Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/544

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532 PROCILLIUS 7. Endlicher, in his Analeda Grammatical hiis published, from a Codex Bobiensis, now at Vienna, a fragment Valerii Prohi de Nomine. It is not unlikely that the same individual may- be the author of the three pieces last named, but this is a point on which it is vain to speak with confidence. (Osann, Beitr'dge zur Griechisch. und Rumisch. Literatur-Geschichte, ii, p. 283 ; Jahn, Z.c; Suringar, Historia Critica Scholiast. Lat.) [W. R.] PROBUS, AEMI'LIUS. [Nepos, Corne- LllTS.] PROCAS, one of the fabulous kings of Alba Longa, succeeded Aventinus, reigned twenty-three years, and was the father of Numitor and Amu- lius. (Dionys. i. 71 ; Liv. i. 3 ; Appian, Rom. i. 1 ; Virg. Aen. vi. 767.) PROCHIRUS, MICHAEL. [Michael, li- terary. No. 11.] PRO'CHORUS {Upoxopos). There is extant in MS. a Greek life of St. John the Evangelist, professedly written by Prochorus, one of the seventy disciples, and also one of the seven dea- cons. (Luke, X. 1 ; Acts, vi. 5.) The work is professedly spurious, but critics are not determined as to its age. Vossius and others are disposed to identify the work with the Circuitus Joannis, mentioned in the Synopsis S. Scripiurae ascribed to Athanasius. Le Nourry and Ittigius assign to it a later date ; and Tillemont regards it as compara- tively recent, a forgery of the Middle Ages. It bears the title Upoxopov tov inl TaTs XP^'"*^ "^^^ eirra KaracrTadeUTO?, dv€pioi} ^recpdvou roO irpw- ro/JLoipTvpos, Trepl 'Iwduvov tov B^eoXoyov Kal evay- yeki(TTOu taropla. Procliori qui fuit unus de sep- tem ministerio praefectis, consobrinus Stephani proto- martyris^ de Joanne theologo et evangelista historia. A portion of the Greek text, with a Latin version by Sebastian Castalio, was published in the third edition of the Graeco-Latin version, by Michael Neander, of Luther's Catechism, 8vo, Basel, 1567, p. 526 ; and again in vol. i. of the Monumenta Orthodoxographa of Grynaeus, fol. Basel, 1569. A larger portion has been published, but in a Latin version only, in various editions of the Blbliotheca Patrum (e. g. vol. ii. ed. Paris, 1575 ; vol. vii. ed. Paris, 1579 and 1654 ; vol. i. ed. Cologn. 1618, and vol. ii. ed. Lyon, 1677) ; also in the Historia Christian. Veterum Patrum of Rene Laurent de la Barre, fol. Paris, 1583. (Cave, Hist. Litt. ad ann. 70, vol. i. p. 36, ed. Oxford, 1740—43 ; Fabric. Cod. Apocryph. N. T. vol. ii. p. 815 ; Biblioth. Grace, vol. x. p. 135 ; Voss. de Histo- ricis Grace, ii. 9.) [J. C. M.] PROCILLA, JU'LIA, the mother of Agricola (Tac. Agr. 4). PROCPLLIUS. 1. A Roman historian, a con- temporary of Cicero. He appears to have written on early Roman history, as Varro quotes his ac- count of the origin of the Curtian lake, and like- wise on later Roman history, as Pliny refers to him respecting Pompey's triumph on his return from Africa (Varr. L. L. v, 148, comp. v. 154, ed. Muller ; Plin. H. N. viii. 2). He was held in high estimation by Atticus, but Cicero writes that Dicaearchus was far superior to him, from which we may infer that Procillius wrote likewise on geographical subjects. (Cic. ad Att. ii. 2. § 2.) 2. Tribune of the plebs, b. c. 56, was accused by Clodius in B. c. 54, together with his colleagues, C. Cato and Nonius Sufenas, on account of the violent acts which they had committed in their PROCLES. tribuneship. Cato and Nonius were acquitted, but Procillius was condemned. (Cic. ad Att. iv. 15. § 4, 16. § 5, ad q. Fr. ii. 8. § 1 ; Drumann, Geschichte Roms, vol. ii. p. 339, vol. iii. p. 100.) This Procillius may have been the same person as the historian. 3. L. Procillius, whom Ave know only from coins, a specimen of which is annexed. The ob- verse represents the head of Juno Sispita, and the reverse Juno in a chariot. We may infer from this coin that the Procillii came from Lanuvium, which was celebrated for its worship of Juno Sispita. (Eckhel, vol. v. p. 289.) COIN OF L. PROCILLIUS. PROCILLUS, C. VALE'RIUS, a Gallic chief, whose father C. Valerius Caburnus had received the Roman franchise from C. Valerius Flaccus. Caesar placed great confidence in Procillus, and reckoned him as one of his friends. He employed Procillus as his interpreter in the confidential in- terview which he had with Divitiacus, and he likewise sent him on a subsequent occasion, along with M. Mettius, as his ambassador to Ariovistus. Procillus was thrown into chains by Ariovistus, but, on the defeat of the latter, was rescued by Caesar in person, a circumstance which, Caesar states, caused him as much pleasure as the victory itself. ( Caes. B. G. i. 1 9, 47, 53.) PROCLEIA (UpoKheLa), a daughter of Laome- don, and the wife of Cycnus, by whom she became the mother of Tennes and Hemithea. (Pans. x. 14. § 2 ; Tzetz. ad Lye. 232.) [L. S.] PROCLES {UpoKXrjs). 1. One of the twin sons of Aristodemus, who, according to the tra- dition respecting the Dorian conquest of Pelopon- nesus, on the death of their father, inherited jointly his share of the conquered territory, and became the ancestor of the two royal families of Sparta. Procles was usually regarded as the younger of the two brothers. The line of kings descended from him was called, after his son or grandson Eurypon, the Eurypontidae. (Herod, viii. 131, vi. 51, &c. ; Pans. iv. 1. § 7.) 2. Tyrant of Epidaurus, the father of Lysis or Melissa, the wife of Periander. Having revealed to the son of the latter the secret of his mother's death [Periander], he incurred the implacable resentment of Periander, who attacked and cap- tured Epidaurus, and took Procles prisoner. (Herod, iii. 50—52 ; Paus. ii. 28. § 8.) 3. The son of Pityreus, was the leader of the lonians who settled in the island of Samos. He was an Epidaurian by birth, and led with him a considerable number of Epidaurian exiles. An- droclus and the Ephesians attacked Procles and his son Leogorus, who shared the royal power with him, and expelled them. (Paus. vii. 4. § 2.) 4. A descendant of Demaratus, king of Sparta, from whom, together with Eurysthenes, who was