Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/873

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LYCUS. tmnsferred by his father to the islands of the blessed. (Apollod. iii. 10. § 1.) 3. A son of Hyrieus, and husband of Dirce, one of the mythical kings of Thebes. (Apollod. iii. 5. §5; Hygin. Fab. 8.) 4. A tyrant of Thebes, is likewise called by some a son of Poseidon, though Euripides (Here. Fur. 31) calls him a son of Lycus (No. 2), but makes him come to Thebes from Euboea. In the absence of Heracles, L cus had attempted to destroy Megara and her children by Heracles, and killed Creon, king of Thebes, but on the return of Hera- cles he was killed by him. (Hygin. Fab. 32 ; Tzetz. ad Lycoph. 38, ) 5. One of the Telchines, who is said to have gone to Lycia, and there to have built the temple of the Lycian Apollo on the river Xanthus. (Diod. V. m.) 6. A son of Pandion, and brothe of Aegeus, Nisus, and Pallas. He was expelled y Aegeus, and took refuge in the country of the Termili, with Sarpedon. That country was afterwards called, after him, Lycia (Herod, i. 173, vii. 92). He was honoured at Athens as a hero, and the Lyceum derived its name from him. (Pans. i. 19. § 4 ; Aristoph. Vesp. 408.) He is said to have raised the mysteries of the great goddesses to greater celebrity, and to have introduced them from Attica to Andania in Messenia (Pans. iv. 1. § 4, &c. ). He is sometimes also described as an ancient prophet (Pans. iv. 20. § 2, x. 12, in fin.), and the family of the Lycomedae, at Athens, traced their name and origin to him. This family was inti- mately connected with the Attic mysteries, and possessed chapels in the demus of Phylae and at Andania. (Paus. i. 22. § 7, iv. 1, 4, &c. ; Plut. Tliemist. 1.) 7. A Thracian who was slain by Cycnus in single combat. (Paus. i. 27. § 7.) 8. A king of Lycia, who is said to have intended to sacrifice to Ares, Diomedes, who on his return from Troy was thrown upon the Lycian coast. Bat Diomedes was saved by the king's daughter Callirhoe. (Plut. Parall. Graec. et Bom. 23.) 9. A son of Dascylus, and king of the Marian- dynians, was connected with Heracles and the Argo- nauts by ties of hospitality, (Apollod. i. 9. § 23, ji. 5. § 9 ; Apollon. Rhod. ii. 139.) There are two other mythical personages of the name of Lycus. (Ov. Met. xii. 232 ; Tzetz. ad Lycoph. '6L) [L.S.] LYCUS (Av'/coy). 1. Of Pharae, in Achaia, lieutenant-general of the Achaeans, for Aratus, in B. c. 217, defeated Euripidas, the Aetolian, who was acting as general of the Eleans, In the same year, Euripidas having marched with his Aetolians against TriUiea in Achaia, Lycus invaded Elis, and by a well-planned ambuscade slew 200 Eleans, and carried off 80 prisoners and much spoil. (Polyb. V. 94, ^h.) 2. A commander of the Rhodians, who, when the Caunians had revolted from Rhodes, in B. c. 167, reduced them again to submission. (Polyb. XXX. .5 ; Liv. xlv. 25.) [E. E.] LYCUS (AuKos), of Rhegium, sumamed Bou- Orfpas, the father, real or adoptive, of the poet Lycophron, was an historical writer in the time of Demetrius Phalereus, who, for some unknown reason, aimed at his life. He wrote a history of Libya, and of Sicily, and a work on Alexander the Great. He is quoted by several ancient writers, LYDIADRS. 859 some of whom ascribe to him also works upon Thebes and upon Nestor, which seem clearly to have been of a mythological character. (Suid.s. «?. ,• Steph. Byz. s. v. ^ASootovov, 2/ciSpos ; Schol. ad Aristoph. Pac. 924; Antig. Caryst. 46, 148, 154, 170, 188; Tzetzes, Vit. Lycophr. ; Schol. ad Ly- coph. 615, 1206; Schol. ad Hesiod. Theog. 326; Vossius, de Hist. Graec. p. Ill, ed. Westermann ; Clinton, Fast. Hell. vol. iii. p. 484.) [P. S.] LYCUS (AiJkos), the name of two physicians who have generally been confounded together. 1. A native of Napl s, who is quoted by Ero- tianus {Gloss. Hippocr. pp. QQ^ 214), and who must therefore have lived in or before the former half of the first century after Christ. He appears to have commented on the whole or part of the Hippocratic Collection, as the second book of his commentJiry on the treatise " De Locis in Homine," is quoted by Erotianus, but none of his writings are still ex- tant. He is also quoted by Pliny (xx. 83). 2. A native of M cedonia, who was a pupil of Quintus, in the former half of the second century after Christ (Galen, Comment, in Hippocr. "Z)e Nat. Ham.' ii. 6, vol. xv. p. 136 ; De Muscul. Dissect, vol. xviii. pt. ii. p. 1000 ; De Libr. Propr. c. 2, vol. xix. p, 22), and who may perhaps be the person said by Galen {De Meth. Med. ii. 7, vol. x. p. 143 ; Comment, in Hippocr. '•De Humor.'' i. 7. vol. xvi. p. 82) to have belonged to the sect of the Empirici. Galen speaks of him as a contemporary, but says he was never personally acquainted with him. {De Anat. Admin, iv. 10. vol. ii. p. 471.) He wrote some anatomical works, which are several times quoted and alluded to by Galen, who says they enjoyed some reputation, but had many errors in them. {De Natur. Facult. i. 17; De Anat. Admin, i. 3, iv. 6, 10, vol. ii. pp. 70, 227, 449, 470 ; De Usu Part. v. 5, vol. iii. p. 366 ; Comment, in Hippocr. '" Epid. F/." ii. 36, vol. xvii. pt. i. p. ^QQ ; De Muscul. Dissect, vol. xviii. pt. ii. pp. 926, 933.) He also composed a commentary on some of the treatises of the Hippocratic Collection, viz., the Aphorisms (Galen, Comment, in Hippocr. " Aphor."' iii. praef. vol. xvii. pt. ii. p. 562), De Morbis Popularibus (id. Comment, in Hippocr. " Epid. III.' i. 4, vol. xvii. pt. i. p. 502), and De Humoribus (id. Comment, in Hippocr. " De Humor.' i. 24, vol, xvi. p. 197), but is accused by Galen of misunderstanding and misrepresenting the sense of Hippocrates. {De Ord. Libr. suor. vol. xix. pp. 57, 58.) Galen wrote a short treatise in defence of one of the Aphorisms of Hippocrates (i. 14, vol. iii. p. 710), directed against Lycus, which is still extant (vol. xviii. pt. i. p. 196, &c.), and in which he seems to treat his adversary with un- justifiable harshness and severity. (See Littre, Oeuvres d Hippocr. vol. i. pp. 9Q., 106, 107.) He is quoted also by Paulus Aegineta (v. 3, 12, pp. 536, 540), Oribasius {Synops. iii. p. 57, Coll. Med. ix. 25, p. 378), and in Dietz's Scholia in Hippocr. et Galen, vol. ii. pp. 344, 356. [W. A. G.] LYDIADES (AuSjoStjs. There is, however, considerable doubt whether this or Auo-ioStjs is the more correct form of the name. (See Sch weigh, ad Polyb. ii. 44). 1. A citizen of Megalopolis, who, though of an obscure family, raised himself while yet a young man to the sovereignty of his native city. We know nothing of the steps by which he rose to power, but he is represented to us as a man of an ambitious but generous character, who was misled by false rhetorical arguments to believe a