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when they joined the league of the Cherusci. The Germans were defeated on that occasion in two great battles, at Istavisus, and at a point a little more to the south. (Tacit. Ann. ii. 8, 22, 41.) About A.D. 100, when the Cheruscan league was broken up, the Angrivarii, in conjunction with the Chamavi, attacked the neighbouring Bructeri, and made themselves masters of their country, so that the country bearing in the middle ages the name of Angaria (Engern), became part of their territory. (Tacit. Germ. 34; comp. Wilhelm, Germanien, p. 162, foll.; Ledebur, Land u. Volk der Bructerer, pp. 121, 240, foll)


ANGULUS (Symbol missingGreek characters) Eth. Angulanus), a city of the Vestini, mentioned both by Pliny and Ptolemy, as well as in the Itin. Ant. (p. 313), where the name is written Angelum, a corruption which appears to have early come into general use, and has given rise to a curious metamorphosis, the modern town retaining its ancient name as that of its patron saint: it is now called Civita Sant Angelo. It is situated on a hill, about 4 miles from the Adriatic, and S. of the river Matrinus (la Piomba) which separated the Vestini from the territory of Adria and Picenum. The Itinerary erroneously places it S. of the Aternus, in which case it would have belonged to the Frentani. (Plin. iii. 12. s. 17; Ptol iii. 1. § 59; Cluver. Ital. p. 751; Romanelli, vol. iii. p. 254.) [E.H.B.]

ANIGRAEA. [Argos.]

ANI'GRUS ((Symbol missingGreek characters): Mavro-potamó, i. e. Black River), a small river in the Triphylian Elis, called Muyeins ((Symbol missingGreek characters)) by Homer (Il. xi. 721), rises in Mt. Lapithas, and before reaching the Ionian sea loses itself near Samicum in pestilential marshes. Its waters had an offensive smell, and its fish were not estable. This was ascribed to the Centaurs having washed in the water after they had been wounded by the poisoned arrows of Heracles. Near amicum were caverns sacred to the nymphs Anigrides ((Symbol missingGreek characters) or (Symbol missingGreek characters)), where persons with cutaneous diseases were cured by the waters of the river. General Gordon, who visited these caverns in 1835, found in one of them water distilling from the rock, and bringing with it a pare yellow sulphur. The Acidas, which some persons regarded as the Lardanus of Horner, flowed into the Anigrus. (Strab. pp. 344-347; Pans. v. 5. §§ 3, 7, seq. v. 6. § 3; Or. Met. xv. 281; Leake, Morea, vol. i. pp. 54, 66, seq., Peloponnesiaca, pp. 108, 110; Ross, Reisen im Peloponnes, vol. i. p. 105.)

ANINE'TUM ((Symbol missingGreek characters)), a town in Lydia of uncertain site, the seat of a bishopric, of which coins are extant, bearing the epigraph (Symbol missingGreek characters). (Hierecl. p. 659, with Wesseling's note; Sestini, p. 105.) ANIO or ANIEN (the latter form is the more ancient, whence in the oblique cases ANIENIS, AFIESE, &c. are used by all the best writers: but the nominative ANTEN is found only in Cato, ap. Prisciam, vi. 3. p. 229, and some of the later poets. Stat. Silv. i. 3. 20, 5. 25. Of the Greeks Strabo has 'Arias, Dionysius uses 'Arins,-πros). A celebrated river of Latium, and one of the most considerable of the tributaries of the Tiber, now called the Teverone. It rises in the Apennines about 3 miles above the town of Treba (Trevi) and just below the modern village of Filettino. (Plin. iii. 12. s. 17; Frontin. de Aquaeduct. 93; Strabo erroneously connects its sources with the Lake Fucinus, v. p. 235.) From thence it descends rapidly to Subiaco (Sublaqueum), mmediately above which it formed in ancient times small lake or rather a series of lakes, which were probably of artificial construction, as all trace of them has now disappeared. [SUBLAQUEUM.] It flows from thence for about 10 miles in a NW. direction, through a deep and narrow valley between lofty mountains, until just below the village of Roviano, where it turns abruptly to the SW. and pursues its course in that direction until it emerges from the mountains at Tibur (Tivoli), close to which town it forms a celebrated cascade, falling at once through a height of above 80 feet. The present cascade is artificial, the waters of the river having been carried through a tunnel constructed for the purpose in 1884, and that which previously existed was in part also due to the labours of Pope Sixtus V.; but the Anio always formed a striking water-fall at this point, which we find repeatedly mentioned by ancient writers. (Strab. v. p. 238; Dionys. v. 37; Hor. Carm. i. 7. 13; Stat. Silv. i. 3. 73, 5. 25; Propert. iii. 16. 4.) After issuing from the deep glen beneath the town of Tivoli, the Anio loses much of the rapidity and violence which had marked the upper part of its current, and pursues a winding course through the plain of the Campagna till it joins the Tiber about 3 miles above Rome, close to the site of the ancient Antemnae. During this latter part of its course it was commonly regarded as forming the boundary between Latium and the Sabine territory (Dionys. l. c.), but on this subject there is great discrepancy among ancient authors. From below Tibur to its confluence the Anio was readily navigable, and was much used by the Romans for bringing down timber and other building materials from the mountains, as well as for transporting to the city the building stone from the various quarries on its banks, especially from those near Tibur, which produced the celebrated lapis Tiburtinus, the Tra- vertino of modern Italians. (Strab. v. p. 238; Plin. iii. 5. 8. 9.) The Anio receives scarcely any tributaries of im- portance: the most considerable is the DIGENTIA of Horace (Ep. i. 18. 104) now called the Licenza which joins it near Bardella (Mandela) about 9 miles above Tivoli. Six miles below that town it receives the sulphureous waters of the ALBULA. Several other small streams fall into it during its course through the Campagna, but of none of these have the ancient names been preserved. The waters of the Anio in the upper part of its course are very limpid and pure, for which reason a part of them was in ancient times diverted by aqueducts for the supply of the city of Rome. The first of these, called for distinction sake Anio Vetus, was constructed in B. C. 271 by M'. Curins Dentatus and Fulvius Flaccus: it branched off about a mile above Tibur, and 20 miles from Rome, but on account of its ne- cessary windings was 43 miles in length. The second, constructed by the emperor Claudius, aud known as the Anio Novus, took up the stream at the distance of 42 miles from Rome, and 6 from Sublaqueum: its course was not less than 58, or according to another statement 62 miles in length, and it preserved the highest level of all the numerous aqueducts which supplied the city. (Frontin. de Aquaeduct. §§ 6, 13, 15; Nibby, Dintorni, vol. i. pp. 156-160.) [E. H. B.] ANITORGIS, or ANISTORGIS, a town in Spain of uncertain site, mentioned only by Livy (xxv. 32), supposed by some modern writers, but without suffi- cient reason, to be the same as Conistorsis. [CONI- STORSIS.] ANNAEA or ANAEA ("Avvala, 'Avala: Eth.