Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/566

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552 lASION. strcnae. The sacrifices offered to Janus consisted of cakes (called janual), barley, incense, and wine. (Ov. Fast. i. 75, 128, 172 ; Festus, s.v. janual ; L. Lydus, de Mens. iv. 2 ; Buttniann, Ueber den Janus, in his Mythnlogus., vol. ii, pp. 70 — 92 ; Har- tung, Dk Relig. d. Rom. vol ii. p, 218,&c.) [L. S.] lA'PETUS ('laTrerds), a son of Uranus and Ge, a Titan and brother of Cronus, Oceanus, Coeus, Hyperion, Tethys, Rhea, «Scc. (ApoUod. i. 1. § 3 ; Diod. V. 66.) According to Apollodorus (i. 2. § 3) he married Asia, the daughter of his brother Oce- anus, and became by her the father of Atlas, Pro- metheus, Epimetheus, and Menoetius, who was slain by Zeus in the war against the Titans, and shut up in Tartarus. Other traditions call the wife of lapetus Clymene, who was likewise a daughter of Oceanus, and others again Tethys, Asopis, or Libya, (Hes. Theog. 507, &c. ; Tzetz. ad Lycoph. 1277 ; Orph. Fragm. viii. 21, &c. ; Virg. Georg. i. 279.) Hyginus, who confounds the Titans and Gigantes, makes lapetus a Giant, and calls him a son of Tartarus. According to Homer (//. viii. 479) lapetus is imprisoned with Cronus in Tar- tarus, and Silius Italicus (xii. 148, &c.) relates that he is buried under the island of Inarime. Being the father of Prometheus, he was regarded by the Greeks as the ancestor of the human race. His descendants, Prometheus, Atlas, and others, are often designated by the patronymic forms la- peiidae (es), lapetionidae (es), and the feminine lapetionis. (Hes. Theog. 528 ; Ov. Met. iv. 631; Pind. 01. IX. 59 ; comp. Voelcker, Mytlwlog. des JupetiscJien Gescldechtes, p. 4, &c.) Another my- thical personage of the same name, the father of Buphagus, is mentioned by Pausanias (viii. 27. §11). [L. S.] lAPIS, or, as Heinsius proposes to read, lapyx, was a son of lasus, and a favourite of Apollo, who wanted to confer upon him the gift of prophecj^, the lyre, &c. ; but lapis, wishing to prolong the life of his father, preferred the more tranquil art of healing to all the others. He also cured Aeneas of the wound he had received in the war against La- tinus. (Virg. Aen. xii. 391, with Heyne's Ejc- cursus iv. on Aen. xii.) [L. S.] lAPYX ('laTTu^), a son of Lycaon and brother of Daunius and Peucetius, who went as leaders of a colony to Italy. (Anton. Lib. 31.) According to others, lapyx was a Cretan, and a brother of Ica- dius (Serv. ad Aen. iii. 332), or a son of Daedalus and a Cretan woman, from whom the Cretans who migrated to Italy derived the name of lapyges. (Strab. vi. pp. 279, 282 ; Athen. xii. p. 523 ; Herod, vii. 170 ; Heyne, ad Virg. Aen. xi. 247.) [L. S.] I AREAS, a king and priest of the Gaetulians, in Northern Africa, and a son of Jupiter Ammon by a Libyan nymph. He built many magnificent temples to his father, and desired to marry Dido on her arrival in Africa. He was so pressing in demanding the hand of Dido, that the queen, who would not marry him, according to some traditions, saw no other way of escape except by self-destruc- tion. (Virg. Ae7i. iv. 196, &c. ; Ov. Heroid. vii. 125 ; Auson. Epigr. 118; Justin, xviii. 6.) [L. S. ] lA'RDANES ('lapSaVrjs), a king of Lydia, and father of Omphale, who is hence called nympha lardanis. (Apollod. ii. 6. § 3 ; Ov. Heroid. ix. 103.) Herodotus (i. 7) calls the Heracleidae in Lydia descendants of Heracles and a female slave of lardanus. [L. S.] lASION "lao-twr^), also called lasius, was, ac- JASON. ooruing to some, a son of Zeus and Elcctra, the daugliter of Atlas, and a brother of Dardanus (Apollod. iii. 12. § 1 ; Serv. ad Am. i. 384 ; Hes. Tlieog. 970 ; Ov. Amor. iii. 10, 25) ; but others called him a son of Corythus and Electra, of Zeus and the nymph Hemera, or of Ilithyius, or of Minos and the nymph Pyronia. (Schol. ad Tlieo- crit. iii. 30 ; Serv. ad Aen. iii. 167 ; Eustath. ad Horn. p. 1528 ; Hygin. Fab. 270.) At the wed- ding of his sister Harmonia, Demeter fell in love with him, and in a thrice-ploughed field {jpi-noXos) she became by him the mother of Pluton or Plu- tus in Crete, in consequence of which Zeus killed him with a flash of lightning. (Hom. Od. v. 125, &c. ; Hes. Theog. QQ^, inc. ; Apollod. I.e.; Diod. V. 49, 77 ; Tzetz. ad Lycoph. 29 ; Conon, Narrat. 21.) According to Servius {ad Aen. iii. 167), lasion was slain by Dardanus, and ac- cording to Hyginus {Fab. 250) he was killed by his own horses, whereas others represent him as living to an advanced age as the husband of De- meter. (Ov. Met. ix. 421, &c.) In some tra- ditions Eetion is mentioned as the only brother of Dardanus (Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. i. 916 ; Tzetz. ad Lycoph. 219), whence some critics have inferred that lasion and Eetion are only two names for the same person. A further tradition states that la- sion and Dardanus, being driven from their home by a flood, went from Italy, Crete, or Arcadia, to Samothrace, whither he carried the Palladium, and where Zeus himself instructed him in the mysteries of Demeter. (Serv. ad Aen. iii. 15, 167, vii. 207; Dionys. i. 61; Diod. v. 48; Strab. vii. p. 331; Conon, I. c. ; Steph. Byz. s. v. AapZavos.) Accord- ing to Eustathius {ad Horn. p. 1528), lasion, being inspired by Demeter and Cora, travelled about in Sicily and many other countries, and every where taught the people the mysteries of Demeter. (Miiller, Orchom. pp. 140, 260, 452 ; Voelcker, Mythol. des Japct. Geschlechtes, p. 94.) [L. S.J lASIUS. [Iasion.] I A SO ('lao-w), i. e. Recovery, a daughter of As- clepius or Amphiaraus, and sister of Hygieia, was worshipped as the goddess of recovery ; and in the temple of Amphiaraus at Oropus a part of the altar was dedicated to her, in common with Aphrodite, Panaceia, Hvgieia, and Athena Paeonia. (Paus. i. 34. § 2 ; Aristoph. Plut. 701, with the Schol. ; Hesych. s. v.) [L. S.] JASON {'idcrcov), i. e. the healer or atoner, a name which the hero was said to have received from Cheiron, his instructor, having before been called Diomedes. (Pind. Fyth. iv. 221, with the Schol.) The chief exploits of this hero are related in the article argonautae, and we therefore con- fine ourselves now to his personal history. Accord- ing to the common tradition, he was a son of Aeson and Polymede, and belonged to the family of the Aeolidae at lolcus. The name of his mother, how- ever, is different in the different writers, either Poly- mele (Schol. ad Hom. Od. xii. 70), Amphiiiome (Diod. iv. 50), Alciraede (Apollon. Rhod. i. 232), Polypheme (Schol. ad Apollon. RJiod. i. 45), Arne or Scarphe (Tzetz. ad Lijcoph. 872), or Rhoeo (Tzetz. Chil. vii. 980). After the death of Cretheus, the founder of lolcus and father of Aeson, Pelias, the nephew, or, according to others, a brother of Jason, ruled at lolcus. Pelias was told by an oracle that he should be killed by a descendant of Aeolus, and therefore put to death all the Aeolidae ; but Jason, whose grandfather, Cretheus, had been the eldest