Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1403

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ROMAN HISTORY. 1391 Coss. Anicius Hennogenianus Olybrius. Anicius Probinus. Death of Theodosius at Milan, Arcadius (aet. 18) andHoNORius (aet. 11) emperors : Arcadius of the East, and Honorius of the West Honorius is com- mitted to the care of Stilicho. Marriage of Arcadius. Arcadius is at first governed by Rufinus, who is slain in November, and then by Eutropius. Alaric ravages Thrace and the north of Greece. Stilicho crosses the Alps to attack him. Claudian, the poet, flourished. Socrates, the ecclesiastical historian, flourished. Coss. Imp. FI. Arcadius Aug. IV. Imp. Fl. Honorius Aug. III. Arcadii et Honorii 2. — Alaric ravages the south of Greece. Stilicho's second expedi- tion against Alaric. Claudian 's De TIL ConsuUitu Honorii Aug. and In Rufinum. Hieronymus (St. Jerome) continues to write. Coss. Fl. Caesarius. Nonius Atticus. Arcadii et Honorii 3. — Revolt of Gildo in Africa, and consequent scarcity of food at Rome. Birth of Flacilla, the daughter of Arcadius. Symmachus writes {Ep. iv. 4) to Stilicho. Death of Ambrose. Hieronymus (St. Jerome) continues to write. Coss. Imp. Fl. Honorius Aug. IV. Fl. Eutychianus. Arcadii et Honorii 4. — Marriage of Honorius with Maria, the daughter of Stilicho. De- feat and death of Gildo. Claud ian's De IV. Consulatu Honorii Aug.^ Epithalamium Honorii Aug. et Mariae., De Bello Gildonico. Chrysostom succeeds Nestorius as bishop of Constantinople. Coss. Eutropius. In mag. occis. e. Fl. Mallius Theodorus. Arcadii et Honorii 5. — Birth of Pulcheria, the second daughter of Arcadius. Tribi- gildus ravages Phrygia, Fall of Eutro- I plus in his ovm consulship : he is first banished to Cyprus, and then recalled and put to death at Chalcodon. Accession of Yezdijird I., king of Persia. Claudian's In FL Mallii TJieodori con- sulatum and In Eviropium. Coss. Fl. Stilicho. Aurelianus. Arcadii et Honorii 6, — Revolt of Gainas : he is defeated, and retires beyond the Danube. Claudian's In Primum ConsvJatum Fl. Siilichonis. Sulpicius Severus flourished. Coss. Fl. Vincentius. Fl. Fravitta. Arcadii et Honorii 7. — Gainas is slain in Thrace, and his head is brought to Con- stantinople. Birth of Theodosius II., the son of Arcadius. Coss. Imp. Fl. Arcadius Aug. V. Imp. Fl. Honorius Aug. V. A.D. 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 Arcadii et Honorii 8. — Alaric invades Itah", Hieronymus writes Adv. Rufinum^ and other works. Coss. Imp. Fl. Theodosius (II.) Aug. FL Rumoridus. Arcadii et Honorii 9. — Battle of PoUentia, and retreat of Alaric. Claudian's De Bello Getico. Prudentius writes In Symmachum. Chrysostom is banished by means of Eudoxia : a tumult followed, and he is re- called. Coss. Imp. Fl. Honorius Aug. VI. Aristaenetus. Arcadii et Honorii 10, — Ravages of the Isaurians. Death of Eudoxia. Claudian's De VI. Consulatu Honorii Aug. Chrysostom is banished a second time. Coss. Fl. Stilicho II. Anthemius. Arcadii et Honorii 11. — The ravages of the Isaurians continue. Radagaisus invades Italy, but is defeated by Stilicho. Chrysostom is in exile at Cucusus. Coss. Imp. Fl. Arcadius Aug. VI. Anicius Petronius Probus. Arcadii et Honorii 12. — The ravages of the Isaurians continue. The Vandais enter Gaul. Chrysostom is in exile at Arabissus. Hieronymus writes Adversus Vigilau- tium. Coss. Imp. Fl. Honorius Aug. VII. Imp. Fl, Theodosius (II.) Aug. II. Arcadii et Honorii 13. — The ravages of the Isaurians continue. Revolt of Constan- tino in Britain. Death of Chrysostom on his way from Arabissus to Pityus. Coss. Anicius Bassus. Fl. Philippus. Honorii 15: Theodosii II. 1. — Death of Arcadius and accession of Theodosius II. (aet. 7). Stilicho is slain at Ravenna. Alaric invades Italy and besieges Rome : he retires on the payment of a large sum of money. Coss. Imp. Fl. Honorius Aug. VIII. Imp. FI. Theodosius (II.) Aug. III. Honorii 15: Theodosii II. 2. — Alaric be- sieges Rome a second time, and by his in- fluence Attalus is proclaimed emperor, in place of Honorius. Placidia, the daughter of Theodosius I., is taken pri- soner by Alaric. Revolt of Gerontius in Spain : he proclaims Maximus emperor. The Vandals invade Spain. Coss. Fl. Varanes. (Tertullus). Honorii 16: Theodosii II. 3. — Attalus is deposed. Alaric besieges Rome a third time, which he takes and plunders. Death of Alaric near Rhegium, on his way to Sicily. He is succeeded by Ataulphus. The history of Zosimus ends. Birth of Proclus. Cos. Imp. Fl. Theodosius (II.) Aug. IV. sine collega. Honorii 17: Theodosii II. 4. — War be- tween the usurpers Constantine and Ge*