Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1359

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GREEK HISTORY. 1347 Third year of the war against Antigonus. Fourth year of the war against Antigonus. Ptolemy and Seleucus defeat Demetrius, the son of Antigonus, at Gaza. Seleucus recovers Babylon on the 1st of October, from which the era of the Seleucidae com- mences. General peace. Murder of Roxana and Alexander IV. by Cassander. Hercules, the son of Alexander and Barsine, a pretender to the throne. Ptolemy appears as liberator of the Greeks. Renewal of hostilities between him and Antigonus, Agathocles lands in Africa. Epicurus, aet. 32, begins to teach at Mytilene and Lampsacus. Hercules murdered by Polysperchon. Ptolemy's expedition to Greece. Demetrius, the son of Antigonus, becomes master of Athens. Demetrius Phalereus leaves the city. The orator Deinarchus goes into exile. Demetrius recalled from Athens. He defeats Ptolemy in a great sea-fight off Salamis in Cyprus. After that battle Antigonus as- sumes the title of king, and his example is followed by Ptolemy, Seleucus, Lysima- chus and Cassander. Antigonus invades Egypt, but is compelled to retreat. Epicurus settles at Athens, where he teaches about 36 years, till his death, at the age of 72. Rhodes besieged by Demetrius. Demetrius makes peace with the Rhodians, and returns to Athens. Demetrius carries on the war in Greece with success against Cassander. War continued in Greece between Demetrius and Cassander. Demochares, the nephew of Demos- thenes, banished. Archedicus, the comic poet, flourished. Demetrius crosses over to Asia. Battle of Ipsus in Phrygia, about the month of August, in which Lysimachus and Seleucus defeat Antigonus and Deme- trius. Antigonus, aet. 81, falls in the battle. Hieronymus of Cardia, the historian, flourished. Demetrius obtains possession of Cilicia, and marries his daughter Stratonice to Se- leucus. Birth of Lycon, the Peripatetic. Demetrius returns to Greece, and makes an attempt upon Athens, but is repulsed. Death of Cassander and accession of his son Philip. Death of Philip, and accession of his brother Antipater. Demetrius takes Salamis and Aegina, and lays siege to Athens. Pyrrhus returns to Epeirus. Demetrius takes Athens. Demetrius makes an expedition into Pelo- ponnesus. B.C. 292 291 290 289 288 287 286 285 284 283 281 280 279 278 275 274 273 272 270 Civil war in Macedonia between the two brothers, Antipater and Alexander. Demetrius becomes king of Macedonia, Demetrius conquers Thebes. Deinarchus returns from exile. Lysimachus defeated, and taken prisoner by the Getae. Second insurrection of Thebes against De- metrius. Pyrrhus invades Thessaly, but is obliged to retire before Demetrius. Death of Menander, aet. 52. Demetrius takes Thebes a second time. He celebrates the Pythian games at Athens. Demetrius carries on war against Pyrrhus and the Aetolians. He marries Lanassa, one of the wives of Pyrrhus and the daughter of Agathocles. Posidippus, the comic poet, begins to exhibit. Death of Agathocles. Coalition against Demetrius. He is driven out of Macedonia, and his dominions di- vided between Lysimachus and Pyrrhus. Demetrius sails to Asia. Pyrrhus driven out of Macedonia by Ly- simachus after seven months' possession. Strato succeeds Theophrastus. Demetrius surrenders himself to Seleucus, who keeps him in captivity. Ptolemy II. Philadelphus is associated in the kingdom by his father. Demetrius, aet. 54, dies in captivity at Apa- meia in Syria. Death of Ptolemy Soter, aet. 84. Lysimachus is defeated and slain by Seleu- cus, at the battle of Corupedion. Seleucus murdered by Ptolemy Ceraunus seven months after the death of Lysi- machus. Antiochus I., the son of Seleucus, becomes king of Asia, Ptolemy Ceraunus king of Thrace and Macedonia. Pyrrhus crosses into Italy. Irruption of the Gauls and death of Ptolemy Ceraunus. He is succeeded by his brother Meleager, who reigns only two months. Rise of the Achaean league. Demosthenes honoured with a statue on the motion of his nephew Demochares. Birth of Chrysippus. Antipater king of Macedonia for a short time. Sosthenes, the Macedonian general, checks the Gauls. The Gauls under Bren- nus invade Greece, but Brennus and a great part of his army are destroyed at Delphi. Death of Sosthenes. Antigonus Gonatas becomes king of Mace- donia. Zeno of Cittium flourished at Athens. Birth of Eratosthenes. Pyrrhus returns to Italy. Birth of Euphorion. Pyrrhus invades Macedonia, and expels An- tigonus Gonatas. Pyrrhus invades Peloponnesus, and perishes in an attack on Argos. Antigonus regaius Macedonia. Death of Epicunis, aet. 72. 4 r2