Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/853

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LUDIUS. ginnua in B.C. IR 6, the year that was rendered memorable by the detection of the Bacchanalian societies at Rome. So great was the alarm and confusion caused by this discovery, and by the severe measures adopted by the senate in con- sequence, that the praetors were compelled to sus- pend all judicial proceedings for the space of thirty days. (Liv. xxxix. 6, 8, 18.) 9. P. (LiciNius) LucuLLUs, tribune of the people B.C. 110. He combined wiih one of his colleagues, L. Anniiis, to procure their joint re- election, but this was opposed by the rest of the tribunes, and their dissensions had the effect of preventing the elections of magistrates from taking place during the whole remainder of the year. (Sail. Jug. 37.) 10. L. LiciNius LucuLLUS, was praetor urba- nus in B.C. 67 ; in which office he displayed a re- markable instance of moderation and mildness of disposition. The consul Acilius Glabrio had haugh- tily^ ordered his lictors to destroy the curule chair of Lucullus, because the latter had omitted to rise up on seeing him pass by ; but the praetor, instead of resenting the insult, continued to administer his judicial functions standing, and his colleagues, to show their approbation of his conduct, imitated his example. The same disposition led him at the ex- piration of his office to decline the government of a province, that he might not share in the obloquy so generally incurred by the Roman governors. (Dion Cass, xxxvi. 24.) 11. Cn. (Licinius) Lucullus, is mentioned by Cicero as one of his friends, at the funeral of whose mother he had been present {ad Att. xv. 1). The surname of Lucullus is not found on any of the coins of the Licinia gens. [E. H. B.j LUCUSTA. [LocusTA.] LU'DIUS, a Roman painter, in the time of Augustus, who, as Pliny tells us, was the first to adorn the walls of rooms with landscapes repre- senting villas and porticoes, gardens, groves, hills, ponds, straits, rivers, shores, &c., according to the pleasure of his employers {qualia quis optaret), animated with figures of persons walking, sailing, and riding, or engaged in fishing, fowling, and ga- thering the vintage, and sometimes with scenes still more interesting and agreeable to the taste of that age. The landscape paintings on the walls of houses in Herculaneum and Pompeii may be safely taken as specimens of this style (Plin. //. A^. xxxv. 10. 8. 37). Li the same passage, according to the reading of the common editions, Pliny speaks of a much more ancient paintei of the same name, who decorated the temple of Juno at Ardea, for which work he received the freedom of the city, and his memory was preserved by the following inscription in the temple, written in ancient Latin letters : — " Dignis digna loca picturis condecoravit, " Reginae Junoni' supremi conjugi' templura ; " Marcus Ludius Hclotas Aetolia oriundus ;

  • ' Quem nunc et post semper ob artem banc Ardea

laudat. But the MSS. give no authority for the name Ludius at all. The passage is utterly corrupt. Sillig made a very ingenious attempt, in his Cata- Ingus^ to restore the true reading ; and again in his edition of Pliny, where the line now stands thus : — " Plautiu Marcus Cloeetas Alalia exoriundus," LUPERCUS. 839 than which, certainly, no better reading has yet been made out. (See '^g.,CataL Artif. s.v. ; and Notes to his edition of Pliny.) [P. S.] LUNA, the moon. The sun and the moon were worshipped both by Greeks and Romans, and among the latter the worship of Luna is said to have been introduced by the Sabine T. Tatius, in the time of Romulus (V'arro, de Ling. Lat. v. 74 ; Dionys. ii. 50). But, however this may be, it is certain, notwithstanding the assertion of Varro, that Sol and Luna were reckoned among the great gods, that their worship never occupied any pro- minent place in the religion of the Romans, for the two divinities had between them only a small chapel in the Via Sacra (Sext. ^xt Reg. Urb. iv), Luna, on account of her greater influence upon the Roman mode of calculating time, seems to have been revered even more highly than Sol, for there was a considerable temple of her on the Aventine, the building of which was ascribed to Servius Tul- lius (Ov. Fast. iii. 883 ; Tac. Ann. xv. 41 ; P. Vict. Reg. Urb. xiii.). A second sanctuary of Luna existed on the Capitol, and a third on the Palatine, where she was worshipped under the name of Noctiluca, and where her temple was lighted up every night. (Varro, de Li?ig. Lat. v. 68 ; Herat. Carm. iv. 6. 38). Further particulars concerning her worship are not known. [L. S.] LUPERCA, or LUPA, an ancient Italian divi- nity, the wife of Lupercus, who, in the shape of a she-wolf, performed the office of nurse to Romulus and Remus (Arnob. adv. Gent. iv. 3). In some accounts she is identified with Acca Laurentia, the wife of the shepherd Faustulus. (Liv. i. 4 ; corap. Acca Laurentia.) [L. S.] LUPERCUS, an ancient Italian divinity, who was worshipped by shepherds as the protector of their flocks against wolves, and at the same time as the pi'omoter of the fertility among sheep, whence he was called Inuus or 'E^iciAttjs. On the north side of the Palatine hill there had been in ancient times a cave, the sanctuary of Luper- cus, surrounded by a grove, containing an altar of the god and his figure clad in a goat- skin, just as his priests the Luperci (Dionys. i. 79 ; Justin, xliii. 1, 4 ; Liv. i. 5 ; Serv. ad Aen. vi. 776 ; Isidor. viii. 11, 103, &c. ; Artemid. Oneir. ii. 42). The Ro- mans sometimes identified Lupercus with the Arca- dian Pan. Respecting the festival celebrated in honour of Lupercus and his priests, the Luperci, see Diet, of Ant. s. v. Lupercalia and Luperci. [L.S.] LUPERCUS, a friend of the younger Pliny, to whom the latter occasionally sent his orations for revision. (Plin. Ep. ii. 5, ix. 26.) He is pro- bably the same as the Lupercus who frequently asked Martial for his epigrams. (Mart. i. 118.) LUPERCUS (AouTrepffos), of Berytus, a learned grammarian, lived a little time before the Roman emperor Claudius II. (reigned A. D. 268 — 270). He was the author, according to Suidas, of the following works : — three books on the particle av, Ilept Tou TOWS, Ilepl rTs KapiSos, Uepl rov irapd IldTwui ueKTpv6vos, a KrtVis of the Egyptian town Arsinoetus or Arsinoe, 'AxTtffal Ae|eis, Tex^V 'ypafxfx.aTiKri^ and thirteen books on the three gen- ders, in which Suidas says that Lupercus surpasses Herodian in many points. LUPERCUS, MU'MMIUS, a Roman legate, and commander of the winter-quarters of two legions of the army of the Rhine, was sent by Hordeonius Flatcus against Civilis, by whom ho 3 H 4