fortresses : C.B. in 1815 : was Commissioner for the restoration of French settlements on the Coromandel and Malabar coasts, and Chief Engineer of Madras in 1816 : retired in 1837 and was made K.C.B. : and G.C.B., 1848 : died June 28, 1863. He painted in water-colours with great skill.
Missionary and linguist : born May 7, 1814 : at first he studied art in Dublin : went to Glasgow University : B.A., 1837 : sent by the London Missionary Society to Madras, 1838 : ordained, 1841 : joined the English Church, 1841, and the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel : also in 1841 made his residence at Idaiyangudi, "the shepherds' abode," in Tinnevelly, and entered on his 50 years' missionary work, during which the Christians of Tinnevelly increased from 6,000 to 100,000. He was, in 1877, consecrated Bishop of Tinnevelly as coadjutor to the Bishop of Madras : resigned his Bishopric on Jan. 31, and died at Kodaikanal on the Pulny Hills on Aug. 28, 1891. He studied comparative philology, and his linguistic attainments were great : helped to revise the Tamil Prayer Book and Bible, collected Sanskrit MSS : published a Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian or South Indian Family of Languages in 1856 : wrote on the "Tinnevelly Shanars," the general, political and mission history of Tinnevelly, besides other works on religion : LL.D. of Glasgow, 1857, and D.D. of Durham, 1874.
Son of John Call : born in 1732 : went to India in 1749, with Benjamin Robins, Chief Engineer and Captain-General of artillery : arrived at Fort William, 1750 : deputed to fortify St. David near Madras, 1751 : accompanied Clive, 1752, against he French : Engineer-in-Chief at Fort St. David, 1752–7 : Chief Engineer at Madras and the Coromandel Coast, 1758 : it the siege of Pondicherry and Vellore : was in the war of 1767–8 against Hyder Ali : Member of Council, Madras, in 1768 : retired, 1770, to England : was High Sheriff of Cornwall, 1771 : Commissioner on Crown Lands, Woods, and Forests, 1782 : M.P. for Callington from 1784 : Baronet in 1791 : F.R.S. : became blind in 1795 : died March 1, 1801.
Daughter of Rear-Admiral George Dundas, whom she accompanied to India early in 1808 : she married Capt. Thomas Graham, R.N., 1809 : and travelled in India : returned to England, 1811 : sailed with her husband for S. America in 1821 : he died off Cape Horn in 1822 : she manied, in 1827, Augustus Wall Callcott, R.A., who was knighted on the Queen's Accession, 1837 : she died Nov. 28, 1842 : she wrote, as Maria Graham, Journal of a Residence in India, 1812 Letters on India, 1814, besides other works on travels, etc. : including Little Arthur's History of England, 1835.
Son of Hormusji Cama : of a Gujarat Parsi family; in commercial partnership with his brothers, 1828 to 1871 : the Cama family established the first Indian house of business in London, in 1855 : Pestonji Cama led a retired life : made a large trust for charitable purposes : and gave Rs. 164,000 for the Cama Hospital for Females and Children in Bombay : a staunch supporter of native female education : warmly interested in the cause of reform and progress in native movements : promoted the Victoria Gardens, and various associations for the advancement of natives : an early Freemason : C.I.E., 1887 : died about Jan. 21, 1893.
CAMAC, JACOB ( ? – ? )
In the 84th regt. till 1763 : Lieutenant, Oct., 1763 : commanded the 24th Bengal Infantry from 1766 for many years at Ramghar : served in 1779 under Popham against Sindia, whom he defeated at Durdah : Lt-Colonel, Jan., 1781 : retired, Dec. 2, 1782 : died of fever in Ireland.
Son of Lt-Colonel W. G. Cameron, Grenadier Guards : served in the Seaforth Highlanders (72nd), in the Crimea, and in the Indian mutiny : severely wounded at the storming of Kotah, where he gained