Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/705

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SAGITTA. Cassius Longinus, one of Caesar's legates. He was pardoned by Caesar after the battle of Pharsalia, and appears to have succeeded his father in the sovereignty about this time. He died in b. c. 42, leaving his dominions to the Romans (Caes. B. C. iii. 4 ; Lucan, v. 54 ; Dion Cass. xli. 51, 63, xlvii. 25). Cicero, in his orations against Verres, B.C. 70, speaks of a king Sadaia ( Verr. Act, i. 24). This Sadala was in all probability the father of Cotys, and the grandfather of the Sadales mentioned above. SA'DOCUS {'S.d^oKos)^ son of Sitalces, king of Thrace, was made a citizen of Athens, in b. c. 431, when the Athenians formed an alliance with his father. In the following yea.r, the Athenian envoys at the court of Sitalces persuaded Sadocus to deliver up to them Aristeus and the other am- bassadors, who were passing through Thrace on their way to Asia, to ask the aid of the Persian king against Athens (Thucyd. ii. 29, 67 ; comp. Herod, vii. 137; Arist. Ach. 145, &c.). The name occurs as '2,a.ZwKos in the Scholiast on Aristophanes {Lc). [E.E.] SADYATTES (SaSuc^TTTjs), a king of Lydia, succeeded his father Ardys, and reigned from B. c. 630 to 618. He carried on war with the Milesians for six years, and at his death bequeathed the war to his son and successor, Alyattes. [Alyattes.] (Herod, i. 16, 18). Nicolaus Damascenus relates (p. 52, ed. Orelli) a tale of this king, calling him by mistake a son of Alyattes. L. SAE'NIUS, a senator at the time of the Catiiinarian conspiracy, B. c. 63 (Sail. Cat. 30). "We find in the Fasti one of the consules suflfecti for.B. c. 30, with the name of L. Saenius, who was probably the same person as the senator. Appian says [B. C. iv, 50), that a certain Balbinus was consul in B. c. 30, in which year the conspiracy of the younger Lepidus was detected by Maecenas. Now as the Fasti do not mention a consul of the name of Balbinus, it has been conjectured with much probability that Balbinus was the cognomen of L. Saenius. Appian further states (/. c.) that Balbinus was proscribed by the triumvirs in B. c. 43, and restored with Sex. Pompey. The senatus- consultum, by which Augustus made a number of persons patricians, is called Lex Saenia by Tacitus (Ann. xi. 25). Dion Cassius (Iii. 42) speaks of the addition to the patricians as taking place in B. c. 29, but the name of the Lex Saenia shows that the authority of the senate was obtained at the latter end of the preceding year in the consul- ship of Saenius. SAETIUS NICA'NOR. [Nicanor.] SAFI'NIUS ATELLA, a person for whom Staienus bribed the judices, as he subsequently did in the case of Cluentius. (Cic. pro Cluent. 25, 36.) SAGARI'TIS, a nymph in whose embraces Attis became faithless to Cybele ; the goddess avenged the wrong done to her by causing the tree with which the nymph's life was connected, to be cut down. (Ov, Fast. iv. 229.) [L. S.] SAGITTA, CLAU'DI,US,praefectus of an ala, hurried to L. Piso in Africa, at the beginning of A. D. 70, to inform him that his death was resolved upon. (Tac. Hkt iv. 49.) [Piso, No. 26.] SAGITTA, OCTA'VIUS, tribune of the plebs, A. D. 58, murdered his mistress, Pontia Postumia, because she had refused to marry him after promising to do so. He was accused by the father of Pontia, SALGANEUS. 693 and condemned to deporiatio in insulam. In the civil wars which followed Nero's death he returned to Rome, but was again condemned by the senate to his former punishment, A. D. 70. (Tac. Ann. xiii. 44, Hist. iv. 44.) SAITIS {LatrLs)., a surname of Athena, under which she had a sanctuary on Mount Pontinus, near Lerna in Argolis. (Pans. ii. 36 in fin, ; comp. Herod, ii. 175 ; Tzetz. ad Lycoph. 111.) The name was traced by the Greeks to the Egyp- tians, among whom Athena was said to have been called Sais. [L. S.] SALA'CIA, the female divinity of the sea among the Romans, and the wife of Neptune. (Varro, De Ling. Lot. v. 72 ; ap. August. De Civ. Dei, vii. 22 ; Serv. ad Aen. i. 144, x. 76.) The name is evidently connected with sal (oAs), and accordingly denotes the wide, open sea. Servius {ad Aen. i. 720) declares the name Salacia to be only a surname of Venus, while in another passage {ad Georg. i. 31) he observes, that Cicero, in his Timaeus, applied the name to the Greek Tethys, which we cannot wonder at, since the natural tendency was to identify Salacia with some Greek marine divinity. (Comp. Cic. de IJnivers. 11 ; Gellius, xiii. 22 ; August. I. c. iv. 10.) [L. S.] SALACON, a name given by Cicero to Tigel- lius. It is not a proper name, as some editors think, but the Greek word rraXaKuv, a swags^erer. SALAETHUS (2aAaj0os), a Lacedaem'onian, who, early in B. c. 427, when Mytilene had re- volted from Athens, and had been received into the Spartan alliance, was sent thither to give promise of aid, and contrived to make his way into the city through the Athenian lines, where they were interrupted by the bed of a torrent. The expected succour, however, was so long in coming, that Salaethus himself at last despaired of it ; and in order to increase the effective force of the besieged, he ventured to entrust the com- mons with the full armour of the regular infantry. The consequence was that they broke out into insurrection, and the oligarchical party, fearing lest they should capitulate apart for themselves, saw no resource but in the surrender of the city to the Athenians. Salaethus concealed himself, but was taken ; and, together with the chief instigators of the revolt, was sent to Athens. Here he tried to save his life by making great oflfers, engaging in particular to prevail on the Lacedaemonians to abandon the siege of Plataea. The people, how- ever, paid no regard to his promises, and sentenced him to immediate execution. (Thucyd. iii. 25, 27, 28, 35, 36.) [E. E.] SA'LAMIS (SaAojufs), a daughter of Asopis, and by Poseidon the mother of Cenchreus or Cychreus. (Pans. i. 35. § 2 ; ApoUod. iii. 12. § 7 ; Diod. iv. 72.) From her the island of Salamis was believed by the ancients to have re- ceived its name. [L. S.] Q. SALASSUS, a frater of the P. Curtius who was put to death in Spain, in B. c. 45, by order of Cn.Pompeius, the son of Magnus. [Curtius, No. 4.] (Cic. ad Fam. vi. 18). He is probably the same person as the Vettius Salassus, who was proscribed by the triumvirs in B. c. 43, and threw himself headlong from the roof of a house, when he saw his own wife conducting the assassins to him. (Appian, B. C. iv. 24 ; Val. Max. ix. 11. § 7.) SALEIUS BASSUS. [Bassus.] SALGANEUS {^aK'^Wiis), a surname of Y Y 3