Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 2.djvu/965

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MARINIANA. ot' Marsiis, a Roman advocate and procurator, who settled at Eleutlieropolis in Palestine. He flou- rished in the reign of Anastasius, and wrote para- phrases (fxeracppdcreis) in iambic verse of several Greek authors, namely, of Theocritus, of the Argo- iiautica of Apollonius, of the Hecale, the Hynnis, the Atria, and the epigrams of Callimachus, of Aratus, of the Theriaca of Nicander, and many others. (Suidas, s. v.) Evagrius {H.JE. iii. 42) calls him Map7uos. There are five epigrams in the Greek Anthology ascribed to Marianus Scholasticus, who rnay, per- haps, have been the same person. Four of these are descriptions of the groves and baths of Eros in the suburbs of Amaseia in Pontus. (Brunck, Anal. vol. ii. p. 511 ; Jacobs, Anth. Graec. vol. iii. p. 211, vol. xiii. p. 915.) [P. S.] MARl'CA, a Latin nymph who was worshipped at Mintumae, and to whom a grove was sacred on the river Liris. She was said to be the mother of Latinus by Faunus. (Virg. Aen. vii. 47.) Ser- vius {ad 'Aen. I. c. and xii. 164) remarks that some considered her to be identical with Aphrodite and others with Circe. [L. S.] MARIDIANUS, C. COSSU'TIUS, a contem- porary of Julius Caesar, whose name occurs only upon coins, a specimen of which is given below. He was one of the triumvirs of the mint, as we see from the letters A. A. A. F. F. (i. e. auro argento aeri Jlando feriundo) on the reverse of the coin. The head on the obverse is Julius Caesar's. MARIN US. i)51 COIN OP C. COSSUTIUS MARIDIANUS. MARINIA'NA. A considerable number of medals are extant in each of the three metals, all of which exhibit upon the obverse a veiled head, and the words divae marinxanae, and generally upon the reverse consecratio. One, however, bears the date of the 15th year of the colony of Viminacium, which proves that it must have been struck A. D. 254. This princess therefore belongs to the reign of Valerian, but we cannot tell whether she was the wife, the sister, or the daughter of that emperor. We know that he was married at l(!ast twice, since Trebellius PoUio informs us that Gallienus and Valerianus, jun. were only half- brothers, and since it is probable that the mother of the former was named Galliena, the latter may have been the child of Mariana. This, however, is a mere conjecture. Whoever she may have been, it is at all events certain that she was dead at least four years before the Persian expedition, a COIN OF MARINIANA. fact which at once destroys the story invented by Vaillant. (Trebell. PolL Valerian. jun.^ad Salonic. c. 1 ; Eckhel, vol. vii. p. 388.) [W. R.] MARI'NUS, a centurion, who, in the reign of Philippus (a. d. 249), was saluted emperor in Moesia, by the soldiers, who soon after put him to death. A brass medal is extant, struck at Philip- popolis, in Thrace, bearing the legend ©EH . MAPI- Nfi ; but the Greek coin, quoted by Goltzius as exhibiting the names P. Carvilius Mari7ius, is re- garded with suspicion. (Zonar. xii. 19 ; Zosim. i. 20 ; Eckhel, vol. vii. p. 373.) [W. R.J MARI'NUS {Uaplvos), of Flavia Neapolis, in Palestine, a philosopher and rhetorician, was the pupil and successor of Proclus, respecting whose life he wrote a work, which is still extant ; he also wrote some other philosophical works. (Suid. s. v.) An epigram of his, on his own life of Proclus, is preserved in the Greek Anthologj% (Brunck, Anal. vol. ii. p. 446 ; Jacobs, Anth. Graec. vol. iii. p. 153, vol. xiii. p, 915.) Proclus died a. d. 485 ; Mari- nus, therefore, lived under the emperors Zeno and Anastasius. The publication of his life of Proclus is fixed by internal evidence to the year of Pro- clus's death ; for he mentions an eclipse which will happen when the first year after that event shall have been completed (p. 29 ; Clinton, Fast. Rom. sub ann.). Marinus's life of Proclus was first published with the works of Marcus Antoninus, Tigur. 1559, Bvo., reprinted Lugd. Bat. 1626, 12mo. ; next with the work of Proclus on Plato's theology, Hamburg, 1618, fol. : the first separate edition was that of Fabricius, with valuable Pro- legomena, Hamburg, 1700, 4to., reprinted Lond. 1703, 8vo. Boissonade has re-edited the work, with a much improved text, and valuable notes of his own, in addition to the Prolegomena and notes of Fabricius, Lips. 1814, 8vo. (Fabric. Bibl. Graec. vol. ix. p. 370 ; Vossius, de Hist. Graec. p. 319, ed. Westermann.) [P. S.] M ARI'N US (Map?j/os), of Tyre, a Greek geogra- pher, who lived in the middle of the second century of the Christian era, and was the immediate pre- decessor of Ptolemy, who frequently refers to hira. Marinus was undoubtedly the founder of mathe- matical geography in antiquity ; and we learn from Ptolemy's own statement (i. 6) that he based his whole work upon that of Marinus. The chief merit of Marinus was, that he put an end to the uncertainty that had hitherto prevailed respecting the positions of places, by assigning to each its latitude and longitude. He also constructed maps for his works on much improved principles, which are spoken of under Ptolemaeus. In order to obtain as much accuracy as possible, Marinus was indefatigable in studying the works of his prede- cessors, the diaries kept by travellers, and every available source. He made many alterations in the second edition of his work, and would have still further improved it if he had not been earned off by an untimely death. (Ukert, Geographic der Grtechen und Komer, vol. i. pars i. p. 227, &c., pars ii. pp. 194, &c., 278; Forbiger, Handhuch der Alien Geographic, vol. i. p. 365, &c.) MARI'NUS (Mopti/os), a celebrated physician and anatomist, who must have lived in the first and second centuries after Christ, as Quintus, Galen's tutor, was one of his pupils (Galen, Com- ment, in Ilippocr. "Z)e Nat. Horn.' ii. 6, vol. xv. p. 1 36). He wrote numerous anatomical treatises (or else one long work in twenty books), which Giileu 3p 4