Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/810

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796 LOCHEIA. ■which were very often reprinted ; that of Ascensius, fol. Par. 1510, 1513, 1516, 1530, 1533 ; that of Aldus, Venet. 5 torn. 8vo., 1518— 1533, including Florus, and a Latin translation of Polybius by Perotto ; that of Frobenius, fol. Basel, 1531, con- taining for the first time the five books discovered by Grynaens and the chronology of Glareanus, re- printed in 1535, with the addition of the notes of Rhenanus and Geleiiius ; that of Gryphius, Liigd. 4 vol. 8vo., 1542, with the notes of Valla, Rhe- nanus, Gelenius, and Glareanus, reprinted at Paris, 1543, with the addition of the notes of Antonius Sabellicus ; that of Manutius, fol. Venet. 1555, 1566, 1572, 1592, with the epitomes and scholia of Sigonius ; and that of Gruterus, fol. Francf. 1608^ 8vo. 1619, fol. 1628, 8vo. 1659. A new era commences with researches of Gronovius, who first placed the text upon a satisfactory basis by the collation of a vast number of MSS. His labours appear under their best form in the editions printed by Daniel Elzevir, 3 vols, 1665, 1679, forming part of the Variorum Classics in 8vo. The edition of Jo. Clericus, 10 vols. 8vo. Amst. 1710, containing the supplements of Freinsheimius entire, and of Crevier, 6 vols. 4to., Paris, 1735 — 41, are by no means destitute of value : the latter especially has always been very popular; the notes have been frequently reprinted. It was reserved, however, for Drakenborch to follow out what Gronovius had so well begun, and his most elaborate edition, pub- lished at Leyden, in 7 vols. 4to. 1738 — 46, is still considered the standard. This admirable per- formance, in addition to a text revised with uncom- mon care and judgment, comprehends everything valuable contributed by previous scholars, and forms a most ample storehouse of learning. Since that period little has been done for Livy ; for the editions of Stroth and Diiring, Goth. 1796 — 1819,of Ruperti, Getting. 1807 — 1809, and ofBekker and Raschig, Lips. 1829, cannot be regarded as possess- ing any particular weight. A new recension, re- cently commenced by Alchefski, Berol. 8vo. 1841 — 1843, and carried as far as the end of the first decade, promises to be very valuable. The edition of Drakenborch, together v^ith the excellent Commenta- tionesde Fontibus Historiarum T. Livii of Lnchmann, 4to. Getting. 1822 — 1828, will supply everything that can be desired for general illustration. To these we may perhaps add the commentary of Ruperti, which, although frequently verbose upon what is easy and altogether silent upon what is difficult, contains much matter useful to a student. A long list of dissertations on various isolated topics connected with Livy, will be found in Schweiger's Handhuch der Classichcn Bibliographies 8vo. Leip- zig, 1832, and in the Grundriss der Classiclten Bibliographie of Wagner, Breslau, 1840. The quaint old translation of Philemon Holland, fol. Lond. 1600, 1659, is far superior to the loose weak paraphrase of Baker. The version published by John Hayes (Lond. 1744—1745, 6 vols. 8vo), professing to be executed by several hands, and another which appeared anonymously (fol. Lond. 1686), embrace the supplements of Freinsheim as well as the text of Livy. [W. R.] LI'VIUS ANDRONICUS. [Andromcus, Vol. I. p. 175, b.] LOBON {So>v of Argos, the author of a work on poets, mentioned by Diogenes Laertius (i. 34, 112). LOCHEIA (Aoxf'a), the protectress of women LOLLTA. in childbed, occurs as a surname of Artemis. (Pint. Sympos. iii. 10 ; Orph. Hymn. 35. 3.) [L. S.] LOCRUS (AoK-pos). 1. A son of Physcius and grandson of Amphictyon, became by Cabya the father of Locrus, the mythical ancestor of the Ozolian Locrians (Plut. Quaest. Gra^c. 15). Ac- cording to some the wife of the former Locms was called Cambyse or Protogeneia (Pind. 01. ix. 86 ; Eustath. ad Horn. p. 277). 2. A son of Zeus and Maera, the daughter of the Argive king Proetus and Antaia. He is said to have assisted Zethus and Amphion in the building of Thebes (Eustath. ad Horn. p. 1688). [L. S.j LOCRUS (AoK^os), a Parian statuary, of un- known date^ whose statue of Athena, in the temple of Ares, at Athens, is mentioned by Pausanias (i. 8. <$ 5). [P. S.] LOCUSTA, or, more correctly, Lucusta (see Heinrich, ad Juv. vol. ii. p. 62), a woman cele- brated for her skill in concocting poisons. She was employed by Agrippina in poisoning the em- peror Claudius, and by Nero for despatching Rri- tannicus. (Tac. Ann. xii. QQ., xiii. 15; Suet. Ner. 33; Dion Cass. Ix. 34; Juv. i. 71, with Scliol.) Suetonius says {Nero., 33) that the poison which she administered being too slow, Nero impatiently struck her with his own hand, and forced her to prepare a stronger draught in his presence, which killed Britannicus instantaneously. She was re- warded by Nero with ample estates ; but under the emperor Galba she was executed with other malefactors of Nero's reign. (Dion Cass. Ixiv. 3.) [W. L] LOE'MIUS (AoiVios), the deliverer from plague {oifx6s)s was a surname of Apollo at Lindus in Rhodes. (Macrob. Sat. i. 17.) [L. S.J LO'GBASIS (Ao7§ao-ts), a citizen of Selga in Pamphylia. When Selga was attacked by Gar- syeris, the general of Achaeus, in B.C. 218, Log- basis, as having been guardian to Achaeus's wife Laodice, was deputed by his countrymen to treat with the enemy, and used the opportunity to make a treacherous agreement for the surrender of the city. His design, however, was detected on the very eve of its completion, and his fellow-citizens burst into his house, and slew him, together with his sons and the enemy's soldiers who were secreted there. (Pol. v. 74—76.) [E. E.] LO'LLIA. 1. The wife of A. Gabinius, de- bauched by Caesar (Suet. Caes.50), was probably a daughter of M. LoUius Palicanus, tribune of the plebs B.C. 71. She may be the same as the Lollia whom Cicero {ad Fam. ix. 22. § 4) speaks of as a woman of bad character. 2. LoLLiA Pauluna, the granddaughter of M. Lollius [LoLLius No. 5], and heiress of his immense wealth, the spoil of the provinces. (Plin. //. N. ix. 35. s. 58.) Pliny describes the jewels which she wore in her hair, round her neck, arms and fingers, as worth forty millions of sesterces. She was married to C. Memmius Kegulus ; but on the report of her grandmother's beauty, the em- peror Caligula sent for her, divorced her from her husband, and married her, but soon divorced her again. (Suet. Caiig. 25 ; Dion Cass. lix. 12.) After Claudius had put to death his wife Messalina, Lollia was one of the candidates for the vacancy ; but her more successful rival, Agrippina, easily ob- tained from Claudius a sentence of banishment against her, and then sent a tribune to murder her. (Tac. Ann. xii. 1 ; Suet. CLaud, 26; Dion