Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume I Part 1.djvu/746

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-'M CTNUBU. nlM^ naiomla, the inhabituta of which apenk a peculUr dialect, ohich more dindf n«nibl« the andent Greek than any rf the other duJecto ipoken In mcdem Gra«oe. Their prinupil town ia Katla- mlta. Their niine ia eridantl; a corrnptico of I-acuiiai hot Thiench conjectum with Kma jnba- bili^, that thej are the dnaendanta cf the ancient CfimriaiiB, and have retained with the tenadtj of DBnnlainMra the langnage of thdr fbrefathera. ." fiill account of the Tukonio dialect hia been gift by ThierBch (_AbAandlimg. der Bagr. Ahid. ToL tail, e«q.), an abetract of which will be fbond in ake's Pdopotnetiaea (p. 304, aeq.). (For tin acsoont of Cjnnria in genual see LaJce, Morta, ToL iL p. 4B9, leq., Ptiofoimtnaaa, p. 294, eeq.; Boblaye, RaJiarchet, p. 6S, Mq.; Rob, Rain im Pdopomut, p. 15B, Mq.; Corliaa, PeiopmHao4, TOl ii p. 373, ieq.) CYNU'BIA, a district in Arcadia mentiimed oolj tlpon the (Komm of the foundation of Uegalopolis, waa ritnated north of FhigaUoe and Farrhaua. We may infer fntn the name that tfaese Cynnrians wi the same aa the Cynniiani on the eaat coaat, hot ' hare no accoont of any hiatencat Gonn tbem. (Faoa. TiiLST. S4;Cnrtiiu, ToL i. p. 164.) CYNUS (KSni: EA. KA'ioi, Kukuii), the principaJ ua-port of the Locri Opunlii, waa lituated m a cape at ^e northern extremi^ of the Opontjiu gnlf, apposite Aedepsui in Enlxiea, and at the dis- tance of 60 Hadia from OpoB. (Str^ ii. p. 4£Si Paoi. t 1. § 2.) LiTy giwa an ineorreot idea of the poeition of Cynoa, when he dacribea it aa iitDal«J on the coast, at the diatance cf a mile tnm Opna. (LiT. xiriu. G.) Cyuos waa an andent town, iieing mentioned in liw Homrrio catalogue (/L ii. S31), and reported lo haie bean the nudence of Daucalion and Fyrrhaj the tomb of the latter waa abownlhertL (Stiah. ^s.) Ita aite is marked hy a tower, called Falti^n/iyo, and aome Hellenic remains, abmt amiie to the aoath rf the Tillage of Uvoiitoi (Camp. smb. t p. 60, ii. p. 446, ziii. p. 61 5 i Hela, fi. 3; PUn.iT. 7. a. 13] Ptol. iii. IS. § 10) Steph. B. I. 0.). (Leake, JVbrtWn GrMca, toI. ii. p. 174, aeq.) CrON (Kikf. Eli. Kitrtii), a city of Caria. fitepbanos ((.«.) dice the Carica (f Apollonina, and adds that it was once called Canebium, Cnuner (,Ana Minor, Tot. ii. p. 216) obaerra that thers an autonomoDa ccdns of Cjoi, with the epignpb Kb. Km. KunwK [O.L.] CYPAERA {KSmaipa, Plol. iii. 13. B 45), or CYPHARA (LiT. uiiL 13), Es thcae names ap- parently indicate the aame place, waa a town of Tiieaealy, in the aonthem part of the distiict Thee- aaliotis, near the confines of Dolofoa. CYPAKI'SSLA. 1. (Kvapmiria, Strab. TiiL pp. 349, 359; Steph. B. i. e.; Lir.iuiL 2|; plin. ir. 6. B. 7 ; KvrofiunrAtir, Horn. JL ii. 5S3; Kuwofia- ami, Paoa. iv. 36. § 7 ; Korifurvia, PloL iiL 16. § T; Knopu-iraf, Soylaz, p. 16; Uela, iL 3: Eth. Kmofvuait, Strab. rtiL p. 345; Rina. i e. j Sto- pbaona alone has the form Kvropiwsui), a town oo the weateni cost irf Ucssenia, eimatal a Uttle M»th at the riTer Cyparisens, npon the l»y lo which it gave the name of the Cyparissian gnlf. (Plin. Mela, U. oc.) Tbia gnlf was 72 miln in cJrcnit accoding lo Pliny, and was botmded by the proDNDloiy of Ichlhys aa the north, and by that of CyparisBinm m the aonth. Cyparisda waa the only (own of impoitance npcn the western coast li Mn. appeare to ban been inhalnled from the earhest to the latent times. It waa beaatifnlly atnaled nposi the sides tf one of the oSdioots of the range of moontains, which nm along this pirt at tlie Uea- lenian ccssL Upcn the narrow ennimit of the rocks now Dccuped by a GasUe built in the middle age^ stood the anrient acropolis. There is no baiWir ui«i the Meaeenian cost nortb i£ Pykia; hot Leaka remarks that the roadstead at Cypaiissia lewns to be the beat on Ihia part of tie coast ; and in anciimt times the town jsobably poeaeeeed an artificial bar- bonr, since traces cf a mole may sUll he acta npoB the scA-Hhore. This waa probably cmitnLCtad en the netoraticD of Hessoie by Kpamincndas ; fir it was necessary to pronde the ca[atal of the new state with a port, and no spot was » Buitkble tar this object as Cyjuissia. Hence we find " Ueaena and the haitwDi Cypariasia " mentjoned togather Ij Bi^lax (p. 16). Pantaniaa (bund in the town a tem^ cf Apollo, and one of Athena Cypaiissia. The town oontinaed to rain moo^ down to llie lima of Screra^ In the middle ages it was caBed Arta-^ Ha, a name which waa transftned &cin the interiv of the peninsnla to this place npcn the coat. It confirmed to bear tJiis name till ita dcstjoctioa by Ibrahim in IS25, and when rebuilt it resumed ita ancient nanw Cyparisaia, by which it ii now called. Some remains of andent walla may be traced ammd the nudem casllej and beW the castle on the skipa of the bill, near the church cf St. Geo^e, are som fiagmmts of tolnnms. On the acnth side cl the town, cioae to the so-ihore, a fine stream nuhea ont ik the irnk and fiawa into the sea j and a httia boTe is a basin with a spring of water, near which te some stones belonging to an ancient slractnre. 'his is the andent fonntain sacred to Diatjsos, rhich Pausaniaa perceired neat the entrance of tba ity, on the road &an Pyloa. Stei^ianna calls Cypuiasia a dty rf Triphylia, and Stiaba (nlL p. 349) also distjngniahta betwem the Triphylian and UesBeniaa Cyparisua, tnt m That antbarity we do not know. (Leake, Mmta, roL i. p. 68, seq.; Boblaye, JiecAtrcAa, &c^ p. IlSj Cmtins, JUoponneios, toL ii, p. 1B4, seq.) S. In Lacraiia. [Ampim, Mo. S.I CYPARI'SSrUM. [Ctpabissu.] CYPABI'SSIUS SINUS, [CTPaKiMU.I CYPAR1SSU& I. CKvripann,,, EA. Kinrw. purmif), an ancient town id Phods, in tlie ridnity of Dd[JiL It is mentioned in the Hcsneiia cata- logue {IL it, filS) along with Pytho (Delphi), aid is deaoibed by Dicaearchos (80) aa ntnated in the interior of Phods. It is [Oaoed by Stnbo bdow Lyccffda, which waa dtnattd fd oneof the beo^t' of Paniaaans (ii. p. 423), which poaiticn ia n probable than the one an^ned to it by P who sappoeaa Cypaiisans to be the andent nam* ■ the place afterwards called Antkyra (i. 36. § 5] Cypaiissu ia also mmtioDed by StaUns (Tlet. n