Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/916

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902 MAGO. 5. The Magnus who wrote on Antidotes, and attained the dignity of Archiaiei must be a diffe- rent person from any of the preceding, as he was a contemporary of Galen, about the middle of the second century after Clirist. (Galen, De Ther. ad Pis. CO. 12, 13, vol. xiv. pp. 261, 262.) He is quoted also by Sorapion (PracL vii. 8), who calls him " Rex Medicorum in tempore Galieni." 6. The Magnus who lived after Themison, about the same time as Archigenes, or a little enrlier, and who belonged to the medical sect of the Pneuniatici (Galen, De Differ. Pub. iii. 2, vol. viii. p. 646), was also probably a different person from any of the preceding, and lived in the latter half of the second century after Christ. He wrote a work, rfepl ruiv ^Ecp^vp-qixevwv /meTo, rovs &ffxi- (Tcauus XpSuovs, De hiventis post T/iemisonis Tem- poral consisting of at least three books (Gal. ibid. p. 641), from which several passages are quoted by (lalen relating to the pulse {ibid. pp. 640, 641,756). On this subject Magnus differed in several points from Ar:h;genes, by whom some of his opinions were controverted. (Gal. De Cans. Puis. i. 4, vol. ix. pp. 8, 18, 21, Id. De Differ. Puis. vol. viii. pp. 638, 640, &c,) 7. Abu-l-Faraj mentions a physician of this name, who lived in the seventh century after Christ ; but the Arabic writers are so incorrect in Greek history and Chronology, that it is not at all unlikely that he is speaking of one of the persons Jready named. {Hist. Dynast.-^. 115.) There is extant in the Greek Anthology an epigram of a physician of this name, E<s t^v EUom Var)vov (Jfitkol. Planud. § 270) ; and also one by Palladas, Els Mdyvov ^larpoao<pi(TTriv (xi. 281, ed. Tauchn). [W. A. G.] MAGNUS ARBO'RIUS. [Arborius.] MAGNUS AUSO'NIUS. [Ausonius.J MAGNUS FELIX. [Felix, p. 144, a.] MAGNUS, FONTEIUS. [Fonteius, p. 180, b.] MAGO (Ma7ajj'), a name of common occurrence at Carthage. Hence the same difficulty is found as with most other Carthaginian names in dis- criminating or identifying the different persons in- cidentally mentioned who bear this name. 1. A Carthaginian who, according to Justin, was the founder of the military power of that city, being the first to introduce a regular discipline and or- ganisation into her armies. He is said to have himself obtained by this means great successes ; and still farther advantages were reaped by his two sons Hasdrubal and Hamilcar, who followed in their father's footsteps. (Justin, xviii, 7, xix. 1.) If the second of his two sons be correctly identified with the Hamilcar that was killed at Himera [Hamilcar, No. 1], we may conclude that Mago himself must have flourished from 550 to 500 years before Christ. (See Heeren, Ideen^ vol. iv. p. 637.) 2. Commander of the Carthaginian fleet under Himilco in the war against Diouysius, b. c. 396. He is particularly mentioned as holding that post in the great sea-fight off Catana, when he totally defeated the fleet of the Syracusans under Lep- tines, the brother of Dionysius, sinking or destroy- ing above 100 of their ships, besides capturing many others. (Diod. xiv. 59, 60.) We have no information as to the part he bore in the subsequent operations against Syracuse itself; but after the disastrous termlDation of the expedition, and the • MAGO. return of Ilimilco to Africa, Mago appears to have been invested with the chief command in Sicily, where he endeavoured by measures of lenity and conciliation towards the Greek cities, and by con- cluding alliances with the Sicilian tribes, to re- establish the Carthaginian power in the island. In 393 he advanced against Messana, but was attacked and defeated by Dionysius near Aba- caenum, which compelled him to remain quiet for a time. The next year, however, having received powerful reinforcements from Sardinia and Africa, he assembled an army of 80,000 men, with which he advanced through the heart of Sicily as far as the river Chrysas, but was there met by Dionysius, who having secured the alliance of Agyris, tyrant of Agyrium, succeeded in cutting off the supplies of the enemy, and by this means reduced them to such dis- tress, that Mago was compelled to conclude a treaty of peace, by which he abandoned his allies the Sicilians to the power of Dionysius. {Id. xiv. 90, 9h, ^Q.) After this Mago returned to Carthage, where he was not long after raised to the office of king or sutfete, a dignity which he held in B. c. 383, when the ambition and intrigues of Dion3'sius led to the renewal of hostilities between Carthage and Syra- cuse. Mago landed in Sicily with a large army, and after numerous petty combats, a pitched battle at length took place, in which, after a severe con- test, the Carthaginians were defeated, and Mago himself slain. (Diod. x v. 15.) 3. Commander of the Carthaginian fleet and army in Sicily in B. c. 344. When Timoleon had made himself master of the citadel of Syracuse^ after the departure of Dionysius, Hicetas, finding himself unable to cope single-handed with this new and formidable rival, called in the assistance of Mago, who appeared before Syracuse with a fleet of 150 triremes, and an army of 50,000 men. He did not, however, accomplish anything worthy of so great a force ; not only were both he and Hicetas unable to make any impression on the island citadel, but while they were engaged in an ex- pedition against Catana, Neon, the Corinthian governor of Syracuse, took advantage of their absence to make himself master of Achradina. Jealousies likewise arose between the Carthaginians and their Syracusan allies, and at length Mago, becoming apprehensive of treachery, suddenly re- linquished the enterprise, and on the approach of Timoleon at the head of a very inferior force, sailed away with his whole fleet, and withdrew to Car- thage. Here his cowardly conduct excited such indignation, that he put an end to his own life, to avoid a worse fate at the hands of his exasperated countrymen, who, nevertheless, proceeded to crucify his lifeless body. (Plut. Timol. 17 — 22 ; the same events are more briefly related by Diodorus, xvi. 69, but without any mention of the name of Mago.) 4. Commander of a Carthaginian fleet, which, according to Justin, was despatched to the assist- ance of the Romans during the war with Pyrrhus, apparently soon after the battle of Asculum (b. c 279). The Roman senate having declined the proffered aid, Mago sailed away to the south of Ital)', where he had an interview with Pyrrhus himself, in which he endeavoured to sound that monarch in regard to his views on Sicily. (Justin, xviii. 2.) It was probably part of the same fleet which we find mentioned as besieging Rhegium and guarding the straits of Messana, to prevent