Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume I Part 1.djvu/272

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A. The Asty.
B. Peiraeeus.
C. Munychia.
D. Phalerum.
EE, FF The Long Walls; EE the northern wall, and FF the Southern wall.
GG. The Phaleric Wall.
H. Harbour of Peiraeeus.
I. Phaleric Bay.
1. The Cephissus.
2. The Illissus.
3. The Eridanus.
4. Mount Hymettus.
5. Mount Lycabettus.
6. Mount Anchesmus.
7. Mount Corydallos.
8. Mount Poecilum. (This mountain and 7 are parts of the range of Aegaleos.)
9. The outer Cerameicus.
10. Academia.
11. Oeum Cerameicum?
12. Colonus.
13. Acharnae.
14. Cropeia.
15. Paeonidae.
16. Eupyridae.
17. Alopece.
18. Larissa.
19. Halimus.
20. Prospalta.
21. Ceiriadae?
22. Aexone.
23. Thymoetia.
24. Corydallus.
25. Xypete? (Troja.)
26. Hermus.
27. Oia.
28. Upper Agryle.
29. Lower Agryle.