Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1355

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tain possession of Athens before Hecatombaeon (July); but the contest between

the parties was not finally concluded till Boedromion (September). The date of the amnesty, by which the exiles were restored, was the 12th of Boëdromion. Euclides was archon at the time.

Thucydides, aet. 68, Lysias and Andocides return to Athens.

401 Expedition of Cyrus against his brother Artaxerxes. He falls in the battle of Cunaxa, which was fought in the autumn. His Greek auxiliaries commence their return to Greece, usually called the retreat of the Ten Thousand.

First year of the war of Lacedaemon and Elis.

Xenophon accompanied Cyrus, and afterwards was the principal general of the Greeks in their retreat.

Ctesias, the historian, was physician at the court of Artaxerxes at this time.

The Oedipus at Colonus of Sophocles exhibited after his death by his grandson Sophocles. See B.C. 405.

Telestes gains a dithyrambic prize.

400 Return of the Ten Thousand to Greece.

Second year of the war of Lacedaemon and Elis.

The speech of Andocides on the Mysteries : he is now about 67 years of age.

399 The Lacedaemonians send Thimbron with an army to assist the Greek cities in Asia against Tissaphernes and Pharnabazus.

The remainder of the Ten Thousand incorporated with the troops of Thimbron.

In the autumn Thimbron was superseded by Dercyllidas.

Third and last year of the war of Lacedaemon and Elis.

Death of Socrates, aet. 70.

Plato withdraws to Megara.

398 Dercyllidas continues the war in Asia with success.

Ctesias brought his Persian History down to this year.

Astydamas, the tragic poet, first exhibits.

Philoxenus, Timotheus, and Telestes, flourished.

397 Dercyllidas still continues the war in Asia.
396 Agesilaus supersedes Dercyllidas. First campaign of Agesilaus in Asia. He winters at Ephesus.

Sophocles, the grandson of the great

Sophocles, begins to exhibit this year in his own name. See B.C. 401

Xenocrates, the philosopher, born.

395 Second campaign of Agesilaus in Asia. He defeats Tissaphemes, and becomes master of Western Asia. Tissaphemes superseded by Tithraustes, who sends envoys into Greece to induce the Greek states to declare war against Lacedaemon. Commencement of the war of the Greek states against Lacedaemon. Lysander slain at Haliartus.

Plato, aet. 34, returns to Athens.

394 Agesilaus recalled from Asia to fight against the Greek states, who had declared war

against Lacedaemon. He passed the Hellespont about midsummer, and was at the entrance of Boeotia on the 14th of August. He defeats the allied forces at Coroneia. A little before the latter battle the Lacedaemonians also gained a victory near Corinth ; but about the same time Conon, the Athenian admiral, and Pharnabazus, gained a decisive victory over Peisander, the Spartan admiral, off Cnidus.

Xenophon accompanied Agesilaus from Asia and fought against his country at Coroneia. He was in consequence banished from Athens. He retired under Lacedaemonian protection to Scillus, where he composed his works.

Theopompus brought his history down to this year. It embraced a period of 17 years, from the battle of Cynossema, B.C. 411, to the battle of Cnidos, b. c. 394.

393 Sedition at Corinth and victory of the Lacedaemonians at Lechaeum. Pharnabazus

and Conon ravage the coasts of Peloponnesus. Conon begins to restore the long walls of Athens and the fortifications of the Peiraeeus.

392 The Lacedaemonians under Agesilaus ravage the Corinthian territory, but a Spartan mora is cut to pieces by Iphicrates.

The Ecclesiazusae of Aristophanes.

391 Expedition of Agesilaus into Acarnania.

Speech of Andocides " On the Peace."

He is banished,

Plato, the comic poet, exhibits.

390 Expedition of Agesipolis into Argolis. The Persians again espouse the cause of the Lacedaemonians, and Conon is thrown into prison. The Athenians assist Evagoras, of Cypms, against the Persians. Thrasybulus, the Athenian commander, is defeated and slain by the Lacedaemonian Teleutias at Aspendus.
389 Agyrrhius sent as the successor of Thrasybulus to Aspendus and Iphicrates to the Hellespont.

Plato, aet. 40, goes to Sicily : the first of the three voyages.

Aeschines born about this time.

388 Antalcidas, the Lacedaemonian commander on the Asiatic coast, opposed to Iphicrates and Chabrias.

The second edition of the Plutus of Aristophanes.

387 The peace of Antalcidas.

Antiphanes, the comic poet, begins to exhibit.

386 Restoration of Plataeae, and independence of the towns of Boeotia.
385 Destruction of Mantineia by the Lacedaemonians under Agesipolis.

Great sea-fight between Evagoras and the Persians.

384 Birth of Aristotle.
382 First year of the Olynthian war. The Lacedaemonians commanded by Teleutias.

Phoebidas seizes the Cadmeia, the citadel of Thebes. This was before Teleutias marched to Olynthus.

Birth of Demosthenes.

381 Second year of the Olynthian war. Teleutias