Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography Volume I Part 2.djvu/22

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1 . DELPHL Dhd. iL Ml Ulricbi, p. 46.) In b. c. SST the Pbooiuu, who had been aenUnMd bj tb« Atpphic- tj(«uc Council to paj ■ bnT; fine on tfa* prctut of tbeir hiring caltiTrnted a pcrtion of liw Cirrbviui pUiD, were peniuded b; Fhilofiwlni to annj^elB tiie ucnlege with which thej hsd h«n bnudsd b; MiiiDg tii« temple of Delphi itKlf. Tbe eaUipriBe «*e incc«safal, and Delphi with all ili tnuum uoed into the htnit of the Phodiini. Hence una tlia celebrated Sacred Via, vbich will be found rcbted ID nil histoiiei of Greece. The Phociuig at fint abstained from touching the ricbea of the tem- ple ; but being hard prened bj the Thebwu and Locriina, Ibe^ soon conrerted the tnaanna into monr tir the pnrpeao ct pajii^ their tnnpa. When tbe war waa at length bnught to a comjuicn b; Fhihp of. Maodoa, and tha temple netored to the autodj of the Amphictjons (b. c 346), ila mora Taloable tmsum had disappeared, though it atill conUkined tmtnerouB norka 0! art. The Phoclani vera •entmctd lo replace, bj jearl^paTmetiti, theae tinmira, tatimated at the sum of 10,000 talenti, or ncarij two milUona and a half iterh^. The Fhi>- ciaiu, bawarar, wan bi loo poor arer to ha abla to natora to the ahiiaa inj eonaidBable pivtioa of its Idd. 1.97911 ttoipted tba cnpiditjoF Btsonu and tha Giuli; but thej jnbMj wen igoonnt of Ibe kat it bad nulajned in lb« Saend War. The; adnnced to DO ■upamataral agcocj. While tha thunder ToUed and an cuthqw^e not the mcka, huge maiw of UoBS rolled down ban tha nauntainn and cniahed the foe. ( Jiutin, iut. 6 — 8 i Pana. x. Sa) Tha temt^ waa plniidacd t^ Snlla, when he robbed thoaa of Oljmpia and Epidanmi, (Dion Caaa, vol. i. p. 49, ed. Keimar.; Died. Exc. p.G14. ed-Wes.) Strabo deaoribes the temple aa rer)' poor in hii time (ix. p. 4S0). It waa again rifled bj Nero, who car. ried off 500 brazen itatuea (PaaB.x.7.S 1). Thia emputor, angrj with the god, deprived the temple of the Cirrbaeas turitory, which he diotributad aniong hia aoldien, and abidiihed tlu ocade. (Dion Caia. liiii. 14.) But Ualriui, who did ao moch for the mlontion of the Gndan eiliai and lemplea, did n* neglect Del)dii ; and ondar bie reign and that of tba Antooinea it appeared pnbablj in a stata of gnatai' iplendoar than had been the case rmm the time of the Gacnd War. In this ccn^tioD it was seen and deacribed bj Pansanias t and we learn from Plutarch that tba Pjthia still continned to giTe answfis (lb P^ Or*e. 0. 24). Coins of DeljJii are found down 10 the time ol Caracalia. Constantino carried m. TOPOOBAPRT, In dsKribing DelpU we ihall follow tha steps of side of Ibe road before tha town waa the anoent cmwterj, of which then are atill nnnieroiia remains: manj of tha gram are cut out of tha face of the rock. Upm entering the town Paunniaa saw four