Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/53

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EPIPHANIUS. chosen to succeed him : he had been the "syncellus" or personal attendant (the functions of the syncellus are not determined) of his predecessor. The elec- tion of Epiphanius is stated by Theophanes to have taken place in Feb. a. d. 512 of the Alexandrian computation, equivalent to a. d. 51.9 or probably 520 of the common era ; the account, transmitted only four days after his ordination, to pope Hor- misdas, by the deacon Dioscurus, then at Constan- tinople, as one of the legates of the Roman see, given hy Labbe {Concilia, vol. iv. p. 1523), was received at Rome on the 7th of Apnl, a. d. 520, which must therefore have been the year of his election. He occupied the see from a. d. 520 till his death in a. d. 535. Theophanes places his death in June, A. d. 529, Alex, comput. = a. d. 536 of the common era, after a patriarchate of sixteen years and three months ; but Pagi {Critic, in Baronii Annales ad arm. 535, No. Iviii. ) shortens this cal- culation by a year. Epiphanius was one of the saints of the Greek calendar, and is mentioned in the Afeno/o</ium translated by Sirletus, but not in that of the emperor Basil. He was succeeded by An- thimus, bishop of Trapezus. Some Letters of Epiphanius to pope Hormisdas, and of the pope to him, are extant in Labbes Con- cilia, vol. iv. col. 1533-4-7, 1545-6, 1554-5; and in the Concilia of Binius, vol. ii. pp. 360-61-64- 65-68 (edit. 1606) ; in the latter they are given only in Latin. A decree of Epiphanius, and of a council in which he presided (apparently the coun- cil of Constantinople in A. D. 520, during the con- tinuance of which he was elected to the patriarchate), condemning and anathematizing for heresy Severus, patriarch of Antioch, Petrus or Peter, bishop of Apamea, and Zoaras, was read at a subsequent council of Constantinople, a. d. 536, under Menas or Mennas, successor of Anthimius, and appears in Labbe's Concilia, vol. v. col. 251, seq. Some laws and constitutions of Justinian are addressed to Epi- phanius. (Justin. Cod. 1. tit, 3. s. 42 ; deEpiscopis et Cleris ; Novellae, 3, 5.) In the library of the king of Ravaria at Munich is a Greek MS. described ( Hardt. Catalngus MSS. Grace. &c. Cod. cclvi.) as containing, among other things, a treatise by Epiphanius, patriarch of Con- stantinople, on the separation of the Latin and Greek churches ; and a MS. in the Bodleian Li- brary, Barocc. cxiv. {Catal. MStorum. Anyliae ct Hiberniae, Oxon. 1697) contains, with other things, a work by Epiphanius the patriarch On the eacommunicaiion of the Latins hy the Greelis on ac- count of the Co7itroversy concernvig the Procession ofllui Holy Spirit. AUatius also {adv. Creyghtonum.) cites Epiphanius Patriarch a, de Oriyine dissidii inter Graeeos et Latinos, probably the same work as that in the Bavarian MS. But the subjects of these treatises shew they were of later date than our patriarch, nor have we the means of determin- ing their authorship. An Arabic MS. in the King's Library at Paris {Catal. MStorum. Dibl. Regiae, vol. i. p. 114, Codex cxviii.) contains what is de- scribed as Caiionum Epitome nee accurata nee anti- tjua, ascribed to Epiphanius. The account of Epiphanius by Evagrius con- tains two errors. He makes him the successor of Anthimius instead of the predecessor; and to have been succeeded by Menas or Mennas, who was the successor, not of Epiphanius, but of Anthimius. (Labbe and Binius, /. c. ; Theophanes, Chrovoyra- phkt, ad annos citat. ; Evagrius, Hist. Ecdes, iv. EPIPHANIUS. 39 36 ; Fabric. Dibl. Grace, vol. viii. p. 257, xii. pp. iiQQ, 674.) 6. Of Constantinople (2). The life of St. Andreas or Andrew, 6 2aAos (the fool), by his contemporary and friend Nicephorus, contains va- rious particulars of the history and character of Epiphanius, a young Constantinopolitan, who is described as possessed of every desirable endow- ment of mind and body, and as having manifested the strongest afli>ction and regard for the saint who foretold his elevation to the patiiarchate of Con- stantinople. Nicephorus declares that he lived to see this prophecy fulfilled in the elevation of Epi- phanius to that metropolitan dignity, but intimates that he changed his name. The Epiphanius of this narrative has been by Fabricius confounded with the subject of the preceding article ; but Jan- ninghus has shewn that as St. Andrew did not live till late in the ninth century and the earlier part of the tenth, the Epiphanius of Nicephorus must have lived long after the other. As he changed his name, he cannot be certainly identified with any of the patriarchs of Constantinople. Janninghus con- jectures that he is identical with Polyeuctus or Antonius III.(Studita),who occupied the see in the latter half of the tenth centurj'. (Nicephorus, S. Andreae Vita, with the Commentarius Praevius of Janninghus, in the Acta Satietoruin Maii, vol. vi. ad fin. ; Fabricius, Bibl. Grace, vol. viii. p. 257; Cave, Hist. Lit. vol. i. p. 505, ed. Oxford, l/40 — 43.) 7. Hagiopolita, or of Jerusalem. See be- low. No. 8. 8. Described as a monk and presbyter. A1- latius {de Symeonum Scriptis, p. 106) gives an account of and extract from a life of the Virgin by this Epiphanius, which extract is also given by Fabricius, in his Codex Apocryph. N. T. The en- tire work has since been published in the Anecdota lAteraria of Amadutius (vol. iii. p. 39, &c.) with a Latin version and introduction. When he lived is not known : it is conjectured that it was in the twelfth century, as he mentions Joannes of Thes- salonica and Andreas of Crete (who lived near the end of the seventh century) among "the fathers," and is himself quoted by Nicephorus Callisti {Eccles. Hist. ii. 23) in the earlier half of the four- teenth century. He wrote also a History of the Life and acts of St. Andrew the Apostle (AUatius, de Symeon. p. 90) ; and he is probably the author of an account of Jerusalem and of parts of Syria (by "Epiphanius Hagiopolita," i.e. inhabitant of the Holy City), which he describes as an eye-wit- ness. This account was published, with a Latin version, by Fed. Morellus, in his Eorpositio Tlvema" turn, Paris, 1620, and again by AUatius, in his l.vii.jXM-ra. It may be observed, that Morelluu published two editions of the Expositio Thematum in the above year, one without the Greek text of Epiphanius, and one with it. A MS. in the Bod- leian Library {Barocc. cxlii. No. 20) is described as containing " Epiphanii Monachi et Presbyteri C/iaracter B. Viryinis et Domini Nostri"" (a dif- ferent work from that mentioned above) ; and "ejusdem, ut videtur, deDissvlione Quatuor Etnnge- listarum circa Resurrectionem Oiristi.' {Catal. MSS. Anyl. et Hihern. Oxford, 1697.) Some have con- founded him with Epiphanius the friend and disci pie of St. Andreas the fool, noticed above. No. 6. (Oudin, Comment, de Scnptor. et Scriptis Ecdes. vol. ii. pp. 455-6.)