Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume I Part 2.djvu/169

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^ 910 FOBUH LIMICORUM. in Spain, to Beneharmnin, in €a]lia. [Bketbhab- MUM.] The distenoe from Snmmiu PyvenMos to Foram Ligneoni is marked 5, and from Foram Lig- nenm to Aspalnca (Pofi< LeaquUy, 7. Walckenaer takes these distances to be Gallic leagues, though one would suppose that they are Roman miles. How- ever, distances measured in a mountain pass are very loose ; and tiiere is no certainty about the exact position of Forum Ligneum. J(Q. L.] FORUM LIMICORUM. l^mtLjfit/&tic*^ FORUM LIVII {ForU), a town of Gallia Cis- padana, situated on the Via Aemilia, between Fa- Tentia and Caesena. Its foundation is commonly ascribed by local historians to Livins Salinator, but there is no authority for this. Its name is not foand either in Strabo or Ptolemy, but is mentioned by Pliny among the municipal towns of thereon; and by the Itineraries, which place it 13 11 P. from Oaesena and 10 from FaTentia. It therefore occu«  pied the same site as the modem city of ForU, on the right bank of the MonUme^ the Vitis of Pliny. (Plin. iii. 15. s. 20; Itm, Ant. p. 287; /ttn. Hier. p. 616 ; Tab. Pent) In a. d. 412 it was the scene of the nuptials of Pladdia, the sister of Honorius, with the Gothic king Athaulfhs (Jomand. Get 31), but notwithstanding its selection for this purpose it seems to have never been a town of importance in ancient times. The modem city of ForU^ on the con- ^:ary, is a populous and flourishing place. [E. H. B.] FORUM NERONI& [Carfentoracte.] FORUM NOVUM. 1. (^Etk, Foronovanns: Veic(mo a town in the territory of the Sabines, mentioned among the municipal towns of that r^on by Pliny, and in the Liber Goloniamm. (Plin. iii. 12. s. 17; Lib. Colon, p. 255.) From its name we may infer that it was of Roman foundation, and not an ancient Sabine town. Ite position is clearly fixed at a pbce called Ve$eofno (no longer inhabited, but retuning an ancient church), about 3 miles W. of Aspra (Oasperia) and 12 NW. of Corre^e (Cures). Here there are cnisiderable ruins, which were mis- taken by Clnver for those of Cures, but are clearly identified as the remains of Forum Novum by in- scriptions found among them with the name of the ForonovanL From these we leam that it was a munidpal town in the reign of Gordian : it sutse- quently became the see of a bishop, and, after the decay of Cures, appears to have claimed to be the metropolitan see of the Sabines, whence it came to be commonly known as H Vescovio di Sabuta. The ancient church that marks the site still bears the title of " Ecclesia Cathedralis Sabinorum." (Cluver, ItaL p. 675; Holsten. Not. p. 107; Chaupy, McUton dHoracey vol. iii. p. 127.) The name of Forum Novum was probably given to it for the purpose of distinguishing it from Foram Decii, which is also placed by Pliny in the Sabine territory, but is othertrise wholly unknown, and there is no clue to its situation. 2. A town of Gallia Cispadana, known only from an inscription in which we find it mentioned as a muni- cipal town (" Municipium Foronovanorum," Grater, Inaer. p. 492. 5) ; but as thb inscription was found at Parma, there can be no doubt that the Forum Novum there meant is the place still called Fomovo^ in the valley of the TarOy 15 miles SW. of Parma. It is evidently the same place called by P. Diaconus

  • ' Foronianum," and mentioned by him among the
  • ^ costra Aemiliae." (P. Diac. Hi^. Lang. vi. 49.)

3. A town of Samnium, mentioned only in the Itineraries, which place it 10 miles from Boneventum FOBUH SEGUSIANOBUH. ' oa the road to Eqnns Tuticus; tliit distance fixes it at Bwmatbergo^ a spot where nunMroas ooins and other antiquities have been found. {Tab, PemL Itm, Hiar, p. 610; Mommsen, iin BtMsU, d. ImtL 1848. p. 7.) [E.H.B.] FORUM NARBASORUM. [Gaixascia.] FORUM POPILU. 1. (FotiimpopoUy, & amaH town on the Via A«nilia about half-way between Forum Livii and Caesena, noticed by Pliny (liL 15. s. 20) among the municipal towns eif Gallia Cispa- dana, as well as in the Tabula and the Jeniaakm Itinerary, in both of which the name is written

  • " Fan PoptOiT The bOter calls it a '^ dritaa," but

the total omission of ite name in the same route aa given in the Antonine Itioerary pro>ves that it was (in andent as well as modem times) bat a small town. (/Km. J?Mr. p. 616; Tab. PeuL) 2. A town of Campania, mentioned by Pliny as situated in the Falernian district (" Foropopnfieoses ex Falemo," Plin. iii. 5. s. 9): it is also noticed by Ptolemy, who writes the name ^6pos riowAlev (PtoL iii. 1. § 68), and incidentally by DioDyaus (L 21), who tells us that near it were the remains of a very ancient city, which had been long desolate, called Larissa and oi Pelasgic origin. The mim to which he refers are unknown, but it appeara firora his expressions that they, as well as Forum Popilii (&7op^ IIoriAfa), must have been ntoated in the hilly distriot in the N. of Campania: Ptolemy i^ pears to place the latter town between Capna and Teanum, but its exact site has not been determined. We leara from the Liber Coloniaram (p. 233, the name is written Forum Populi), that it a body of colonista under Augustus, to which a fiesh settlement seems to have been added by Vespasian. 3. A town of Lucania, mentioned only in the Tabula, where the name occurs in a manner that would afford scarcely any clue to its position, the neighbouring lines of route being altogether con- fused. But a remarkable inscription found at a place called Polla in the Valle di Diana, leaves scarcely any doubt that that place is the site of tha Forum Popilii. This inscription records the con- straction by a Roman magistrate (whose name is unfortunately lost) of a high road from Capoa to Rhegium, giving the intermediate distances of the principal places: and a comparison of these with those given in the Tabula leaves little doubt that the modem village of Polia is the Foram Popilii, and that the magistrate's name which has disappeared at the beginning of the inscription, erroneousl j sap- plied by some writers as that of M. Aquillius, was in reality that of P. Popilius Laenas, who was praetor in B. c. 134. (Mannert, Geog. von /to^ voL iL p. 146; Mommsen, Inscr. R.N. No. 6276; Ritschei, Monum. Epigr. pp. 1 1, 12.) From this document w» leam that Foram PopiUi was distant 51 M. P. from Nuceria and 74 from Muranum. [£. H. B.]. FORUM SEGUSIANORUM, a town of the Sego- siani (Ptol. iL 8), who were on the west bank of the Rhone, in the latitude of Uigdunum. The term Forum seems to indicate the chief town of the Segusiani, or a place where a Conventus was held; and tibe place has the usual mark of a capital or chief town in the Table. A place called jFVuts, or more properly Few, west of Lyon^ represente the Foram Segusianoram. An inscription was found at Feun^ as it seems to this effect: — " Fabri Tign. qui Foro Segus. consistunt;* and La Mure, in his Hisioirt du For«tt (Lyon, 1671), mentions four milestones found at /eiirr, with the inscriptions z, n, ni, mx, each preceded by