Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/781

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SELEUCIDAE. SELEUCIDAE. 7(19 SELP/UCIDAE, kings of Syria, sn called from I monarchy. The following Table exhibits their their progenitor Seleucus I., the founder of the j genealogy. [E. H. B|, STEMMA SELEUCIDARUM. Antlochus, general of Philip m. Laodice. 1. Apama, d. of Spitamenes. AnTIOCHUS I. SOTEB, d. B. c. '261, m. Stratonice, his stepmother* SbI.BUCUS 1. NiCATOR. died B. c. 281. married. 2. Stratonice, d. of Demetrius I, k. of Macedonia. Phila, I. Antigonus G k. of Macedonia. Antiochiis II. Theos, d. B.C. 246, married Ai>ama, m. Magas, k. of Cyrene. 2. Berenice, d. of Ptolemy Philadelphu3, k. of Egypt. Stratonice, m. Demetrius II. k. of Macedonia. Sblbucus II. Cailinicus, d. B.C. 226, m. Laodice, sister of Andromachus Antiochus Hierax, d. n.c. 227, m. a daughter of Zielas, k. of Bithynia. Stratonice, . Mithridates IV., k. of Pontus. Strat{>nioe (?) m. A narathes III., k. ofCappadocia. Selkucus III. Cehaunub, d. B.C. 223, unmarried. Antiochus III. the Gbbat, d. B.C. 187, m. Laodice, d. of MitliridatesIV.,k. of Pontus. Antiochus, d. fl.o. I')3, m. Laodice, bis sister. Ardys, Mithridates il. young. d. young. Ski.rucus IV. Philopator, d. B.C. 175, m. (his sister Laodice ?) I Antiochus IV. d. B.C. 164, wifi unknown. Laodice, m. her brolher Antiochus. Cleopatra, betrothed to Ptolemy Epiphanes. I Antiochis, m. Ariara- thes IV., k. of Cap- padocia. Another daugl^ter, n.ime imltnown. Demetrius I. Soter, d. B.C. LW. wife unknown. I,aodice, m. Perseus, k. of Macedonia. Antiochus V. Eupatob, d. B.C. 162, unmarried. Laodice, proclaimed queen by the Komans with Alexander Bala. Demetrius II. NiCATOR, d. B.C. 123, m. Cleopatra, d. of Ptolemy Philo- metor, k. of Egypt. I Sbt.bucus V. put to death by his mother, B.C. 123. Antiochus VII.* Sidetes, d. B.C. 128. m. Cleopatra, his brother's wife. Antiochus VIII Gbvp(;8, d. B.C. 96, m. Tryphaena, d. of Ptolemy Fhyscon. Seleucus, taken prisoner by the Par- Antiochus IX. Cyzicenus, d. B c. 95, m. Cleopatra, d. of Ptolemy Physccm Two daughters, both named Laodice. Sblbucus VI. EPIPHA^KS, d. fl.c 94. Philip, d. B.C. 83. (?) Antiochus XI. Epiphanbs, m. Cleopatra Selene, daughter of Ptolemy Physcon, d. B.C. 93. (?) Demetrius III. EUCAEKUS. Antiochus XII. Dionysius. Antiochus X. EUSJXBBS, m. Cleopatra Selene, daughter of Ptolemy Fhyscou. Aktiocrus XIII. ASIATICUS, last king of Syria, dethroned br Pompey, B.C. o3.

  • Antiochus VI. had no connection with the rare of the Seleucidae, and is consequently omitted in

Alejiauder Bala, and Alexander Zebina, both of whom were mere pretenders. thii tabls, as well at hi* fatuei VOL. III. 3 D