Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/25

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ELVA. ELLOPS CEAAoi|/), a son of Ion or Tithonus, from whom EUopia in Euboea derived its name, (Strab. X. p. 445 ; Steph. Byz. s. v. 'EWo-rria ; Eustath. ad Horn. p. 280.) [L. S.] EliPE'NORCEA-Tnij/wp), one of the companions of Odysseus, who were metamorphosed by Circe into swine, and afterwards back into men. In- toxicated with wine, Elpenor one day fell asleep on the roof of Circe's residence, and in his attempt to rise he fell down and broke his neck. (Hom. Od. X. 550, &c.) When Odysseus was in the lower world, he met the shade of Elpenor, who implored him to bum his body and to erect a monument to him. {Od. xi. 57 .) After his return to the island of Circe, Odysseus complied with this request of his friend. {Od. xii. 10, &c. ; comp. Juven. XV. 22 ; Ov. Ibis, 487.) Elpenor was painted by Polygnotus in the Lesche at Delphi. (Pans. X. 29.) Servius {ad Aen. vi. 107) relates that Elpenor was killed by Odysseus himself for necromantic purposes. [L. S.] ELPI'DIUS ('EAttiSios), is called a remarkable mah and fond of learning. Leontius, in his com- mentary on the "Phaenomena" of Aratus, says, that he had constructed for Elpidius a sphaera ac- cording to the description of Aratus, and Fabricius {Bibl. Gr. iv. p. 94, note) supposes that this Elpi- dius is the same as the patrician who was sent as ambassador to Chaganus, king of the Avari, in the first year of the reign of the emperor Mauritius, and who is mentioned by Cedrenus and other writers of that period. [L. S.] ELPI'DIUS, or HELPIDIUS ('EA7r/5ios),one of the physicians of Theodoric the Great, king of the Ostrogoths, a. d. 493 — 526, whom he attended in his last illness. (Procop. de Bello Goth. lib. i. p. 167, ed. Hoschel.) He was a Christian, and in deacon's orders, and probably a native of Milan. There is extant a letter to him from king Theo- doric (ap. Cassiod. Variar. iv. 24), and four from Ennodius. {Epist. vii. 7, viii. 8, ix. 14, 21 ; ap. Sirmondi Opera, vol. i.) [W. A. G.] ELPINTCE ('EATTij/iK?;), daughter of Miltiades, and sister of Cimon. According to some accounts she was only his half-sister, and he therefore made her his wife, the Athenian law permitting marriage with a sister, if she was not 6ixojxr]rpios. He gave her, however, afterwards in marriage to Callias, who had fallen in love with her, and who made this the condition of paying for Cimon the fine which had been imposed upon Miltiades. [vol.i. p.567,b.] The character of Elpinice does not stand high, and we hear of a suspected intrigue of her's with Polyg- notus, the painter. When Cimon was accused of having taken bribes from Alexander I., king of Macedonia, Elpinice went to Pericles to entreat his forbearance. He put her off at the time with a jest, but he refrained on the trial from pressing strongly the charge against her brother. Cimon is said also to have negotiated with Pericles, through Elpinice, the terms on which he was to return from exile. (Piut. Cim. 4, 14, Ferid. 10; Nepos, Cim. 1.) [E. E.J ELVA, the name of a patrician family of the Aebutia gens. 1. T. Aebutius T. f. Elva, consul with P. Ve- turius Geminus Cicurinus in B. c. 499, in which year Fidenae was besieged and Crustumeria taken. In the following year, according to the date of most annalists, Elva was magister equitum to the dictator A. Postumius Albinus in tiie great battle EMMENIDAE. 11 fought at the Lake Regillus, where he commanded the left wing. The lays of that battle sung of his combat with Octavius Mamilius, by whom his arm was pierced through. (Liv. ii. 19 ; Dionys. v. 58, vi. 2, 4, 5, 11.) 2. L. Aebutius T. f. T. n. Elva, son of the preceding, consul with P. Servilius Priscus Structus in B. c. 463, was carried off in his consulship by the great plague which raged at Rome in that year. (Liv. iii. 6 ; Dionys. ix. 67 ; Diod. xi. 79 ; Oros. ii. 12.) 3. PosruMus Aebutius Elva Cornicen, con- sul with M. Fabius Vibulanus in b. c. 442, in which year a colony was founded at Ardea, and magister equitum to the dictator Q. Servilius Pris- cus Structus in b. c. 435. (Liv. iv. 11, 21 ; Diod. xii. 34.) 4. M. Aebutius Elva, one of the triumviri for founding the colony at Ardea in B. c. 442. (Liv. iv. 11.) 5. M. Aebutius Elva, praetor in b. c. 168, when he obtained Sicily as his province. (Liv. xliv. 17.) E'LYMUS ("EAumos), a Trojan, a natural son of Anchises and a brother of Eryx. (Tzetz, ad Lycoph. 9bQ.) Previous to the emigration of Aeneias, Elymus and Aegestus had fled from Troy to Sicily, and had settled on the banks of the river Crimisus, in the country of the Sicani. When afterwards Aeneias also arrived there, he built for them the towns of Aegesta and Elyme, and the Trojans who settled in that part of Sicily called themselves Elymi, after Elymus. (Dionys. Hal. A. R. i. 52, &c.) Strabo (xiii. p. 608) calls him Elymnus, and says that he went to Sicily with Aeneias, and that they together took possession of Eryx and Lilybaeum. Elymus was further be- lieved to have founded Asca and Entella in Sicily. (Virg. Aen. v. 73, with Servius's note.) [L. S.] EMANUEL. [Manuel.] EMA'THION {^nfjiaeiwv), a son of Tithonus and Eos, and a brother of Meranon. (Hes. Theog. 985.) He was king of Arabia, and was slain by Heracles. (ApoUod. ii. 5. § 11 ; Q. Smyrn. iii. 300.) There are two other mythical personages of this name. (Ov. Met. v. 105 ; Virg. Aen. ix. 571.) [L. S.] E'MATHUS ("H^uaeos), a son of Macedon and brother of Pierus, from whom Emathia, that is Macedonia, was believed to have derived its name. (Eustath. ad Hom. p. 980.) The daughters of Pierus (the Pierides) are sometimes called after their uncle Emathides. (Ov. Met. v. 669.) [L. S.] E'MILUS {"EjxiXos) of Aegina, made the gold and ivory statues of the Hours sitting on thrones in the temple of Hera at Olyrapia. (Pans. v. 17. § 1.) There is no other mention of this artist, and there can be no doubt that Valckenaer is right in reading SjutAis. Some MSS. give "E/j-iKls and "A/jLiAis. [Smilis.] [P. S.] EMME'NIDAE (^Enfi^vlSai), a princely family at Agrigentum, which traced its origin to the mythical hero Polyneices. Among its members we know Emmenides (from whom the family de- rived its name) the father of Aenesidaraus, whose sons Theron and Xenocrates are celebrated by Pindar as victors at the great games of Greece. Theron won a prize at Olympia, in 01. 76 (b. c. 476), in the chariot-race with four full-grown horses, and Xenocrates gained prizes in the horse- race at the Pythian, Isthmian, and Panatheiudc