Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/819

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LONGINTTS. 2. Ufpl rod Karct MeiStou, i. e. on the oration of Demosthenes against Meidias. (Suid. s. v. Aoyy7vos ; comp. Phot. BM. Cod. 265.) 3. 'Airop-qfxara "OixrjpiKa.. (Suid. I. c. ; comp. Eustath. ad Horn. 11. pp. 67, 106.) 4. E< cf)L(To<pos"OiJ.7}pos. (Suid. Z. c.) 5. npo§ri,uaTa 'O/x^pov Kal Avaeis, in two books. (Suid. i.e.) 6. Tlva irapd rds taropias ol ypa/ufxaTLKol cos iaropiKo. i^iiyovvTai. (Suid. I. c.) 7. Ilepl Twu Trap' 'OjUTjpo) ttoWo. arjiMiii'ovauu Ae^ewj/, in three books. (Suid. I.e.) 8. 'Attlkwv Ae^eojv e/cSotreij, in the form of a dictionary. (Phot. Lexic. s. v. 2,(p(poi ; Eustath. ad Horn. p. 1919.) 9. Ae^eis 'Ai/Tj/xaxou Kol 'HpaKXecovos. (Suid./.c.) 10. Uepl kQviKuv. (Grammat. in Biblioth. CoisUn. p. 597.) 11. SxoAio ets rb rod 'HcpaKTricavos kyx^'-P'-^'-^^t are still extant in MSS., and have been transcribed by the scholiast commonly' printed with Hephaes- tion. (Schol. ad Hermog. p. 387.) 12. Ilepl (Tuydeaews Koyuv. (Longin. irepX H- § 39.J ] 3. Te'xi? priTopiKi^., or a manual of rhetoric. (Schol. ad Hermog. p. 380.) 14. Eis rr]v pT]TQpiKi]V 'Epnoyeuovs, of which some extracts are still extant in MS. at Vienna. 15. A commentary on the Prooemium of Plato's Timaeus. (Proclus, in Tim. pp. 10, 11, 16, 20, 21, 29, 50, 63, 98.) Q. A commentary on Plato's Phaedon. (Ruhn- ken, I.e. p. 18.) 1 7. Tiipl dpxccu, i. e. on the principles of things. (Porphyr. Fit. Plot. p. 116.) 18. Uepl reovs, i. e. De finihus honorum et malorum ; the excellent introduction to it is pre- served in Porphyrius's life of Plotinus (p. 127). 19. Tlep optxijs, or on natural instinct. (Por- phyr. Fit. Plotin. p. 120.) 20. 'Ettjo-toAt) TTpos Tov 'AyueAtof, on the phi- losophy of Plotinus. (Ruhnken, /. e. p. 43.) 21. Ilepl rijs kutcL UKuTCtiva SiKaioaivTjs, was directed against Amelius. (Ruhnken, I. c. p. 43.) 22. Uepl TU)v lde£u. Longinus wrote two works under this title, one against Plotinus, and the other against Porphyrius. (Ruhnken, /. c. ; Syrian, ad Aristot. Metaphys.) 23. Ilepl iuxv^i a fragment of it is quoted- by Eusebius. {Praep. Evang. xv. 21 ; comp. Porphyr. ap. Stab. Eelog. Pkys. i. p. 109 ; Proclus, ad Plat. Pollt. p. 415.) 24. ^OhaivaBos seems to have been the latest of the works of Longinus, and to have been a euiogy on Odenathus, the husband of Zenobia. (Liban. Epist. 998.) The first edition of the treatise irepl v^iovs is that of Fr. Robortello, Basel, 1554, 4to. The next important edition is that of F. Portus (Geneva, 1569, 8vo.), which forms the basis of all subsequent editions until the time of ToUius. We may, how- ever, mention those of G. Langbaene (Oxford, 1 636, 1 638, and 1650, 8vo.) and T. Fabri (Salmur. 1663, 8vo.). In 1694 there appeared the edition of ToUius, with notes, and Latin translation (Tra- ject. ad Rhen. 4to.): it was followed in the editions of Hudson (Oxford, 1710, 1718, 1730, 8vo., and Edinburgh, 1733, 12rao.), Pearce (London, 1724, 4to., 1732, 8ro., and often reprinted), and N. Morus (Leipzig, 1769-73, 8vo.). A collection of all that is extant of Longinus was published by LONGUS. 805 J. Toupius, with notes and emendations by Ruhn- ken, of which three editions were printed at Oxford (1778, 1789, and 1806, 8vo.). The most recent editions are those of B. Weiske (Leipzig. 1809, 8vo.) and A. E. Egger, forming vol. i. of the Scrip- iorum Grace. Nova Collectio (Paris, 1837, ]6mc.). Compare Ruhnken, Dtssertaiio de Vita et Scriffk Longini., which is printed in Toupius and othor editions of Longinus ; Spongberg. de Commenta}-ii) Dionysii Cassii Longini Trepl ui|/ous Eapodtic, Up- sala, 1835, 4to. ; Westermann, Geseh. der Griech. Beredtsamk. § 98, notes 1—9. [L. S.] LONGI'NUS, POMPEIUS, one of the tri- bunes of the praetorian troops, was deprived of his command by Nero in the suppression of Piso's conspiracy, A. D. (ib. He is mentioned again as tribune, and one of Galba's friends, v/hen the prae- torian troops were deserting to Otho, A. D. 69. (Tac. Ann. xv. 71, fH>it. i. 31.) LONGUS (Ao77oy), a Greek sophist, who is believed to have lived in the fourth or at the be- ginning of the fifth century of our era. Concerning his history nothing is known, but it is probable that he lived after the time of Heliodorus, for there are some passages in his work which seem to be imitations of Heliodorus of Emesa. Longus is one of the erotic writers whom we meet with at the close of ancient and the beginning of middle age history. His work bears the title TLoiixeviKoiiv riuv Kara Aacpviu Kol XAotjj', or in Latin, Pastoralid de DapJmide et Chloe, and was first printed at Florence (1598, 4to), with various readings, by Columbanius. It is written in pleasing and elegant prose, but is not free from the artificial embellishments peculiar to that age. A very good edition is that of Jungermann (Hanau, 1605, 8vo.), with a Latin translation and short notes. Among the more recent editions we may mention those of B. G. L. Boden (Lips. 1777, 8vo., with a Lat. transl. and notes), Villoison (Paris, 1778, 2 vols. 8vo. and 4to., with a very much improved text), Mitscherlich (Bipont. 1794, 8vo., printed together with the Ephesiacaof Xenophon, and a Lat. transl. of both), G. H. Schaefer (Lips. 1803, 8vo.), F. Passow (Lips. 1811, 12mo., with a German transl.), and of E. Seiler (Lips. 1843, 8vo.). There is an English translation of Longus by G. Thornley, London, 1657, 8vo. [L. S.j " LONGUS, L. ATFLIUS, was one of the first three consular tribunes, elected B. c. 444. In consequence of a defect in the auspices, he and his colleagues resigned, and consuls were appointed in their stead. (Liv. iv. 7 ; Dionvs. xi. 61.) LONGUS, CA'SSIUS, praefect of the camp, whom the soldiers of Vitellius, a. d. 69, chose <is one of their leaders in the mutiny agiiinst Alienus Caecina, when he prematurely declared for Vespa- sian. (Tac. Hist. iii. 14.) LONGUS, CONSI'DIUS. [Considius, No. 9.] LONGUS, C. DUI'LIUS, consular tribmie B. c. 399, with five colleagues. (Liv. v. 13; Diod. xiv. 54 ; Fasti Capitol.) LONGUS, LUCI'LIUS, one of the most in- timate friends of Tiberius, and the only one of the senators who accompanied him to Rhodes, wht-n Augustus obliged him to withdraw from his court. On his death in a. d. 23, Tiberius honoured him, although he was a novus homo, with a censor's funeral, and other distinctions. (Tac. Ann.iv. l.i.) LONGUS, L. MA'NLIUS V ULSO. [Vulso.] 3p 3