Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/33

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ENNIUS. VI T. Phagetica^Phagesia^IIedypliageiica. These and many other titles haA^e been assigned to a work upon edible fishes, which Ennius may perhaps have translated from Archestratus. [Archestratus.] Eleven lines in dactylic hexameters have been preserved by Apuleius exhibiting a mere catalogue of nameg and localities. They are given, with Bome preliminary remarks, in Wernsdorf's Poet. Lat. Min. vol. i. pp. 157 and 187. See also Apuleius, Apolog. p. 299 ed. Elmenh. ; P. Pith- oeus, Epigramm. vet. iv. fin. ; Farrhas. Epist. 65 ; Trillerus, Observatt. crit. i. 14 ; Scaliger Catalect. vet. poet. p. 21 5 ; Turneb. Advers. xxi. 21 ; Salmas. ad Solin. p. 794, ed. Traj. ; Burmann, Anthol. Lai. iii. 135 ; Fabric. Bibl. Lat. lib. iv. c. 1. § 7. VIII. Epigrammata. Under this head we have two short epitaphs upon Scipio Africanus, and one upon Ennius himself, the whole in elegiac verse, extending collectively to ten lines. IX. Protveptka. The title seems to indicate that this was a collection of precepts exhorting the reader to the practice of virtue. We cannot, how- ever, tell much about it nor even discover whether it was written in prose or verse, since one word only is known to us, namely pannihus quoted hy Charisius. X. Praecepta. Very probably the same with the preceding. From the remains of three lines in Priscian we conclude that it was composed in iambic trimeters. XI. Sabinae. Angelo Mai in a note on Cic. Do Rep. ii. 8, gives a few words in prose from " Ennius in Sabinis " without informing us where he found them. Columna has pointed out that in Macrobius, Sat. vi. 5, we ought to read " Ennius in libro Saiirarum quarto " instead of Sabinarum as it stands in the received text. XII. Eultemerus., a translation into Latin prose of the 'Upa dmypdcpr] of Euhemerus [Eu- HEMERUS.] Several short extracts are contained in Lactantius, and a single word in the De Re llustica of Varro. Censorinus (c. 19) tells us, that according to Ennius the j'ear consisted of ii66 days, and hence it has been conjectured that he was the author of some astronomical treatise. But an expression of this sort may have been dropped incidentally, and is not sufficient to justify such a supposition with- out further evidence. The first general collection of the fragments of Ennius is that contained in the " Fragmenta ve- terum Poetarum Latinorum " by Robert and Henry Stephens, Paris, 8vo. 1564. It is exceedingly im- perfect and does not include any portion of the Euhemerus, which being in prose was excluded from the plan. Much more complete and accurate are " Q. Ennii poetae vetustissimi, quae supersunt, fragmenta," collected, arranged, and expounded, by Hieronymus Columna, Neapol. 4to. 1590, reprinted with consi- derable additions, comprising the commentaries of Delrio and G. J. Voss, by Hesselius, professor of history and eloquence at Rotterdam, Amstel. 4to. 1707. This must be considered as the best edition of the collected fragments which has yet appeared. Five years after Colurana's edition a new edition of the Annates was published at Leyden (4to. 1595) by Paullus Merula, a Dutch lawyer, who professed not only to have greatly purified the text, and to have introduced many important corrections in the arrangement and distribution of ENNODIUS. the different portions, but to have made considera- ble additions to the relics previously discovered. The new verses were gathered chiefly from a work by L. Calpurnius Piso, a co^iteraporary of the younger Pliny, bearing the title De Continentia Veierum Poetarum ad Trajanum Principem, a MS. of which Merula tells us that he examined hastily in the library of St. Victor at Paris, accompanying this statement with an inexplicable and most sus- picious remark, that he was afraid the volume would be stolen. It is certain that this codex, if it ever existed, has long since disappeared, and the lines in question are regarded with well-merited suspicion. (Niebuhr, Lectures on Roman History., edited by Dr. Schmitz, Introd. p. 35 ; Hoch, De Ennianorum Annalium Fragmentis a P. Merula auciis, Bonn, 1839.) The Annales from the text of Merula were re- printed, but not very accurately, with some trifling additions, and with the fragments of the Punic war of Naevius, by E. S. {Ernst Spang&nberg 8vo. Lips. 1825. The fragments of the tragedies were carefully collected and examined by M. A. Delrio in his Syntagma Tragoediae Latinae, vol., i. Antv. 4to, 1593; reprinted at Paris in 1607 and 1619: they will be found also in the Collectanea veterum Tragi- corum of Scriverius, to which are appended the emendations and notes of G. J. Vossius, Lug. Bat. 8vo, 1620. The fragments of both the tragedies and comedies are contained in Bothe, Poetarum Lotii scenicorum fragmenta^ Halberst. 8vo. 1823. The fragments of the Medea, with a dissertation on the origin and nature of Roman tragedy, were published by H. Planck, Getting. 4to. 1806, and the fragments of the Medea and of the Hecuba, compared with the plays of Euripides bearing the same names, are contained in the Analecta Critka Poesis Romanorum scenkae reliquias illustrantia of Osann, Berolin. 8vo. 1816. (See the prefaces and prolegomena to the editions of the collected fragments by Hesselius, and of the annals by E. S. where the whole of the ancient authorities for the biography of Ennius are quoted at full length ; Caspar Sagittarius, Commentatio de vita et scriptisLivii Andro7nci^ Naevii, EnniU CaecUii Statu, &c., Altenburg. 8vo. 1672; G. F. de Franck- enau, Dissertatio de Morbo Q. Ennii, Witt. 4to. 1694; Domen. d'Angelis, delta patria d'Ennio dissertazione, Rom. 8vo. 1701, Nap. 8vo. 1712 ; Henningius Forelius, De En7iio diatiibe, Upsnl. 8vo. 1707 ; W. F. Kreidmannus, de Q. Ennio Oratio, Jen. 4to. 1754; Cr. Cramerus, Dissertatio sistens Horatii de Ennio effaium, Jen. 4to. 1755; C. G. Kuestner Chrestomathia juris Enniani, &c., Lips. 8vo. 1762.) [W. R.] ENNO'DIUS, MAGNUS FELIX, was bom at Aries about a. d. 476, of a very illustrious family, which numbered among its members and connexions many of the most illustrious personages of that epoch. Having been despoiled while yet a boy of all his patrimony by the Visigoths, he was educated at Milan by an aunt, upon whose death he found himself at the age of sixteen again re- duced to total destitution. From this unhappy position he was extricated by a wealthy marriage, but having been prevailed upon by St. Epiphanius to renounce the pleasures of the world, he received ordination as a deacon, and induced his wife to enter a convent. His labours in the service of the Church were so conspicuous that he was chosen c2