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from 1890 to 1896. He was the first representative of the Victoria University on the General Medical Council. In 1885 he was one of the founders of the Liverpool Biological Association and was elected the first president; in 1890 he was president of the Medical Institution. In 1892 he was made J.P. of Liverpool, and in 1899 was knighted and was made hon. LL.D. of Edinburgh.

He died suddenly at Aix-la-Chapelle on 9 Aug. 1904 whilst on his way home from Homburg, and was buried in the Smithdown Road cemetery, Liverpool. He married in 1874 Elizabeth Rathbone, daughter of John Elliott, a merchant of Liverpool; by her he had two sons, one of whom survived him.

Mitchell Banks deserves recognition as a surgeon and as a great organiser. To his advocacy is largely due the modern operation for removal of cancer of the breast. He practised and recommended in the face of strenuous opposition an extensive operation with removal of the axillary glands when most surgeons were contented with the older method of partial removal. He made this subject the topic of his Lettsomian lectures at the Medical Society of London in 1900. As an organiser he formed one of the band who built up the fortunes of the medical school at Liverpool, landing it a provincial school and at a very low ebb Banks and his associates raised it by dint of hard work first to the rank of a medical college and finally to that of a well-equipped medical faculty of a modern university. The plan involved the rebuilding of the infirmary, and Banks was a member of the medical deputation which, with characteristic thoroughness, visited many continental hospitals for the purpose of studying their design and equipment before the foundation stone of the Liverpool building was laid in 1887.

Mitchell Banks had a good knowledge of the history of medicine. His collection of early medical works was sold in seventy-eight lots by Messrs. Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge in June 1906. He was a frequent contributor to the scientific journals. 'The Gentle Doctor,' a scholarly address to the students of the Yorkshire College at Leeds in October 1892, and 'Physic and Letters,' the annual oration delivered before the Medical Society of London in May 1893, are good examples of his style and methods. These two addresses were reprinted at Liverpool in 1893.

His portrait by the Hon. John Collier was presented to him on his retirement from active duties at University College, Liverpool, by his colleagues and students. The William Mitchell Banks lectureship in the Liverpool University was founded and endowed by his fellow-citizens in his memory in 1905.

[Lancet, 1904, ii. 566 (with portrait) ; Brit. Med. Journal, 1906, ii. 409 ; Liverpool Medico-Chirurgical Journal, Jan. 1906, p. 2; information kindly given by R. A. Bickersteth, Esq., F.R.C.S. Eng. ; personal knowledge.]

D’A. P.

BANNERMAN, Sir HENRY CAMPBELL- (1836–1908), prime minister. [See Campbell-Bannerman.]

BARDSLEY, JOHN WAREING (1835–1904), bishop of Carlisle, born at Keighley on 29 March 1835, was eldest son of James Bardsley, hon. canon of Manchester, and Sarah, daughter of John Wareing of Oldham. He had six brothers, all in holy orders. Educated at Burnley and afterwards at Manchester grammar school, he entered Trinity College, Dublin, where he graduated B.A. on 8 March 1859, proceeding M. A. in 1865, and receiving the Lambeth degree of D.D. in 1887. He was ordained deacon in 1859, becoming priest in 1860. Bardsley's sympathies were with the evangelical party, and he shared the views of the Islington Protestant Association, of which he was secretary (1861-4). He served curacies at Sale, Cheshire (1859-60), at St. Luke's, Liverpool (1860-4) and at St. John's, Bootle (186^-71). In 1871 he accepted the perpetual curacy of St. Saviour's, Liverpool, where he acquired the reputation of an industrious organiser and a fluent preacher. On the formation of the new see of Liverpool in 1880, bishop John Charles Ryle [q. v. Suppl. I] appointed Bardsley one of his chaplains and archdeacon of Warrington. In 1886 he was transferred to the arch-deaconry of Liverpool. Although a party man, Bardsley was no bigot. He performed his archidiaconal visitations with tact and vigour ; and in more than one instance he enforced clerical discipline by coercive measures.

In 1887 Bardsley was nominated by Lord Salisbury to the bishopric of Sodor and Man in succession to Dr. Rowley Hill [q. v.] and was consecrated in York Minster on 24 Aug. 1887. His evangelical views were in accordance with the traditions of the Manx church ; and the main feature of his episcopate was the development of the Bishop Wilson Theological College. On the death of Harvey Goodwin [q. v. Suppl. I] Bardsley was translated to the see of Carlisle, and at his enthronement on 22 April