Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/703

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I SABINUS. SABFNUS, NYMPHFDIUS. [Nymphi- WUR,] SABFNUS, OBULTRO'NIUS. [Obultro- NIUS.] SABI'NUS, CyPPTUS. [Opprus, No. 18.] SABFNUS, OSTO'RIUS, a Roman eques, accused Barea Soranus and his daughter Servilia in A. D. 66, and was rewarded by Nero with a large sum of money, and the insignia of the quaes- torship. (Tac. A?m. xvi. 23, 30, 33.) [Barea Soranus.] SABI'NUS, L. PLO'TIUS, a Roman artist, who is only known by an inscription, in which he is described as a carver in ivory, Eborarius. (Reines. ch xi. No. cxxii. ; R. Rochette, Letire a M. Schorn, p. 400. 2d ed.) [P. S.] SABFNUS, POMPO'NIUS, or with his full name Julius Pomponius Sabinus, is sometimes quoted as an ancient grammarian, but is the same as Pomponius Laetus, who lived at the revival of learning. SABI'NUS, POPPAEUS, consul in a. d. 9, with Q. Sulpicius Camerinus. He was appointed in the life-time of Augustus, governor of Moesia ; and Tiberius in the year after his accession, A. D. 15, not only confirmed him in his government of Moesia, but gave him in addition the provinces of Achaia and Macedonia. He continued to hold these provinces till his death in A. d. 35, having ruled over Moesia for twenty-four years. In a.d. 26, he obtained the triumphal ornaments on account of a victory which he had gained over some Thracian tribes. He did not belong to a distinguished family, and was indebted for his long continuance in his government to his possessing respectable, but not striking abilities. He was the maternal grandfather of Poppaea Sabina, the mis- tress, and afterwards the wife of Nero. (Dion Cass. Index, lib. Ivi. ; Suet. Vesp. 2 ; Tac. Ann. i. 80, iv. 46, V. 10, vi. 39, xiii. 45 ; Dion Cass. Iviii. 25.) SABFNUS, T. SICI'NIUS, consul b. c. 487, with C. Aquillius Tuscus, carried on war against the Volsci, and obtained a triumph, as we learn from the Capitoline Fasti and Dionysius, though Livy says " cum Volscis aequo Marte discessum est." Dionysius calls him T. Siccius. (Fasti Capit. ; Dionys- viii. 64, 67 ; Liv. ii. 40.) Sicinius served afterwards, as legatus, under the consul M. Fabius Vibulanus in b.c. 480. (Dionys. ix. 12, 13.) SABI'NUS, TFTIUS, a distinguished Roman eques, was a friend of Germanicus, and was con- sequently hated by Sejanus. To please this powerful favourite, Latinius Latiaris, who was a friend of Sabinus, induced the latter to speak in unguarded terms both of Sejanus and Tiberius, and then betrayed his confidence. Sabinus was exe- cuted in prison, and his body thrown out upon the Gemonian steps, and cast into the Tiber. The ancient writers mention the fidelity of the dog of Sabinus, which would not desert his master, and which tried to bear up his corpse when thrown into- the Tiber. (Tac. An7i. iv. 18, 19, 68, 70, vi. 4 ; Dion Cass. Iviii. 1 ; Plin. H. N. viii. 40. s. 61.) SABI'NUS, Q. TITU'RIUS, one of Caesar^s legates in Gaul, is first mentioned in Caesar's campaign against the Remi, in b. c. 57. In the following year, b. c. 56, he was sent by Caesar with three legions .against the Unelli, Curiosolitae, SACADAS. 691 and Lexovii (in Normandy), who were led l)y Viridovix. He gained a great victory over the forces of Viridovix, and all the insurgent states submitted to his authority. In b. c. 54 Q. Titu- rius Sabinus and L. Aurunculeius Cotta were sta- tioned for the winter in the territory of the Ebu- rones with a legion and five cohorts. They had not been more than fifteen days in the country be- fore they were attacked by Ambiorix and Cati- volcus. On this occasion Sabinus did not show the same resolution as Cotta, and it was owing to his fatal resolution to trust himself to the safe con- duct of Ambiorix that the Roman troops, as well as Sabinus and Cotta, were destroyed, as is related more fully in the life of Cotta. [Vol. I. p. 869.] (Caes. B. G. ii. 5, iii. U, 17—19, v. 24—37; Dion Cass, xxxix. 45, xl. 5, 6 ; Suet. Caes. 25 ; Liv. Epit. 106 ; Flor. iii. 10 ; Ores. vi. 10 ; Eu- trop. vi. 14.) The annexed coin was struck by a Titurius Sabinus, but it is uncertain who he was. COIN OF titurius SABINUS. SABFNUS TYRO, the author of a treatise on horticulture, which he dedicated to Maecenas. All that we know with regard to this writer and his work is to be found in the notice of Pliny (//. N. xix. 10). " Ferroque non expedire tangi rutam, cunilam, mentam, ocinium, auctor est Sabinus (al. Sabinius) Tyro in libro Cepuricon quem Maecenati dicavit." fW. R.] SABFNUS, VECTIUS, of the Ulpian fa- mily, was the senator upon whose motion, accord- ing to Capitolinus, Balbinus and Maximus were nominated joint emperors. Upon their elevation he was appointed Praefectus Urbi. (Capitolin. Max. et Balh. 2, 4.) [W. R.] SA'BULA, L. COSSU'TIUS, mentioned only on coins, a specimen of which is annexed. The obverse represents the head of Medusa, with SABVLA, the reverse Bellerophon riding on Pe- gasus with L. cossvTi. c. F. (Eckhel, vol. v. p. 197.) COIN OF L. COSSUTIUS SABULA. SABURA or SABURRA, the commander of Juba's forces in Africa, defeated C. Curio, Caesar's general, in B. c. 49. He was destroyed with all his forces in B. c. 46 by P. Sittius. (Caes. B. C. ii. 38, &c. ; Hirt B. Afr. 48, 93 ; Appian, B. C. ii. 45, iv. 54.) SABUS. [Sanchus.] SA'CADAS (2a/ca5os), of Argos, one of the . Y Y 2