Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/384

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370 IIEIUS. foot in a species of stocks, intending to put him to death ; but Hegesistratus cut his foot off with a l^ife, escaped from prison, and fled to Tegea, which was then at war with the Lacedaemonians. He was hired by Mardonius, and acted as sooth- Bayer for the Persians at the battle of Plataea, B.C. 479 ; some time after which he fell again into the hands of the Spartans, at Zacynthus, and was put to death by them. (Herod, ix. 37.) 3. A Samian, was among those who were sent from Saraos to Leotychides, the Spartan king, in com- mand of the Greek fleet at Delos, to urge him to come to the aid of the lonians against the Persians. Leotychides accepted the name Hegesistratus (conductor of the army) as a good omen, and com- plied with the request. The result was the battle of Mycale, B.C. 479. (Herod, ix. 90—92.) [E. E.] HEGE'TOR ('H77JTWP), a surgeon, who pro- bably lived at Alexandria at the end of the second or the beginning of the first century B. c, as he is apparently mentioned by Galen as a contemporary of several physicians who lived at Alexandria about that time. (Z)e Dignosc. Puis. iv. 3, vol. viii, p. Q5B.) He certainly lived before Apollonius Citiensis, by whom he is quoted, and one of his opinions controverted. (Dietz, Schol. in Hippocr. et Gal. vol. i. pp. 34, 35, 41.) He was one of the followers of Herophilus, and wrote a work entitled Ilepi AtTJCoi', De Causis^ of which nothing remains. This work has been attributed to Herophilus by Dr. Marx (De Heroph. Vita, ^c. pp. 11, 58), who considers the word 'Hyt^roop in Apollonius to be, not a proper name, but a sort of honorary title ap- plied to Herophilus ; but that both these suppo- sitions are wrong has been pointed out by a writer in the Brit, and For. Med. Rev. vol. xv. pp. 109, 110. [W.A.G.] HE'GIAS. [Hegesias.] HEIMA'RMENE {Elfxapfievr]), the personifica- tion of fate. [MoiRAE.] HEX US ("Hetos), the name of an ancient and noble family at Messana in Sicily. They were probably hereditary clients of the Claudii. (Cic. in Verr. iv. 3 ; comp. c. 17.) 1. Cn. Heius, one of the judices in the judicium Albianum, b. c. 74. (Cic. pro Cltient. 38.) [Clu- ENTIUS.] 2. Heius, a citizen of Lilybaeum in Sicily, and a ward of C. Claudius Pulcher, curule aedile in B. c. 99. He was one of the many Sicilians whom Verres, while praetor, robbed of money and works of art. (Cic. in Verr. iv. 17.) 3. C. Heius, the principal citizen of Messana in Sicily, and head of the deputation which Verres persuaded or compelled that city to send to Rome in B. c. 70, to give evidence in his favour, when impeached by Cicero. But Heius, although he discharged his public commission, was in his own person an important witness for the prosecution. He had, indeed, been one of the principal sufiferers from the praetor's rapacity. Before the administra- tion of Verres Heius was the possessor, by long inheritance, of some of the rarest and most perfect specimens of Grecian art. Among them were the famous Eros in marble by Praxiteles ; an equally celebrated Heracles in bronze, by Myron ; Cane- phoroe, by PolVcletus ; and Attalic tapestry, as rare and much more costly than the Gobelin tapestry of modem times. All these ancestral treasures of the Heian family, some of which being the furni- ture of the family-chapel, were sacred as well as HELENA. priceless, Verres purchased from their reluctant owner at a nominal price, borrowed without return- ing, or seized without apology, until both the house and lararium of Heius were stripped bare of ever}' work of art, except one ancient piece, probably of Pelasgian manufacture, which was neither beautiful nor curious enough for the praetor's cabinet. Verres had been equally unscrupulous with the money and property of Heius, who declared, when examined by Cicero, that so far from consenting to the sale of his statues, no price could have induced him to alienate them from the Heian inheritance. (Cic. in Verr. ii. 5, iv. 2, 7, 67, v. 1 8.) [ W. B. D.J HE'LARA ('EAapr;), a daughter of Orchomenus, became by Zeus the mother of Tityus, but the god, from fear of Hera, concealed her under the earth. (ApoUod. i. 4. § 1 ; ApoUon. Rhod. i. 762 ; Strab. ix. p. 423.) [L. S.J HELEIUS C'EXeios), a son of Perseus and Andromeda, who joined Amphitryon in the war against the Teleboans, and received from him the islands of the Taphians. (Apollod. ii. 4. §§ 5, 7 ; Schol. ad Horn. II. xix. 116 ; Strab. viii. p. 363, where he is called "EAjos.) [L- S.] HE'LENA ('EAeVTj), a daughter of Zeus and Leda, and the sister of Polydeuces and Castor ; some traditions called her a daughter of Zeus by Nemesis. (Apollod. iii. 10. § 6 ; Hygin. Fah. 77; Schol. ad Callim. Hymn, in Dian. 232.) She was of surpassing beauty, and is said to have in her youth been carried off by Theseus, in conjunction with Peirithous to Attica. When therefore Theseus was absent in Hades, Polydeuces and Castor (the Dioscuri) undertook an expedition to Attica. Athens was taken, Helena delivered, and Aethra, the mother of Theseus, was taken prisoner, and carried by the Dioscuri, as a slave of Helena, to Sparta. (Hygin. Fab. 79 ; comp. Pans. i. 17. § 6, 41. § 5, ii. 22. § 7.) After her return to Sparta, princely suitors appeared from all parts of Greece (Hygin. Fah. 81 ; Apollod. iii. 10. § 8), but, after a consultation with Odysseus, who was likewise one of them, Tyndareus, the husband of Leda, gave her in marriage to Menelaus, who became by her the father of Hermione, and, according to others, of Nicostratus also. She was subsequently seduced and carried off by Paris to Troy. [Paris; Menelaus.J Ptolemaeus Hephaestion (4) men- tions six other mythical personages of the same name: 1. a daughter of Paris and Helena ; 2. a daughter of Aegisthus and Clytaemnestra ; 3. a daughter of Epidamnius; 4. a daughter of Faustulus, the shepherd who brought up Romulus and Remus; 5. a daughter of Tityrus ; and 6. a daughter of Micythus, the beloved of Stesichorus. [L. S.J HE'LENA, FLA'VIA JU'LIA. 1. The mother of Constantine the Great, was unquestion- ably of low origin, perhaps the daughter of an inn- keeper, but the report chronicled by Zosimus, and not rejected by Orosius, that she was not joined in lawful wedlock to Chlorus seems to be no less destitute of foundation than the monkish legend which represents her father as a British or Cale- donian king. When her husband was elevated to the dignity of Caesar by Diocletian, in A. d. 292, he was compelled to repudiate his wife, to make way for Theodora, the step-child of Maxiraianus Herculius: but the necessity of such a divorce is in itself a sufficient proof that the existing marriage was regarded as regular and legal. Subsequently, when her son succeeded to the purple, Helena was I