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DOCISAVA. tioDsd )? Ptolemj twice: finl 0'- 3- 5 SS), « brine Cfntanuoaai to tha eMt with the SUdih, tad u iHving CoriDeum [CirmemUr) for their dtj; mt (iL 3. § S8), u lying to tb« lurtli of Ilw B«JgK, one of whcne towM wu the But Springi CThwa »tp^) = Bath. Thia pl«ca thsm In Gioucala- ihire. The Bodani of Dios Cunna ins gSMnllj, and nuanablT, belisred to be tl» Dubani, tiDd«r inolh8rfann(li.aO). [RG.L.] DOCIDAVA (A«(a««, Ptol. iii. S. g 6), *. lawn <t Dicii, which ume hire identified with Ikbrtaa, and othen with Tkorotako. (Curap. Suli«r, Gi- tekichlt Dadau, ToL L pp. 179, 19S.) [E.B.J.} DOCt'MLA or DOCIHEIUM (Awl/ua, AhI- liiuer : £lh. Aoki/iiui). Stephwiu) (t. v.) ob- •arm that Dodmeos ii the oorrtct Kthnic fonn, bat Dodmemu (^OMtf-Tf^O wsfl Uia fbrm in nu. It wu ■ city of PlirTgiii, where there were marble qtuuTio. (Cooip. Sleph. B. •- v. 2^>vciSa.) Stnibo (p. ST7) pl«c«« Dccimia eranewhere nbont Sinuiiidn; h< cidls it t, village, tad saji that " there ii there a rrry of Synrudic atone, aa the Romaos call it, but paople of Ike countrj call i^ Dodmitn and Do- dmaea; the quanj at Gnt yielded tio]y imall jieca of the >ti»e, bnt owing In the pnaent expenditnTe of the RnnanA large coliuniii of one jnece Are taken ont, which in Tariety come Dear the Alabaitritet, so that, tkiagh the tranipoit to the saof tuch weights ii bnubleaane, atill both colunUB and alabe are brongbt to Rome of wimdroiu tiie and beanly." (Comp. Strabo, p. 437.) Tbe word Docimaea (Ao- ai/iiuw) in thia paaage of Strain appean to ha eomipt. It shonld be either ^omiuuar or Aki^ki. Leake (_Aiia Minor, p. 54) snppoeei that the ei- tenaive qoarriee on the road frcm Khvomiim to Bulwudiin are those af Docjmia. He interprets Stnbo aa aaying that Synnada waa only 60 atadia from Dodmia; but Strabo laya that the plun of Synnada ia about 60 stadia long, and beyond it ie Dodmia. We may, however, infer that ha auppoaed Dodniia to be not far fnim the limit of the plun. Tbe Table mak» it 33 M. P. between Synnada and Dodmia, and Dodmia ia on the road from Synnada to DorylaeDm; bat the number ia certainly eiTone- OQS. The pontioii of Synnada is not certain, and if h were, it would Dot abadutelj' determine the po- rtion al Dodmiaj but Docimia waa probably at the apot where Leake Giea it, KE. of 4fam Kara Bi—ar. East of Afiom Kara Bmar, at a pbce called 5unrteneA, Hamilton (fiatarehtt. ftc vol. ii. App. No. 3TS) eoped part (f an inacriptioo, the re- rounder of whidi naa Widl under gromid. Tbe part which he coped containi the name Aui/utu'. At Etki Kara Hittar, which may be tha andent Baudos [BEDDiTg], Uamilton aaw " nnnienxu blocka of marble and columna, some in the rough, and othera beautifully worked." He alao saya ; " In an open apace near the moaque waa a moot eKjniaitely finiabed marble bath, inteuled perhapa to have adorned a Boman villa; and in tha walla of the moeqne and eranetery were acme richly carved frietes uid cor- nicea, finiabed in Qt ■matt elaboiate ityle of the tonto and Corinthian otden I bad ever bdield." (Vol. L p. 461.) Be obaervea that tbey could not have been daeigned for any building near the apot, but were ptoliably worted Mar the qaaniaa for the parpcae or eaaier tranaport, aa it ia done at Canara ID Italy. Though we do not know the eiart i Dodmia, it eeema cartaiu that the ate ia aanrtained pretty nearly. Then arc coiiu with the epigraptu Aqfiot or Itpa DODONA. 781 iamKifrat Aatiitmr HoKttiitsM', whaoee it appean that it had received a Macedonian colony, if the eoina genuine. [G. L] DOCI.KA. rDiocLEA.] D0DECA5CH0EKIIS (A-liirdoxo*"), ■ dia- trict between Egypt and Aethiopia, which derirtd itadia ^ 18 geographical miles of land. (Ptol. JT, S. § 74 : Herod, ii. 29.) The northern fronlier of thia region was at PhiUe.and thenauthcmat Pacdcia {Dakktk), the furthat pdnt at Hbich any mona- ital vealiget of Maeedunian or Roman dominioi a been fonnd. Under the later emperore, indeed , province of Dodecasdioenns extended to ilieri^ Sycaminoa, in lat 33° N. In the Boman era Dode- caachoenua waa attached to the prefecture of Upper Egypt. The principal dtiea of fhadecaachoenna luve been enumerated under AegtftL'S. [W. 6. D.] DODON. [DorwBA.] DODCXNA i^iOAmi Bometimee Lt^i*, Soph. Tradi. 1 7S : Elk. AtatMWot), a town In Epdmi, celebrated for ita orade of Zena, the moat ancient in Hellaa. It was one of the aeats of the Pelaagiana, and the Dodonaean Zena was a Pelasgic divinity. The oracle at Do^ona enjoyed most celebrity in the supplanted to a great extent by that at Ddphi; but it continued to enjoy a high repulalion, and was regaidfld in later timu aa one of the three greats oiscles, the olher two being thoee of Delphi and of Zeus Ammon in Libya. (Strab. ivL p. 7GS; Cic dt Dm. I. 1, 43; Com. Nep. I^. 3.} The antiquity of Dodona ia attested by several passages of Hoiner. which il ia neceaaary to quote aa tbey have given rise to conaiderabla discnaidon; (1) rovrtii S it Kii^ov 1)7* tim nl ifcain rqot- T^ i In^vtt Irurro, ^itmmfArfuiI Tt IItpai<al, ot wfjil AaiMn)i> tta^iffupor njar (ttrro tX T* iifi^* Ifiiprhv Ttrapiiaiow tfry' itiiuyrrQ. {IL iL 748.) (3) Zf V ba, AatuKUf, niAaa7uit, Ti)hi»i nf«, AwMrf)! nMmr iiKixtilupau- ifi^i tl 3«XAo[ ffol raijtva* Airo^^u AynrJnt*! xa>urvHU. (fi xvi. 233.) (3) T^ V it OeUmr ^to Mfni, 1^ 8aaw IhrWHi (oorVn 'IfUnii it rlara S^/ier. (IM. X . 337, li .8.) Tbs ancient critjci believed that there were two places of the name of Dodona. one in Tbessaly, in the district of Ferrhaelna near Monnt Olympna, and the other in Epdrtu iathediatrictof TheaprDtia;that the Eniencs mentioned (No. 1 ) along with tha Perr- haeln of the river Titareslus came (rinii the Thesulian town; and that the Dodona. which Ulyiaea viattd in order to consul t the oncnlar oak of Zena, after leaving the king of the Theaproti, waa the place in Epeims (Na 3). With respect to the seoood paaeage abova qooted there waa a diSetence of opinion ; same np-