Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/68

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54 EVAEMON. stationed as harmost in Aegina. (Xen. Hell. v. x.§l.) [C.P.M.] ETEO'NUS ('Erewi/os), a descendant of Boeotus, and father of Eleon, from whom the Boeotian town of Eteonos derived its name. (Eustath. ad Horn. p. 265.) [L.S.] ETLEVA. [Gentius.1 ETRUSCILLA, HERE'NNIA, wife of the emperor Decius. The name not being mentioned in history, it was a matter of dispute to what princess tlie coins bearing the legend Herennia Etruscilla Augusta were to be assigned, until a stone was found at Carseoli with the inscription Herenniae.Cupresseniae. Etruscillae.Aug. CoNiuGi. D.N. Deci, Aug.Matri. Augg. NN. et . Castror . S. P. Q., from which, taken in com- bination with medals, it appears that her designa- tion in full was Amiia Cupreasenia Herennia Etrus- cilla. (Muratori, p. 1036, 4 ; MafFei, Mus. Veron. p. 102 ; Eckhel, vol. vii. p. 347.) [W. R.] ETRUSCUS, HERE'NNIUS, son of the em- peror Decius, upon whose accession in A. d. 249 he received the appellations of Caesar and Princeps Juventutis. In 2.51 he was consul, was admitted to a participation in the title of Augustus, and to- wards the close of the year was slain along with his father in a bloody battle fought against the Goths in Thrace. [Decius.] We gather from coins that his designation at full length was Q. Herennius Etruscus Messias Trajanus Decius^ the names Herennius Etruscus being derived from his mother Herennia Etruscilla, while the rest were inherited from his sire. (Aurel. Vict, de Caes. xxix. Epit. xxix. ; Zonar. xii. 20.) [W. R.] ETRUSCUS {"ErpovaKos), of Messene, the author of a single epigram in the Greek Anthology. (Brunck,^waZ. vol.ii. p. 307; Jacobs, vol.iii. p. 20.) Nothing more is known of him. Martial (vi. 83, vii. 39) mentions an Etruscus who was banished by Domitian. (Jacobs, Anth. Graec. vol. xiii. p. 892.) [P. S.] ETUTA. [Gentius.] ETYMOCLES ('Etu^uo/cXtjs) was one of the three Spartan envoys who, happening to be at Athens at the time of the incursion of Sphodrias into Attica (b. c. 378), were arrested by the Athe- nians on suspicion of having been privy to the attempt Their assurances, however, to the con- trary were believed, and they were allowed to de- part. Etymocles is mentioned by Xenophon and Plutarch as a friend of Agesilaus, and we hear of him again as one of the ambassadors sent to nego- tiate an alliance with Athens in B. c. 369. (Xen. Hell. v. 4. §§ 22,23, 32, vi. 5. § 33; Plut. Ages. 25.) [E. E.] EV ADNE (Evddvn.) 1. A daughter of Poseidon and Pitane. Immediately after her birth, she was carried to the Arcadian king Aepytus, who brought her up. She afterwards became by Apollo the mo- ther of Jamus. (Pind. 01 vi. 30; Hygin. Fab. 175.) 2. A daughterof Iphis, or Philax. (Eurip. Suppl. 985 ; ApoUod. iii. 7. § 1 ; Hygin. Fab. 256. See Capankus.) There are three other mythical per- sonages of the same name. (ApoUod. ii. 1. § 2 ; Ov. Amor. iii. 6. 41 ; Diod.^ iv.53.) [L. S.] EVAECHME (Evaixp-v), the name of two my- thical personages. (Pans. iv. 2. § 1 ; comp. Alca- THfJUS.) [L. S.] EVAEMON (Edaifiuu), the name of two my- thical personages. (Horn. //. ii. 736 ; Apollod. iii. 8. §1.) LL.S.] EVAGORAS. EVAE'NETUS {Euaiveros), the name of two commentators on the Phaenomena of Aratus, who are mentioned in the introductory commentary still extant (p. 117, ed. Victor.), but concerning whom nothing is known. [L. S.] EVAE'NETUS, of Syracuse and Catana, was one of the chief makers of the Sicilian coins. (Miil- ler, Archaol. d. Kanst, p. 428.) [P- S.] EVAGES (Ei)a77jy), of Hydrea, was, according to Dionysius {ap. Steph. Byz. s. v. 'Tdpeia), an illiterate and quite uneducated shepherd, but yet a good comic poet. Meineke thinks this statement insufficient to give him a place among the Greek comedians. {Hist. Crit. Com, Graec. p.528.) [P.S.] EVA'GORAS {Evayopas), the name of two mythical personages. (Apollod. i. 9. § 9, iii. 12. § 5 ; Schol. ad Apullon. Rhod. i. 156.) [L. S.] EVA'GORAS (Ei)a7o>s). 1. King of Salamis in Cyprus. He was sprung from a family which claimed descent from Teucer, the reputed founder of Salamis ; and his ancestors appear to have been during a long period the hereditary rulers of that city under the supremacy of Persia. They had, however, been expelled (at what period we are not told) by a Phoenician exile, who obtained the so- vereignty for himself, and transmitted it to his descendants : one of these held it at the time of the birth of Evagoras, the date of which there is no means of fixing with any degree of accuracy ; but he appears to have been grown up, though still a young man, when one Abdymon, a native of Cit- tium, conspired against the tyrant, put him to death, and established himself in his place. After this the usurper sought to apprehend Evagoras, probably from jealousy of his hereditary claim to the government, but the latter made his escape to Cilicia, and, having there assembled a small band of followers, returned secretly to Salamis, attacked the tyrant in his palace, overpowered his guards, and put him to death. (Isocr. Evag. pp. 191-195 ; Diod. xiv. 98; Theopomp. ap. Phot. p. 120, a.; Pans. ii. 29. § 4.) After this Evagoras established his authority at Salamis without farther opposition. If we may trust his panegyrist, Isocrates, his rule was distinguished for its mildness and equity, and he promoted the prosperity of his subjects in every way, while he particularly sought to extend his relations with Greece, and to restore the influence of Hellenic customs and civilization, which had been in some de^ee obliterated during the period of barbarian rule. (Isocr. Evag. pp. 197 — 198.) He at the same time greatly increased the power of liis subject city, and strengthened his own resources, specially by the formation of a powerful fleet. Such was his position in B. c. 405, when, after the defeat at Aegospotami, the Athenian general Conon took refuge at Salamis with his few remaining gal- lies. Evagoras had already received, in return for some services to Athens, the rights of an Athenian citizen, and was on terms of personal friendship with Conon (Isocr. Evag. p. 199, e. ; Diod. xiii. 106): hence he zealously espoused the Athenian cause. It is said to have been at his intercession that the king of Persia determined to allow Conon the support of the Phoenician fleet, and he com- manded in person the squadron with which he joined the fleet of Conon and Pliarnabazus at the battle of Cnidus, b. c. 394. (Xen. Hell. ii. 1. § 29 ; Isocr. Evag. pp. 199, 200 ; Pans. i. 3. § 2 ; Ctesias, ap. Phot. p. 44, b.) For this distinguished service a statue of Evagoras was set up by the