 38. § 8 ; Plut. Quaest. Rom. 101.) The form Eleutherius is certainly used in the sense of the deliverer, and occurs also as the surname of Zeus. ( Plut. Sympos. vii. in fin.; Pind. 01. xii. 1 ; Strab. ix. p. 412; Tacit. Ann. xv. 64.) [L, S,] ELIAS ('HA/as), This name, which is of Hebrew origin, belongs to several Greek writers, chiefly ecclesiastics, of the Byzantine empire. There were several prelates of the name in the Oriental patriarchates and bishoprics, and several writers, chiefly ecclesiastics, in the Oriental tongues, for whom see Assemanni, Bibliotheca Orientalis, and Fabric, Bibl. Graec. vol.ix. p. 257, xi. p. 614. We give only those belonging to Greek biography. In Latin the name is frequently written Helias. 1. 2. 3. Elias. There were three patriarchs of Jerusalem of this name. Elias I. was patriarch from A. D, 494 or 495 till his deposition by a council held at Sidon, whose decree was enforced, a,d. 5 1 3, by the emperor Anastasius I. He died in exile A. D. 518. Elias II. held the patriarchate from A. D. 760, or earlier, to 797, with the exception of an interval, when he was expelled by an intrusive patriarch Theodorus. He was represented at the second general council of Nicaea, a. d. 787, by Joannes, a presbyter, and Thomas, principal of the convent of St. Arsenius near Babylon in Egypt : these eccle- siastics were also representatives of the patriarchs of Alexandria and Antioch. Elias III. was pa- triarch at least as early as 881, when he sent a letter to Charles le Gros and the prelates, princes, and nobles of Gaul, A Latin version of the letter of Elias to Charlemagne (for it is scarcely probable that the original was in that language) was pub- lished in the Spicilegium of D'Achery, Klias died about A.B, 907. (Papebroche, Tradatus preliminaris de Episcopis et Patriarchis Sa?ictae Hierosolymitanae Ecdedae in iiii Ada Sandorum : Maii, vol, iii. with the Ap)pendioc in vol. vii. p. 696, &c. ; Labbe, Con- cilia, vol. vii. ; D'Achery, Spiciley. vol. iii. p. 363, ed. Paris, 1723.) 4. Elias of Charax. A Manuscript in the library of St. Mark at Venice contains a citation, printed by Villoison, from a Greek treatise on ver- sification by " Helias, a monk of Charax." Vil- loison states that the passage cited by him is, in several MSS. of the King's Library at Paris, im- properly ascribed to Plutarch. Harless incorrectly represents Villoison as speaking of two works of Helias on versification, and without, or rather ag:ainst authority, connects the name of Elias of Crete with them. Part of this work is printed by Her- mann in an Appendix to his edition of Dracon of Stratoniceia. [Dracon,] (Villoison, Anecd. Graec. vol. ii. pp. 85, 86 ; Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. vL p. 338.) 5. Elias of Ckete. There are several works extant ascribed to Elias Cretensis, whom Rader, Cave, Fabricius, and others, suppose to have been Elias, bishop (or rather metropolitan) of Crete, who took part in the second general council of Nicaea, a. d. 787. (Labbe, Concilia, vol. vii.) Leunclavius considers that the author was a difler- ent person from the prelate, and places the former in the sixth century or thereabout. (Prooemium in Sti Greyorii Nazianzeni Opera.) Oudin, who