Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume I Part 1.djvu/650

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ess CLAZOMEHAE. iwrerad with tanttt. Clan npco the boamWf

  • pliM isUtd Cfaftrisin, u it ia in Stnbo'a text,

which, be iai7», wis the original irita of CUmaMiwe: and not Id it wta ths citj' of ClaBnnniaa, aiiated in hia time, with eight arnall inlaada m fnmt of it, which wera cnllJTited. Plinj (v. 31) nai namemu islanda in this part, and Thni^didca (i 3 1 ) msntiona thrsa, which arc in Plin j'l list, Pek, DiTmnsaa, and Manlhoiaa. CbmaAltr (Aiia Mmor, c S4) could onlj coont aii, and all DiicultiTat«d. Thia name GhjtriuEn ia not mendonsd bj anj writer axrap* Stnbo, but it ia eridmll; the place which StephanDB (t. v. Xirtir) caUa CfajtoiD ; and AriatoUe (Pol. ». S) Chytnini. Claioinenaa waa on the eonth aide of tba baj of Smf rna, as Stnbo'a dascriplioa abowi. The ongitud aettlantnt «u ou the mainland, bnt the peoplo thnxigh f«r of the Peniana paaeed cna to Ai itUiid (Paua. vii. 3. S 8). Alexander, aa Pauaaniaa aafa, inltndMl to nius Cluomenaa a peninaola hj nnitijig it to tha nuuubuid bj > caoaewaj. It appcaia that thia waa done, for Chandler found near Vourla, on tha eoalh eide of the haj of Smjrna, a cauaewa; ■boot a qnartar of a mile in length, and aboat 30 ft. wide, which connected tha mainland with a small iaiand. He nlimated the length of the ialaod at a mile, and the breadth at a qnarter of a mile. The town waa small, and the port waa to the NNW. time the >« Chandler found tiacea of the walla, and this that the tit« of Cluomeaae muat haia been TCTT oonlracted, and the citj inoonBdemble. Cliuotnenae, it is laid, did not eiiet befcn the lonians gettlid in Asia. The gTeater part of the fint Bsttlora were not Irauana, bat people from Cleonae and Phliua, who left IhoM dtiea when the Dmiana came into the Pelaponneeoa. Th«M emi^cranta Scat occapied ■ pUce in the territor; of CotophiHi, named Sc^ppium or Schjjiiia (Staph, t. e. Xcv^), and Snallj the; remand to the place called Claninienaa (Pane. TiL 3. g B). Thia old town wu m the maiiiLind, and it aacceaefallj reaistad the attacke of Aljattes king (f Ljdia (Uend. L 16). The enter- priee of the people is shown bf an corlj attempt to odoniae Abdera in Thrace, and bf their tnds with Eg7pt (Herod. I 168, ii. 178). In the time of Cioesna the Ctazomenii had a traatnrr at Delphi (i. 51). Heiodotna enomaratea Claiomenae among the eUtea of Ionia that wee on Che mainland, [or the onlj inanlar aUtea which bo iuim« are, Chioa and Samoa ; and jet ths citj of CUiotoenae waa on the ieland m his time. Bat aa the teirilory of the Claiomenii waa on the mainLand, and the dtj waa merelj their eOonghold on a email ialaod close to the main, it conld not be proparlj called an inanlar stale like Chios and Samoe (Herod. L US). Obines the Fenian took Chtumonae soon aAer the com- menosment of the Ionian nrolt (Herod, t. 133) and we mnat lappoae tb*t the dt^ at that time waa on the island. ClaiomeEse became ■ dependencj of Athena, bnt after the losses of the Atheisms in ^dl J, it nrolled with Chios and Errthrae. The Clazomenii at the same time began to fiutifj Potichne on the main as ■ place of refuge, if it ehoald be neceaaai?. The Athsniana took Policbne, and removed the people back to ths island, except those who had been most sctiie in the rerolt; and Ihcjr wBit off to a place c^led Dapbniu (Thoc Till 14, 33). Clazomenae was now agun in alliance with or dependence on Athena; bnC AsQocfaus the Lacedasmoiian com- mander niinng aoon after h*de those who ir'eie it the Athenian partj, ranore from Cteaaatnae t«  Daphnns, which thsf iriiued to do, and Astrcdin* tailed in tha sttack ^at hs made m Claunwoiw, though it was unwilled (Thoc. TiiL 31> Sana critics hare argued that Polichue is not the name •£ ■ fltue, and that it it Dapbnuai bat Ihia does not appear to be BO. XBii(9h(n(if<UT.l. |S8)apeBks of Clanraienas as an iidand even aftd the clw at the PalopoDneeian War, and thia ia ceosistent wiik the BI017 in Pausanias. Ths walls of the city IB«J have been built after the constnctiiii cf the cauacwaj, for Thucjdides apaks of Clazomenae aa unwaOed. Stephanas (t,v,/i^iafnn),in theanthori^of Ephonia, namea Lara[siu as a put cf the lerrilcr)' of daio- menae. Strabo (p. 646) alao gpiaka of a tonple of Apollo, and wann springs between Clazomviae and the baj of &mjma, and he appears to place tbean im the terrilorj of Chuomenas. These are the spiiags (Xo^^) meatiooed bj Paasani«i (viL S. $ 11); and those which Chandler visitad on the nxd frga ?■)■ nii to Vourla, a place which is net far fhan the aile tl Claiomenas. Hs fonnd the heU of Ihs water " IB the (em" lobs 1 50 d^reea (of Fabrenbat). When ths Romana settled the aflain of thia part of Asia sfbr thdr treatx with Antiochiu (B.C1S8X they made the Claiomeuii " immnnea" (V tai-frve, the iitand DiTmnsss. one <^ the et ihindai uablepi lii. 39! Pdrb. jiu. 27). At the Htm when L. Sulla was in Asia, atW bringing Hilhridates to terms (b. c 84), Claiomenae and other ]daces on thia oiHt were plundeivd bj the pralea who infeited the Aegean Mm. (Applao, JfitftrtEf. 63.) C waa induded in the Boman province of ' {i ^aixis), who was one of the masUus and the dramatist Euripidea.- Hamilton (^Reuardkea^ ifc Tol. ii. [b 9) obtuned a few coins <rf Cls i o mgn a s atAiln' (Erjthrae), andacDoidinglrnot bifimoitlis sits of the phu» to whioh Ihej helooged. [G. L-J CL.EANDR1A. fRnoDtje.] CLEIDES (KAtlJii), a group of anuU ItUnda nich laj off the SK, eitrsmitr of CjpniB. (^nb.xiv. P.6S2.) Thej were four in number V. 31 ; comp. AmttnL Grarc ed. Jacoho, i. p. 45). Tha name of Ihess islands hss lien transferred to the Cape (Herod., t. 108), which PUnj ([. e.) calla Dmaretnm, and Ptolemy (t. 14. g a) BooeuRA (Palat. KAtlSts). Stnbo don not this headland, but observes that above il wm untaiu named Oljmpue, with a lampls odd- ■ecrated to Aphrodite Acntea fran which vroon were excluded (camp. Claod. de N^t Bomor.^ Jfor. 49). It il now called &■»; iiwfrva. Thnk an autonomoue eda with the epigraph of CleidcK (Eclthel, vol. lii. p. 88 ; Engel, Ksproi, vd. i. p. 885 Pooocke, r™. Tol. iL p. 319.) [£.8. J.] ■ CLEITOR (KAalTwp ; Ohtorinm, PMn. iv. G. k 10) EA. KAMTi^iei), a Iswn in Arcadia, tha nam