Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1147

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TIMASION. in impeaching Aeschines, on the score of malversa- tion in the embassy to Philip. Aeschines, how- ever, anticipated him, and brought him to trial inider a law of Solon, by which any one who had been guilty of such flagrant excesses as Timarchus, was forbidden to appear before the public assembly. There are different accounts as to the result of this trial. According to some, Timarchus was con- demned and disfranchised ; according to others, he put an end to his life even before the trial was terminated. (Pint. Vit. X. Oral. Aesch. ; Prooem. ad Aesch. adv. Tim.) Timarchus had previously been impeached by Aristogeiton, and prevented from being entrusted with a public commission. (Suidas s. V. ; Harpocr. s. v. AvToicXelSrfs and QepcrapSpos ; Tzetzes, Chiliad, vi. 47, &c. ; Aes- chines Kara TL/jtdpxov, with Taylor's preface.) 3. A favourite of Antiochns, the son of Antio- chus the Great, by whom he was appointed satrap of Babylon. He administered the affairs of his province badly, and having made a stand against Demetrius Soter, was overpowered and put to death by him. (Appian. Si/r. 45, 47.) 4. A tyrant of Miletus, who was overthrown by Antiochus, the son of Antiochus Soter. The deliverance seems to have been a most welcome one, as the Milesians, in consequence of it, gave to Antiochus the surname &e6s. (Appian. Si/r. 65.) [C. P. M.] TIMARCHUS (TtVapxo?), literary. 1. A friend and disciple of Aristotle, left by him as one of the guardians of Nicanor. (Diog. Laert. v. 12.) 2. A Greek grammarian, who lived in the reign of Ptolemaeus Euergetes. (Suid. s. v. ^AttoWwvios.) 3. A Greek grammarian, of uncertain date. Athenaeus (xi. p. 501) quotes from the fourth book of a work by him, irepl rod 'EpaTocrdcvovs 'EpfjLov. He also w^rote upon Homer (Schol. ad II. (p. 122), and on Euripides (Schol. ad Eurip. Med. 1). If the reading in Harpocration (s. v. ^kpyas), is correct, Timarchus was a native of Rhodes, and Avas a writer on glosses. But as we find elsewhere mention of a Rhodian named Timachidas, who was a glossographer, some critics propose to alter the reading in Harpocration. The reason is not a very convincing one. (Vossius, de Hist Gr. p. 143 ; Ruhnken, Opuscula, p. 205.) [C. P. M.] TIMARCHUS, artist. [Cephisodotus, No. 2, p. 670.] TIMARCHUS, CLAU'DIUS, of Crete, was accused in the senate in A. d. 62, on which oc- casion Paetus Thrasea made a celebrated speech, the substance of which is given by Tacitus {Ann. XV. 20). TIMA'RETE (Tt/^apeVrj), a female painter, the daughter of that Micon, whom Pliny distin- guishes from the celebrated painter Micon, by the epithet of minor {H. N. xxxv. 9. s. 35). Pliny also tells us that she painted a panel-picture of Diana, in a very ancient style of the art {anti- quissimae picturae), which was preserved at Ephe- 6U8. (H. N. xxxv. II. s. 40. § 43.) [P. S.] TIMA'SION (Tifxa(rim>), a citizen of Darda- nus in the Troad, appears to have been a soldier of fortune, and served in Asia under Clearchus and Dercvllidas. He was exiled from his na- tive city, — at what period we do not know, — and was one of those who entered the service of Cyrus the Younger. In the retreat of the 10,000, after the treacherous arrest of the five generals by Tis- Baphernes, Timasion was chosen commander in the TIMASITHEUS. 1135 mom of Clearchus, and he and Xenophon, as the youngest of the new leaders, were appointed to command the rear-guard. When the Cyreans had reached Cotyora, and were waiting there for the transports which the Sinopian envoys had pro- mised them, Timasion and Thorax, a Boeotian, took advantage of the report of Xenophon's pro- ject for the establishment of a Greek colony on the Euxine, to represent to some merchants of Sinope and Heracleia that the only way to prevent it was to furnish pay as well as ships to the army. The two cities in question, on this being reported to them, not only engaged to do what was desired, but even bribed Timasion to persuade the Greeks to accept the terms, and to sail away home. Af- terwards, however, when they knew that Xeno- phon had abandoned his project, they would not fulfil their promise of paying the soldiers, and Ti- masion accordingly and the other generals, who had been involved in the same intrigues with him, and had ventured to hold out to the men brilliant prospects of abundant funds, tried to persuade Xe- nophon to resume his design. He refused, how- ever, to bring the question at all before the army, and they then attempted to gain over the officers of their respective divisions, but a report of what they were about spread among the troops, and their indignant opposition defeated the plan. When the Cyreans separated into three divisions at Heracleia, Timasion continued with the one under Xenophon, and when it was advancing to rescue the Arcadians from the Bithynians, whose country they had attempted to plunder, and who had hemmed them round on a hill where they had taken refuge, he was sent forward with the cavaliy to reconnoitre ; and shortly after we find him again commanding the cavalry in the battle in which the Greeks defeated the forces of Phamabazus and the Bithynians. On the discovery of the inability of Coeratadas to perform the promises by which he had induced the Cyreans to elect him as their leader, while the army was lying without the walls of Byzantium, Timasion, in opposition to the other generals, wished to cross over again to Asia, in the hope of returning to his native city with the treasures which we find he had collected in his expeditions. He entered with the rest of the army into the service of Seuthes [Seuthes, No. 2], and took part in the hard winter campaign which re- established the Thracian prince in his kingdom ; and when the disputes arose about the pay, which Seuthes wished to evade, and Heracleides, the instigator of the prince, endeavoured to cause dis- union among the generals, Timasion positively re- fused to act apart from Xenophon. He, no doubt, crossed over to Asia with the army, when it en- tered into the Spartan service ; and perhaps he then took an early opportunity to return home to Dardanus. (Xen. Anab. iii. I. § 47, 2. § 37, v. 6. §§ 19—37, vi. 1. § 32, 3. §§ 14, 22, 5. § 28, vii. 1. § 40, 2. §§ ], 2, 3. §§ 18, 46, 5. §§ 4, 10.) [E. E.J TIMASITHEUS or TIMESI'THEUS (Tj- fiaQ-ideos, Tifirjaidcos), a citizen of Trapezus, and a proxenus of the Mossynoeci, between whom and the Cyrean Greeks he acted as interpreter, when the latter wished to make a treaty with the bar- barians, and to obtain a passage through their country. (Xen. Anab. v. 4. §§ 2, &c.) [E. E.] TIMASITHEUS (TzuocrWeos), an athlete of Delphi, who conquered several times iu the pan-