Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume I Part 1.djvu/550

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the isthmis u tbcm which uldmilelj efleclld ill unioD on the N. lide with Uw nuunlHDd, nunely, the Bllatiil depwita of the rim Mtjerdah [BaORADAb], txti the cast ing up or ailc bj the hnx of the NW. winds, to which the mast of the gulf is cfltposed without k shelter. Throngh these ijifLaeDces, the se« which wished the peninsula on tlio N. lus been ciioTeri«d putly into the ult^nunh alresdj Bentimed, end putly into firm land, npon which the Tillige of El-Meria (i. e. tit Fori), sdonied with the Tiliss of tbo Tuniaiuu, beus witoesa bj its name to lite change that has taken pbce; and bj the same (auso, the port or hay of Tuaii, once a deep and open harboar. has been converM into a mere lajjoon, with onlj 6or 7 il, of water, and a narrow entranco called Fum^-Halk or Halk-tl-Wad, i. e. Tkroat 0/ the liita; or Golttla, i.e. the Gvilit. (Shaw, p. l&O, p. SO, 2nd ed.; Barth, Waadenuigea, ^c, pp. 7!,
80—83, 192.) Dr. Honry BaOh, the t*t«t and best describer of the ute, is inclined lo beliere that the whale isthmus is ef late fonnation, and that the penmsnla once presented the appwance of two islande, formed by the heights of Rat Ghamart and C. CarAage; a oonjcclare which lemaiiis to be teetod, ea its antbor rfiservHS by geujogical inve*tjgations. On one lude, however, namely, at the SE. eitremitir of the peoinsnla, between C. Carlioffe and the montb of the barbour of Ttmii, the conmts of the golf hare not oily kept the coast ckar of depout, but haie caused an encn»chnient of the ee* apod the laud, so that niina are here found under water Co the extent of nearly 3 furlongi in len^, and a farhmg or raore in breadth (Shaw, L c). Shaw cBtiniatea the whole ditnit ef the peniasula at 30 miles. On this cunmandipg ipoC, joat when the African
Map of Zeugitana.
Map of Zeugitana.

Map of Zeugitana.

I. Hinpo EHirthTiui or I. Ah SW Aw Smolli. or C ZArrt; '-'.■.HaiSU/,' I.I IfMy V^rriol. Kr;.;.T.p