Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume I Part 1.djvu/50

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84 AEGINA. ■ud tha fbcmar tli« Mcrst harixnu, mentioned bj Pbosuuu. Tho walla of the city are atill traced thicngh Uwir whale extent oa the land side. The; were abaiit 10 feet thick, and anulmcted nith towers at intovaU not slwaja ainaL Then appeal to haye been three {smapal entnucea. On the hill m the Dorth-autem eitnnutj of the Uland are the tcduuds of a magmficoit t«in^ of the Doric order, ntui; of the <uliuiuu of ithieh an atill atanding. It itood nan the ae> londj Bpot, coconundin^ a view of the Athenian coast and of the acropoUA at Athene. The beaadful acnlptures, which accujued the tympana of the pedi- ment, were difcoverod in 1811, boriedonder the riiiiu cf the t*Di{bL Thsf an now preesrred at Munich, AEGIMA. and then an caal< fran them in Iba Britiih UtHimi. The aobject of the eaatcm pediment appeare to be the eipedition of the Aeaadae or Aeginetan hens ■gainst Troj nnder the gnidance of Athena: that of the weateni probabLj npreeenta the oonteat oS tlu Gneki and Trojani orer tho bodj of Fatrodni. Tdl ctoupaiatiTely a lata period it was conaidenl that this teiaplB nas that of Z«ai PanheUenins, which Aeacni waa aaid lo haie dedicated to tlui gid. (Paos. iL 30. SS 3, 4.) Bat in 182G Btaektlt«j, in hia work on the temple of Fbigalia, ataited the hjpotheBa, that the tampk, cf which we han been nealdng, via iu naGtj the templa of Athma, mot- tnned 1^ Hendotaa (iiL SB); and Ihiit the temple of Zeoa Panhelleiiiai wu atnat«d en the loi^ moontaiii m the S. of the island. (Stickelbere, £(r JpoUb- (anpef w Auxu M jlroaiSaa, 8om, 1836.) Ihiiu qHnioa haa been adopted b; •eTeralGenDaDWTiUn.r and alao by Dr. Wordswcrth, hut hai been Mj oombated by Leake. It would require tmae ipace than our limiti will allow to eater mta thia onlio- veny ; and we mnut therefbn content ooiaelne nth the mbjeot, to the worka of Wordsworth and Lake qooted at the old of this article. Thia t«nple wu probably erected in the nith oantniy b. c, and ^ patently before a. O. 563, •inoa we hare ahtadf Been that abont thia lime the A^inetans boilt at Naucistii a temple to Zeni, which we may reuon^y oondode waa m imitation of the great tanple In Uuir In the interior of the ialand waa a town <alled | the cajntal, and whm the Oea (OIn), at the distance of SO stadia from the which draw popolati city ot A^ina. It coal«ined statne* of Damia and ' " AoieaiB. (Herod, t. 83 1 Paos. ii. 30. § *.) The poeiCion of Oea haa not yet been determined, but in name auggeeta a connectiim with OeDone, the an- cient name of the island. Hence it has been conjec- tured Chat it waa originally the chief place of the island, whm safety reqaiied an ialand ^tuation fbi n and naval powa this soppoaiCion Lfflke anppooa that Oea occuiaed tha site of Paled-Kluira, which has been tho cajntal in modera tiina wheneier safety his rnqnired an inland eitnition. Paiisaniai (iij. 30. § 3) mentions a temple of Apbaea, ntnated on the road to the temple of Zens Panhellenios. Tho Hcracleiuu, or temple of Hercnlee, a^ Tripyraia ■. .= . ■ 'fr-fl.. ?-•" :, ■. 'i „■<;■. 'JXj.f...-^.