Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/998

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sne TECTAETTS. their combined forces vere defeated by Sulla near Chaeronea, with great slaughter, (Pint. SulL 15, IG, 19 ; Memnon, 3 ; Paus. i. 20. § 6, ix. 40. § 7, X. 34, § 2.) From this time we hear no more of Taxiles till b. c. 74, when he commanded (together with Hermocrates) the great army with which Mithridates invaded Paphlagonia and Bithynia, in the autumn of that year. During the subsequent operations at the siege of Cyzicus, he is mentioned as giving the king the most judicious advice. (Ap- pian. Mithr. 70, 72.) After the defeat of the king and his retreat into his own territories, we again find Taxiles sharing with Diophantus the actual command of the army which Mithridates opposed to LucuUus near Cabeira, b. c. 72, where their skilful arrangements for a time held the balance of success doubtful, and reduced the Roman general to considerable straits for provisions. At length, h-nvever, the campaign was terminated by a total rout, in which the royal camp fell into the hands of the enemy. (Memnon. 4 ; comp. App. Mith. 79—82 ; Plut. Lucull. 15, 17.) Taxiles accom- panied his royal master on his flight into Armenia, and we subsequently (b. c. 69) find him mentioned as present with Tigranes at the great battle of Ti- granocerta, on which occasion he in vain endea- voured to restrain the overweening confidence of the Armenian monarch. (Plut. Lucull. 27.) This is the last time that his name occurs in history. 3. A general who commanded the auxiliary troops from the Lesser Armenia, that joined the army of Ponipev before the battle of Pharsalia, B. c. 48. (Appian. B. C. ii. 71.) [E. H. B.] TAY'GETE {Tavyerr}), a daughter of Atlas and Pleione, one of the Pleiades. (Apollod, iii. 10. § 1.) By Zeus she became the mother of Lacedaemon (Apollod. iii. 10. § 3 ; Paus. iii. 1. § 2, 18. § 7, 20. § 2) and of Eurotas. (Steph. Byz. s.v. Tavyeroi/.) Mount Taygetus, in La- coni^t, derived its name from her. (Schol. ad Eurip. Or. 615.) According to some traditions, Taygete refused to yield to the embraces of Zeus, and in order to secure her against him, Artemis meta- morphosed her into a cow. Taygete showed her gratitude towards Artemis by dedicating to her the Cerynitian hind with golden antlers, (Schol. ud Find. 01. iii. 53.) Some traditions, moreover, state that by Tantalus she became the mother of Pelops. (Flygin. Fai. 82.) [L. S.] TEBRUS (Te'gpos), a son of Ilippocoon, is also called Sebrus. (Apollod. iii. 10. § 5 ; Paus. iii. 15. § comp. HiPPOCOON ; DORCEUS.) [L, S.] TECTAEUS and ANGE'LION (Te/cTalos koX 'Ayy(L<t>v), early Greek statuaries, who are always mentioned together. They were pupils of Dipoenus and Scyllis, and instructors of Gallon of Aegina ; and therefore they must have flourished about 01. 58, B.C. 548. (Paus. ii. 32. § 4 ; Gallon ; Dipoenus.) They belong to the latter part of the so-called Daedalian period. [Daedalus,] The only work of theirs, of which we have any notice, is the celebrated statue of Apollo at Delos, men- tioned by Pausanias (ix. 32. § 1. s. 4: where tiie corrupt word Aiovvaov is very difficult to correct : Miiller has suggested xpvaov; see Schubart and Walz's note), and more fully described by Piutarch (de Mus. 14, p. 113G, a.) The right hand of the btatue held a bow, and in the left hand were the (jraces, each holding an instrument of music, one the lyre, another the flute, and the third the pan- pipes {(Jvpiy^). The tradition which ascribed the TEIRESIAS. image to tli(» Meropes in the time of Heracles, if worth anytliing, nmst signify that it was, like other works of the early Greek artists, a copy of an older image of unknown antiquity. If so, we may con- jecture that it was of wood ; and this tallies with MUUer's correction of Pausanias, xP^f^ov, which, if the true reading, must mean that the image was of wood gilt. The statue is also mentioned by Atheuagoras, who further ascribes to the artists a statue of Artemis, but this statement caiwiot be accepted on such authority. (Lec/ut. pro ChrisL 1 4. p. 61, Dechair.) There are copies of the Delian Apollo on gems and on Attic coins. (Miiller, Arch'doL d. Kunst, § 86, note,) [P. S,] TECMESSA (Te'/CM7?(ro-a), the daughter of the Phrygian king Teleutas, whose territory was ra- vaged by the Greeks during a predatory excursion from Troy, Tecmessa was made prisoner, and was given to Ajax, the son of Telamon, who lived witii her as his wife, and had by her a son, Eurysacci. (Soph. Jjajo ; Schol. ad Horn. 11. i. 1 38. ) [L. S, ] TE'DIUS. 1. Sex, Tedius, a senator, wiio carried the corpse of Clodius to Rome, after the murder of the latter by Milo, (Ascon. in Cic. Mil. p, 33, ed. Orelli.) 2. Tedius Afer, consul designatus under Au- gustus, put an end to his own life, terrified by the threats of the emperor. (Suet. Octav. 27.) 3. Q. Tedius, one of the friends of Augustus, notoiious for his luxury. (Tacit. Ann. i. 10.) TEGEA'TES (Tn^arns), a son of Lycaon. and the reputed founder of Tegea in Arcadia. (Paus. viii. 3. § 1, 45. § 1.) He was married to Maera, by whom he had two sons, Leimon and Scephrus. (Paus. viii. 53. § 1.) His tomb was shown at Tesea. (Paus, viii, 48, § 4,) [L. S.] TE'GULA, P, LICI'NIUS, the author of a religious poem, which was sung by ♦he Roman virgins in B, c, 200. (Liv. xxxi. 12.) Vossiiis supposed that he was the same person as the comic poet C. Licinus Imbrex, but this is not probable. [Imbrex.] TEGYRE'TITS (Teyvprjios), a surname of Apollo, derived from the town of Tegyra in Boeotia, where, according to some traditions, the god had been born. (Steph. Bvz. s. v. Te7U/;a ; Pint. iVojO. 8,) " [L.S.] TEGY'RIUS (Teyvpios), a Thracian king who received Eumolpus and his son Ismarus, and gave to the former his kingdom. (Apollod. iii. 15, § 4; comp. Eumolpus,) [L. S.] TEIRE'SIAS or TIRE'SIAS {Teipwias), a son of Everes (or Phorbas, Ptolem, IJepluiest. 1) and Chariclo, whence he is sometimes called Eutj- pei5r]s. (Gallim. Lav. Pall. 81; Theocrit. Id.xxiv. 70.) He belonged to the ancient family of Udaeiis at Thebes, and was one of the most renowned soothsayers in all antiquity. He was blind from his seventh year, but lived to a very old age. The cause of his blindness was believed to have been the fact that he had revealed to men tilings which, according to the will of the gods, they ougiit not to know, or that he had seen Athena while she was bathing, on which occasion the goddess is said to have blinded him, by sprinkling water into his face. Ghariclo prayed to Athena to restore his sight to him, but as the goddess was unable to do this, she conferred upon him the power to understand the voices of the birds, and gave him a st;ifF, with the help of which In; could walk as safely as if he had his eyesight. (Apollod. iii. 6. § 7 ; Callim. Lav.